Complete Sets
Hi everyone, this is Llamalord44! This forum is for COMPLETE sets! It was recommended by Kauyon, and I thought it was a pretty good idea! So, if you want people to look at them, post your complete sets here!
This discussion has been closed.
Most of the work was done by him, with help from myself and deathrayzer as well as some community submissions!
Here is the AtheraCollaborationSet
This set was created by a Cornucopia of Cardsmiths!
Here is Shadows of Gyfiri by Austin Smith and Crimson.
Here is Gyfiri, a World Rewritten (Gyfiri Rewritten in shorthand) by Polanety.
I hope you enjoy browsing the cards as much as we enjoyed making them.
Cardsmith2017set is a community core set that includes many cards/ideas from many cardsmiths. With much helps from amazing cardsmiths, the set is finally finished! You can use any cards in this set. All cards in this set will be uploaded to, so that we can build decks and play with our custom cards! ( has been really buggy as of late, so I haven't upload all cards yet.)
[White] , [Blue] , [Black] , [Red] , [Green] , [Hybrid] , [Multicolored] , [Artifact] , [Land]
These are cardsmiths who submitted their cards to my set challenges:
@Corwinnn, @Biblio2, @Animist, @RohanDragoon, @Crimson, @Termite1, @Ludos, @kltmtg29, @Flatfish, @Faiths_Guide, @Yururu, @Gray_DeathStrike, @FangQuil, @seaspray4TF3, @JaceNalaar, @Platypusburger, @Kian_killer, @Mila, @FblthpTheStormCrow, @Expansion_Smith, @strongbelieves, @Rednaxela, @chronostrike, @Arceus8523, @Faiths_Guide, @DanDanDio, @chronostrike, @wizardsambolton, @michaelmvm, @TurkeyAsylum, @Cnatch, @SpellPiper2213, @Tutlaschk, @dibbydubsdubs, @Rhythm_, @BringerOfTheBeigeDawn, @gterww123, @RedRageMage, @Legendxp, @Dracomancer343, @Pahanin, @DingusXeon, @ningyounk, @yousmelllikeapumpkin, @Gelectrode, @squee, @jazipa, @JAM, @MrRansom, @Futbol, @VinylVantasy, @GodOfWar, @Leaf_Juggernaut, @vguno, @Falcon_Punch_4321, @Mcsweeting, @UndeadZombie22, @fraziel07, @KrampisZman, @Ullerich, @DragonFaceEater, @unicornsareevil13579, @syntheticreign, @koover @Teacup, @KJMartin, @Death_Methods, @Latinas, @TheFriendlyGeek, @Damnation, @mtgwizard9003, @dnaidu, @JadfihfTheMerc, @nsm91, @saveria201, @Biblio3, @Sauron132, @Connor2001, @poogle, @pewnd, @camick, @PiJoeG, @Cruben, @dudemantheguy, @DomriKade, @Martron200, @KoalaPatronus, @Shagoth, @BraveJRL,
*I'm sorry if the set doesn't have your cards or card ideas.
*Cards made in the account named "senbonzakura" are not @Tomigon's original cards. See my comments in cards' pages, and check out their creators!
All cards in this set are playable in!
Link to the site:
[How to start] <- Click
Check out current deck challenge!
Dead line: March 1st
You can use all cards submitted to this challenge for your set as well!
Edit: Feb.9
Currently the seems to have card image issue. We can't make decks until it is fixed.
I think this card is your idea XD
And it was featured!
I'm currently working on the second set in the block, so I'll put that up when I get done with that!
Don't know if you missed it, but the original requires you to pay 1 to add one mana of any color.
Oops! I'll fix it. Thanks!