Many know that mine was originally published on the 12th. Sometime this coming week I'll submit. I've received a lot of great input thus far! Also happy about how good the response to him was!
@Faiths_Guide Thanks! I actually had NOT seen yours before posting. I went to your profile and saw what you had done. X_x I love it. After this contest is over, I want to make a cockatrice themed deck. I noticed that @Maxandemmy is also using the same picture we're using. Originally I wanted to put but I couldn't find the artist's name, and I really wanted that for this contest.
I was trying to work out earlier today why I hadn't got the contest avatar, when I realised I hadn't even submitted the card. Anyway, here it is (it's a day old because I got to submit it. Is that okay?) :
Sauron the all seeing as a double sided card, one side being a basic creature and the other side being a plainswalker. The transformation occurs when the One Ring is equipped to Sauron the all seeing. It is on two links because Im not sure if there is a double sided card maker for MTGcardsmith yet.
Does this card have to be in the magic universe because I'm making cards based on the half life universe. and I like to make fun of stuff so what is really allowed in this competition? Does it also have to have original artwork?
Ho'ohaku became obtained leadership in the forests of Kamigawa after the Kami attacked. He drove the snakes out and now the elk thrive. Now supreme ruler of the forest, he tries to exterminate all other species. (Name mean dominant in Hawaiian)
Well here's my entree. This Creature comes from Half-Life but I think would fit nicely into Magic the Gathering. all of it's abilities relate to those from where it came. This is one of my first contests and cards! So here goes nothing :P
Avra is a headstrong pyromancer who is distantly related to the well-known planeswalker Chandra Nalaar. Unlike her cousin, however, she prefers to spend most of her time and energy befriending the great phoenixes of Theros. She believes that the phoenixes are superior to all other life forms and have the right to rule the plane of Theros. As long as others pay her tribute, she will let them live under the fiery claw of her iron rule. All shall bow down to Avra.
Good luck everyone, I sure do hope this is good enough for the contest! So that's the card, the flavor is that he's a COCKy (get it?) general who tires his soldiers out (hence the -1/-1 effect on all your dudes) but intimidates the enemy (hence the -1/-1 on all THEIR dudes), and rallies his troops around his banner (Battle Cry)
I present "Kieron, Beloved Tyrant". Born into royalty, his ego is as large as his fortune. While posing as a powerful ruler, his will is only as strong as his facade. For he is nothing if not for the misguided soldiers that so desperately follow him. Without them, Kieron's true power will be revealed.
Always eager to show off her skills in combat whenever she has an audience, Ashilda (Meaning God Fighting) is willing to impress. However preferring to fight by herself has some downsides.
Ashilda combo's well with aggressive token decks as well as other spells with 'convoke'.
In a Commander game, Ashilda can potentially become stronger as her mana cost increases whenever she is removed from the battlefield. Having more creatures you can tap to pay for Ashilda's mana will boost her +1/+1 counters, allowing her to be a heavier hitter and giving her more chances to punish her opponents with her powerful tapping ability.
Lore and other stuff will be coming soon.
This is meant to be the commander for an Alien deck I want to make. If you want to see the tokens meant to work with it, take a look at them on my profile
Not technically a rooster but YOLO.
Just FIVE days left!
Hope this works haha
Sauron the all seeing as a double sided card, one side being a basic creature and the other side being a plainswalker. The transformation occurs when the One Ring is equipped to Sauron the all seeing. It is on two links because Im not sure if there is a double sided card maker for MTGcardsmith yet.
Ho'ohaku became obtained leadership in the forests of Kamigawa after the Kami attacked. He drove the snakes out and now the elk thrive. Now supreme ruler of the forest, he tries to exterminate all other species. (Name mean dominant in Hawaiian)
No, it doesn't have to be pre-existing!
As for the artwork, we only ask that you reference the origin/creator of it on the card... and if possible in your card's comment section.
all of it's abilities relate to those from where it came. This is one of my first contests and cards! So here goes nothing :P
Wow! That one wasn't easy to find! To the best of my knowledge, the original artist goes by: "mornie_isil".
Avra is a headstrong pyromancer who is distantly related to the well-known planeswalker Chandra Nalaar. Unlike her cousin, however, she prefers to spend most of her time and energy befriending the great phoenixes of Theros. She believes that the phoenixes are superior to all other life forms and have the right to rule the plane of Theros. As long as others pay her tribute, she will let them live under the fiery claw of her iron rule. All shall bow down to Avra.
Good luck everyone, I sure do hope this is good enough for the contest!
So that's the card, the flavor is that he's a COCKy (get it?) general who tires his soldiers out (hence the -1/-1 effect on all your dudes) but intimidates the enemy (hence the -1/-1 on all THEIR dudes), and rallies his troops around his banner (Battle Cry)
Anastasia, Serene Incarnate:
If they are:
Set symbols are supposed to be Innistrad, the home of the Vildin Howlpack.
if not, ignore me.
idk how to make the picture show up but that's my entry
It was art used for the "Realm Game".
You can find the art (and stuff about it) here:
Always eager to show off her skills in combat whenever she has an audience, Ashilda (Meaning God Fighting) is willing to impress. However preferring to fight by herself has some downsides.
Ashilda combo's well with aggressive token decks as well as other spells with 'convoke'.
In a Commander game, Ashilda can potentially become stronger as her mana cost increases whenever she is removed from the battlefield. Having more creatures you can tap to pay for Ashilda's mana will boost her +1/+1 counters, allowing her to be a heavier hitter and giving her more chances to punish her opponents with her powerful tapping ability.
Gintrig, The Arrogant... (He's kind of a jerk.)