
Roll a 6-sided die to see the card type, color, p/t and mana cost of your card.

Part One: Type

1) Creature
2) Artifact
3) Enchantment
4) Instant
5) Sorcery
6) Planeswalker

Part Two: Color

1) White
2) Blue
3) Black
4) Red
5) Green
6) Artifact, or roll twice more for multicolor. (please only do two-color)

Part Three: Mana Cost

1) 1
2) 2-3
3) 4
4) 5-6
5) 7
6) 8 or higher

Part Four: (Only for creature card type) P/T

1) 1/1
2) 2/2 or 3/3
3) 4/4 - 6/6
4) 7/7 - 10/10
5) 15/15
6) X/X

Part Five: (Only for planeswalkers) Loyalty

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3-4
4) 5
5) 6
6) Roll again

Part 6, 7, 8 (Only for planeswalkers) Mods

ability 1

1) +1
2) +2
3) +3
4) Roll again
5) Roll again
6) Roll again

ability 2

1) 0
2) -1
3) -2
4) -3
5) -4
6) -X

ability 3

1) -2
2) -3
3) -4
4) -5
5) -6
6) -7

That's all!
have fun, and I'll favorite the ones I like!


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