Kramp Kontest: Roll The Dice! (Entries Wanted)

Hello! Before we start, make sure to follow me on Twitter ( With that out of the way, let's get going! Today, you are going to be rolling a Six-Sided dice or using a spinner twice (Or really any randomizing tool) to pick the theme of your card (For example, if I roll a 2 and a 3, I will be designing my card around the corresponding themes or mechanics). To spice things up, you will be following the rules of two old Kramp Kontests for this challenge. Here are the possible outcomes:

1: Baste and Fateseal (
2: Vanishing and Suspend (
3: History (
4: Threshold and Delirium (
5: Emerge! (
6: Prehistoric Creatures: (

You don't have to use both the mechanics from one of the double mechanics challenges, but if you roll 2 mechanics challenges you should be using one mechanic from each. For example, if I roll Baste and Fateseal as well as Threshold and Delirium, I can make a card using Baste and Threshold, but not a card with Baste And Fateseal only or only one of the mechanics. If you need me to clear this up any further, just ask! I am here to help!

The contest ends on Friday, August 6th at 12:01 AM and will be judged the same day.


1st Place: 1 like on 5 cards of your choice as well as a Share of your winning card on Twitter.*
2nd Place: 1 like on 3 cards of your choice as well as a Share of your card on Twitter if you are following me.*
3rd Place: 1 like on the card of your choice as well as a Share of your card on Twitter if you are following me.*

You will receive an additional like if you post a video of you Rolling the Dice along with your Submission or Tweet it to me @Krampzman. (To prove your legitimacy).

Participation: Your entry will be liked at my discretion.

You may only enter 1 card. You may edit the text on your submission as long as you only edit a previous submission, and you do not enter a new one.
Happy Smithing,


*First Place does not need to be following me on twitter for the share.

P.S. I hope @Corwinnn , @Animist and @Faiths_Guide decide to enter. They make the coolest cards!



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