A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words... Right?

So, there was a thread like a year ago, and there's actually one going right now, that was a whole thing where people use a piece of flavor text given to them. Well, I wanna do it with pictures!

So, here are the rules!

Submissions can be any type of card (Rarity, Color, Spell Type, etc.)
Two submissions allowed per cardsmith.
Submissions must use a picture that was posted on this thread.
Submissions must be accompanied by two new pictures.
Pictures, please try to stick to the general fantasy look.

I will be judging basically on my own taste, but balance and flavor will be major factors, as well as originality.
I will try to give feedback as much as possible, but if I don't, I'm sorry, I'm a busy boy!

1st: 5 favorites, I follow you, and 3 doses of constructive criticism on cards of your choice.

2nd:3 favorites and 1 dose of constructive criticism on cards of your choice.

3rd:1 favorite on a card of your choice.

Judging will be:
September 3rd, Saturday

Hope y'all like this!
Here are the first two pictures you can use:



Link to the Flavor Text Contest!



This discussion has been closed.