Contest: Party Adventure Gametype
Hey everyone!
CONTEST FINISHED: Link to the Winners.
I'm sort of new around here (I've been around for a few months but I didn't make an appearance on the forums).
I had an idea for a gametype based on mixing D&D and EDH together. The idea is players each have their own "Player" card which acts as either a lord or a combo card for their deck, consisting of 40 singleton cards and no lands. Each player card has the "Player" ability and (typically) the "Mana Pool" ability that actually lets you gain mana. The party each takes their turn and work together. The game starts with each player's designated Player Creature on the battlefield. Mana can be shared between Party members and blockers can be declared by any player.
Step 1 for this gametype is building a set of Player Creature cards and then building some cards with Player interaction. The goal is there's a massive (like 200 cards) deck a single opponent controls that a team of players try to cooperate to bring down, sort of like a Dungeon Master. The "Keeper" wouldn't have a player card and would use traditional lands. (represented as the places the party explores)
Step 2 will be filling up the Keeper's deck and adding synergistic cards for the Party's deck.
(Note: These are example cards to show potential power)
A reminder that players all start a game with 20 life. The Keeper has 20 life +10 for each party member. (30 life for a 1v1 game, 40 life for a 2v1 game, 50 life for a 3v1 game, etc etc.)
= The Contest =
The first step of the contest is simply creating the player cards. Aiming to have 1 of each monocolor, and 1 of each dual color. Depending on how this gametype plays out the prizes may increase. You're allowed to enter any number of Player cards, but if there are two player cards of the same type one will be picked. There will be a pool of 15 winning cards.
9 winning cards - 15 favorites of your choice + a follow
6 winning cards - 10 favorites of your choice + a follow
3 winning cards - 5 favorites of your choice + a follow
1 winning card - 1 favorite of your choice
I'm aiming to test the gametype with my local playgroup. Contest ends September 16th.
= More information =
- See post below for information on how many cards have been submitted of each type.
- See page 3 for additional information on how to refer to Player-Cards mechanically.
= Additionally =
I would like to further clarify how to refer to Player-Cards.
(Horribly overpowered card, but you get the jist of what I'm trying to express.)
CONTEST FINISHED: Link to the Winners.
I'm sort of new around here (I've been around for a few months but I didn't make an appearance on the forums).
I had an idea for a gametype based on mixing D&D and EDH together. The idea is players each have their own "Player" card which acts as either a lord or a combo card for their deck, consisting of 40 singleton cards and no lands. Each player card has the "Player" ability and (typically) the "Mana Pool" ability that actually lets you gain mana. The party each takes their turn and work together. The game starts with each player's designated Player Creature on the battlefield. Mana can be shared between Party members and blockers can be declared by any player.
Step 1 for this gametype is building a set of Player Creature cards and then building some cards with Player interaction. The goal is there's a massive (like 200 cards) deck a single opponent controls that a team of players try to cooperate to bring down, sort of like a Dungeon Master. The "Keeper" wouldn't have a player card and would use traditional lands. (represented as the places the party explores)
Step 2 will be filling up the Keeper's deck and adding synergistic cards for the Party's deck.
(Note: These are example cards to show potential power)
A reminder that players all start a game with 20 life. The Keeper has 20 life +10 for each party member. (30 life for a 1v1 game, 40 life for a 2v1 game, 50 life for a 3v1 game, etc etc.)
= The Contest =
The first step of the contest is simply creating the player cards. Aiming to have 1 of each monocolor, and 1 of each dual color. Depending on how this gametype plays out the prizes may increase. You're allowed to enter any number of Player cards, but if there are two player cards of the same type one will be picked. There will be a pool of 15 winning cards.
9 winning cards - 15 favorites of your choice + a follow
6 winning cards - 10 favorites of your choice + a follow
3 winning cards - 5 favorites of your choice + a follow
1 winning card - 1 favorite of your choice
I'm aiming to test the gametype with my local playgroup. Contest ends September 16th.
= More information =
- See post below for information on how many cards have been submitted of each type.
- See page 3 for additional information on how to refer to Player-Cards mechanically.
= Additionally =
I would like to further clarify how to refer to Player-Cards.
(Horribly overpowered card, but you get the jist of what I'm trying to express.)
This discussion has been closed.
4x - [Mono White]
7x - [Mono Blue]
4x - [Mono Red]
4x - [Mono Black]
4x - [Mono Green]
3x - [White / Blue]
4x - [White / Red]
6x - [White / Green]
5x - [Black / Blue]
5x - [Black / Red]
5x - [Black / Green]
5x - [Red / Blue]
5x - [Green / Red]
4x - [Blue / Green]
3x - [Black / White]
@DingusXeon @DragonFaceEater Wonderful so far!
Another for you.
10th (front):
10th (back):
Holy Cow! By this point you must at least have created one or two good ones XD
BTW, I think italicized "Mana Pool" is preferable.
I also think (in hind sight) that "Pool" shouldn't be capitalized.
Tried to get the best formatting possible on this guy!
@Faiths_Guide They can have the complexity or even rarity of a rare or mythic, the point is that the players work together. Likely the power level of a 3 mana enchantment. I didn't feel Mana Pool was a triggered ability like landfall or delirium but since it revolves around the untap step you're probably right in that it very much is.
Also think it's worth mentioning that the comment on his page could be useful in understanding his design.
Wow, I just saw @Faiths_Guide's izzet one, and saw it was also based around artifacts... oh well.