Who's Ready for ORIGINS?

With Magic: the Gathering Origins releasing later this year, it's only natural to start hype-ing for your favorite Walkers. Liliana (my personal favourite) has already been released, but what about Nissa? Gideon? Chandra and Jace? Respond to this thread with your thoughts about Origins and how you think it will play out (pun intended).


  • Definitely Gideon, Gideon is a badass.
  • edited March 2015
    Jace Beleren is undoubtedly going to be my favorite, Jace is my favorite planeswalker and i'll need him to finish my Jace set. I have every Jace including the Japanese vers. of Jace Beleren from Japans Jace Vs Chandra
  • I'm personally pretty excited to see Nissa. Her origin was on Zendikar (next block) and her origin was as a racist who only hung out with elves. Curious to see how they portray her now, since Worldwaker was such an awesome reboot of her. Combine both? Just elves again, since that was her origin? Curious. And I am personally upset, not horribly, that Ajani was replaced by Gideon. I love Gideon, fantastic guy in a deck, have a couple in my soldier deck, just not to me the staple white walker.

    I don't have a favourite walker. I think about it a lot, but none ever spring to mind as, OMG I need that! Or get super excited to play it. I've traded Lilliana of the Veil and Jace, the Mind Sculptor, two of the best walkers made, not because I didn't like them, but I found no ties, no draw to them. Walkers always felt like great tools, but nothing more than that, building tools. Never felt like designing a deck around one or anything like that, they're just superbly designed cards most of the time. As they should be, for being mythics.

    That being said, I prefer the multicoloured walkers, they usually have more enjoyable potential to me.

    Also love the transform idea. Great way to do the last Core set.
  • The set was great. Definitely has some great cards in the set.
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