Superfriends' Super Friends

You know these M14 cards?
See, they each feature one of the Lorwyn Five's (Ajani, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, and Garruk) allies of the Multiverse. This seems a bit unfair to me. Why doesn't Dack get something? Or Arlinn? Narset? Sarkhan?
Cardsmiths, make these left out planeswalkers some trusting companions!

Make a planeswalker's companion OTHER THAN Ajani, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, or Garruk. The card's name must include the Planeswalker's name first. and be in their colours. No colours not in any of their cards.

1) No spamming please!
2) Proper MTG language is vital.
3) Only new cards!
4) Max 2 entries. You may modify or replace them throughout the length of this contest.
5) Realistic cards, no Unglued, Yu-Gi-Oh (shudders inside) etc.
6) Rare only.
7) Use as many colours as possible, but don't go overboard. Don't do a U/B/R/G Sarkhan card, but instead maybe a G/U/R, in accordance with the timeline.

Originality will be awarded, flavourfulness, art decisions etc.

1st Place: 5 favourites of cards of your choice, + a trophy!
2nd Place: 3 favourites of cards of your choice
3rd Place: 1 favourite of a card of your choice

You know the drill Cardsmiths. These planeswalkers are in need of some friends! GET SMITHING!!!!!


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