I enjoy abzan "rolling stone" where I build up a lot of power by bolstering and using outlast, then start swinging huge punches. awesome in multiplayer because of the fact that you almost never look like a threat until it's to late.
runner up for me is white-black cutthroat kitchen. awesome mechanics behind it, and a lovely unique style of play.(PS: all modern cutthroat kitchen decks need four copies of Cauldron Haze. It is OP with cards like Blood artist and Zulaport Cutthroat.
My third choice goes to selesnya populate. I love the idea of swarming your opponent with tokens, and My best deck(until I lost half of it) was a selesnya populate deck.
Blue-Green. Blue provides the intense utility which is always what any deck needs more of while Green provides more versatility and win-game spells. They just never get any love from sets though...
runner up for me is white-black cutthroat kitchen. awesome mechanics behind it, and a lovely unique style of play.(PS: all modern cutthroat kitchen decks need four copies of Cauldron Haze. It is OP with cards like Blood artist and Zulaport Cutthroat.
My third choice goes to selesnya populate. I love the idea of swarming your opponent with tokens, and My best deck(until I lost half of it) was a selesnya populate deck.