Unsupported Tribes Challenge

Have you ever thought, "Why isn't [insert Creature Type] supported as a tribe that much?"
I definitely have. That's why I made this challenge. Design a Lord for the tribe of your choosing. Here's a few examples of what I made:

For Were/wolves:
For Cats:

What tribes can you help? Chickens (Unglued :P)? Sure. Goats? Yep. Donkeys (Unhinged :P)? Yeah. Go crazy!

Rules (Aww...):
No tribes that are currently Tier 1 decks or are just way too strong. This includes the following tribes:
Elves, Humans, Goblins, Merfolk, Spirits, Eldrazi, Faeries, Dragons, Allies, Soldiers, and Slivers.
Limit 7 entries. Double-faced or Meld Cards count as 1 entry to clarify.
Contest will end September 2nd.
Cards will be judged the same day.


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