Return to homelands
i'm thinking to make a trowback set of cards based on the lore of homelands, where to beguin?
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Jk, I don't know the exact story, but it could be very interesting to see the world of Ulgrotha again. Do you mean "where to begin" from the mechanical aspect, or from the story aspect?
Homelands should be a 'vanilla set' with no new keyords
Homelands should be human themed, with a dictonomy between the dead/despair vs the living/hope; A very black and white story
also, i'm not so sure of it's lore. but i might do something based on, rather than a truthfull story continuity.
I think you meant "@Flatfish".
If you don't want to use any non-evergreen mechanics, it's very likely that the set will end up being a bit bland. But do as you wish. It's also good to set some colour combination archetypes to ensure each colour has enough to do in the set. From what I know, the original Homelands was using tribals a lot, so that might be one of the "mechanics" (for example).
From the flavour point of view, it's good to make up/read about some characters who could appear for example in flavour texts. And maybe think about the main story plot before making cards, then the rest of the story comes with ideas for cards (at least that works for me).
#sadfish #ihaveneveractuallyeatenaflatfish #wouldeatingaflatfishmakemeacannibal?