Loop That Contest (2nd Week - Closed Temporarily)

Hello fellow cardsmiths, we've decided that we'll be starting our music contest back up with some changes and additions. But first we have to announce we'll be giving away three booster packs of unstable to each of the top three cards' creators for the first week.


Main Song List: (This week you choose your own songs!)
A) Week 1, & winners.
B) Week 2 (Wildcards - Choose your own songs!)

The contest won't have a specific due date. Rather, it will be a persistent weekly contest that will continue for as long as there is enough interest. Prizes will be given every Wednesday.

Other Prizes: Any additional prizes will be announced at the end of the week as surprises for when prizes are being given out.

Base Weekly Prizes: (There may be additional weekly prizes depending on contest popularity.)
A) The top card's creator will get the following...
- Follow from us.
- 3 favorites of your choice.
- Your choice of Honorable Mention. (Optional.)
B) The second top card's creator will get the following...
- Follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your choice.
C) The third top card's creator will get the following...
- 2 favorites of your choice.
D) If mentioned, the Honorable Mention will get a favorite of their choice.

Rules: (Make sure to glance over these!)
1) Cards are based mechanically and/or thematically around the specific song.
2) You may make songs on any cards of your choice. (Wildcard Week!)
3) You may make any number of entries for that week.
4) Cards can be edited as long as that week hasn't ended.
5) Cards can be switched out as long as that week hasn't ended.
6) Cards can be made before the specific week entered.
7) Make sure to credit the creator of the artwork on your cards.

For help on posting images/links, look at this guide!
Brief guide to uploading linked pictures/images in comments! (W/ Visual Aid)
Please post linked images if possible? (Not required.)


This discussion has been closed.