Random Creature Types Contest

The goal of this challenge is to create the coolest, most intriguing, BALANCED, creature using two RANDOMLY SELECTED creature types. I am not sure how you should randomly selected them, so I'll leave that up to you guys.

I will be judging this challenge

I will be judging it on March-Ish.


EDIT: If you get two creature types that are 'classes' like soldier, berserker, etc, feel free to pick another pair until you get one that makes more sense.

EDIT: If you get two creature types that are 'races' like goblin, hound, etc, feel free to pick another pair until you get one that makes more sense.

I made an example! Yay! http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/aberrant-simulacrum
it is one side of a transforming card.

I made another! Very fun! http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/optimized-rhinoceros


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