[DDB] Duel Decks: Birds vs Bats

Hi there!
I'm Ludos, and I'm a cardsmith, but I think you guessed this. Excuse me for any grammatical error, I'm italian xD. Anyway.
Today I'm here to show to you my first real work on MTGCS. It's a Duel Deck, but I think you already knew this. So, let's start.

The Story
We're on the plane of Yellowing. In Yellowing there are the Neden Gardens, which are the places where Birds live. Neden Gardens are also the places where birds prey their god, Neden. Syan, called "the Winged Hope", is Neden's priestess. Bats are the nemesis of the birds, and this time they want to conquer Neden Gardens under the guide of Na'ys, the Winged Pain. Na'ys first was an ally of Neden Gardens, but then he went mad for an unknown reason and decided to betray Syan and the Neden Gardens. Will the birds defeat the bat army or will the bats finally conquer Neden Gardens?

The Mechanics
Birds: Birds are mono-white, and their main mechanic is convoke. If you choose birds, you have to put many bird tokens to cast powerful spells with convoke, and to grant advantages by Tribal effects and effects that work with tapped creatures with flying. Your strength is in number, remember!
Bats: Bats are mono-black, and their main mechanics are madness and hellbent. If you choose bats, you have to empty your hand quickly to grant advantages by hellbent and to cast cards with madness. Anyway, you can always grant Tribal effects. Your strength is in MAAAAAAAADNESS, remember!

Technical Considerations
And this is absolutely the part I prefer.
- Reprints:
We have four reprints for each deck: Birds have Suntail Hawk, Soulcatcher, Righteousness and Plains. Bats have Nameless Inversion, Gurmag Swiftwing, Doom Blade and Swamp. I'm sorry that Nameless Inversion, Soulcatcher and Gurmag Swiftwing haven't new arts but I haven't found good substitutes...
Soulcatcher and Gurmag Swiftwing aren't from Yellowing, so their flavor text is the same as Conspirancy and Khans of Tarkir respectively.

- Previews
I'm going to do a big set, and in this Duel Deck there are two cards that came from that set: Featherdancer and Lifeleeching Bat. This big set isn't focused on Yellowing, so these cards don't come from Yellowing.

- "Syan" is a corruption of "swan".
- The reason Na'ys betrayed Syan is... Nah, read flavor texts, and you'll understand.
- I started this because I wanted to find a home for Gathering of Swans, that I used for Tribal Trouble contest xD
- Before saying "Syan is OP", look at Rattlechains. And Syan is legendary xD.

Conclusion and Links
Ludos Profile
[DDB] Duel Decks: Birds vs Bats

And this was [DDB] Duel Decks: Birds vs Bats. I hope you liked it ^^ thanks for reading! Bye! Down here you'll find the lists.
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