Finish... That... DECK! (Episode One) (ENDED)

Hello and welcome to the first episode of *crowd yelling along* Finish... That... DECK! Today, you will be finishing a Green/White Semi-Landfall Aggro deck. There is a deck list below, and there are four cards missing. All you have to do is create one or more cards that can be used to fill that hole. If you create one card, I will treat it like it will be used as a playset. You can create two, and tell me if they're gonna be three and one, or two and two, etc. In addition to the normal judging criteria, your card(s) will be judged for the usefulness for the deck.

Here's the link for the deck:

Other Rules:
1. You are allowed to change your card any amount before the contest ends
2. You can only use an original card that you made.
3. Max number of entries is three.
4. No joke cards or uncards.
5. Please have correct MTG language, since I get really bothered by incorrect MTG language.

I will be judging you based on:
- Balance
- Creativity
- Templating (including spelling, grammar, punctuation and spacing)
- Art selection (using existing MtG art is strongly discouraged)
- Flavor (Not flavor text, just how well the abilities fit with the art and name)

1st: I will follow you, favorite 5 cards of your choice, and you get to choose an honorable mention.
2nd: I will follow you and favorite 3 cards of your choice.
3rd: I will follow you and favorite 2 card of your choice
Honorable Mention(s): I will favorite 2 cards of your choice

I will be judging around December 7th, 2016. (14 days from when this contest was created)


This discussion has been closed.