

  • thanks a lot for the advice! I think I won't remove the defender. The reason hes so strong is because I usually make 5 cmc or above creature :sweat_smile: So I'll take that advice.
  • Also, I will build further on Ryogi's backstory as the story moves forward
  • When I wrote it orignally I was super tired after a test, so I'll keep building.
  • One last note: I kinda intentionally left Ryogi's place of birth and backstory unknown on purpose, not only because I'm lazy and brain-dead, but because I have plans...


          Nero. A young mage born to temple devoted to magic and the gods. His parents were lower ranking among the mages of the temple, But Nero, born with the power of lightning and thunder quickly rose the ranks of the temple. He was determined to become the world's greatest mage and protect the people of the world with his powers. However, the council of mages determined that this power was much to dangerous to be used at all, let alone around people. Nero, however, refused to stop training his power, determined to continue for the good of the world. However, the council of Mages did not see Nero's good intentions. They dishonored him and rejected him from the temple.
          Nero, completely alone and away from everyone he had ever loved set out into the world, hoping to grow his power and help those in need. Nero spent several years on the road as a young boy, growing his power and attempting to help anyone he came across. However, very few people appreciated his acts. Most looked at him in fear, hatred, or jealousy of his power.
          These years of never being appreciated grew inside Nero. He became bitter, he spark of innocennce and good vanished. He saw this world for what it was now, a cruel world, unkind to those who were different. Deep down, Nero still wanted to do good, but now he was much more interested in striking down evil than saving the innocent, even when others did not agree with his sense of evil. 
          Nero traveled alone for several years, bitter of the world, until one day he stumbled apon a small cottage. Inside was an old woman. A witch. She was the first person in a long time who looked past Nero's power and saw the man, the boy beneath. She offered to train Nero, to help him understand and control his power. Nero was suspicous at first, but eventually agreed. The woman, Amara, trained Nero for several years. He grew to see her as less of a mentor, and more as a mother. Through Amara's training, Nero learned to control and refine his magic, to channel his overwealming power into small Bursts. 
          Eventually, after his training under Amara was complete, she had one final reccomendation for Nero. The Behemoths. She belived that Nero was truly capable of taking one down. So, with the support of Amara, Nero said his goodbyes and set off to take down a behemoth.

    Alright! Here is my boy. He is a Lawful Neutral character, and is going to be going to the Ashen Wastes to take on the behemoth there.

    His current signature card is just one of his attacks. I am probably going to make an Amara card in the future. 
  • Ain't no way we're both going to the Ashen Wastes. There'd better be enough for both of us
  • Damn not gonna lie if I ever have to fight Crimsonfox, imma bout to be 2v1 destroyed!
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Wanna know what Amara sounds like… Amaterasu!
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2024

    He is a professional fighter from another dimension. Enjoys trashtalking as much as fighting! Found himself at "The Tibe" and is always trying to proof that he is the best! And since he just entered this dimension he proclaimed himself "Interdimensional Champion"!

    And his Champion Belt:

  • (Love Nero btw @Robo_Kitty, just skeptical what'll happen with both of us going after the same behemoth haha)
  • @CrimsonFox I’m certainly interested. A team up maybe? A fight for glory? We shall see
  • Indeed we shall. Looking forward to it
  • @LvB
    lol I'm surprised it wasn't a snail
  • Hi guys I started a Halloween theme card contest in just for fun contests, join if you'd like, I just really hope I get people to join cuz this is the first time I've ever done this
  • @Robo_Kitty and @CrimsonFox:
    Hm. I don’t know what to think of this. Either way, I wish you luck defeating ‘Ol Toothy. I have names and drawings for all behemoths. Learn more by finding certain NPC’s. This will start in a day or two.
  • Wait so how many people need to join before we start? Or can we start doing like prologues or something?
  • Hello everyone!
  • edited October 2024
    Imma join too soon.
    EDIT: (Also @LHunter, why are you hosting this on a different world from ToC6? And I thought Tonysparks has priority in hosting this. Just wondering.)
  • @LHunter has been inactive for a bit, I don't think he's going to respond for a while :neutral:
  • edited November 2024
    so @LHunter, I would consult @Jonteman93 before holding a TO7-esque tournament since it is their world. Also as the last champion I hold priority in hosting, atleast until @Jonteman93 either hosts before me, or until you consult them. If you talk to jonteman, I will have no reservations about you hosting, just be careful since this is a long chain of world building.

    Cheers mate, and thanks for the consideration @kaoz42
  • Apologies. I thought everyone was inactive. I am now inactive. I apologize again. Goodbye for a very long time.
  • edited November 2024
    Bye @LHunter!
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