Cardsmith Vs. Eggs

If anyone remembers the grand battle of Squirreltopia vs. Biddof, you remember those dark times. Recently though, a new battle has begun. @Eggdad's armies of eggs are slowly infecting the forums of MTGcardsmith. @KrampisZman and Kandra127 have already begun the Cardsmith resistance...
Now, will our site be New Eggtopia, or remain Cardsmith Pure? Let the battle begin! This is not judged.


  • My good sir
  • You put forth this battleground as if egg is impure, a polar opposite of the Most Honorable Leigons of Cardsmiths, but you could not be more far from the truth. Egg is a way of life. My most esteemed and glorious goal is not to destroy the Smiths, but to purify this vile domain! No longer will favorites be thrown around as currency, no longer will weaklings and cowards use improper card syntax. From this day on, egg shall rule. Present your armies, coward. I await your revolution.
  • image
    @eggdad you and your host of egg-based meme products have gone too far. This is war!

    @Tigersol you shouldn't have given me ideas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • @KrampisZman, this particular giant has come before me more than once. I would challenge you to be more than a coward and to smith more soldiers for your losing battle. In the meantime, I will search these mighty halls for honorable eggs and egg sympathizers to join me.
  • I literally can't believe this is a conversation we are having. Shame on you, @KrampisZman, @kandra127, and @Tigersol. All you're doing is enabling @eggdad. I've dealt with trolls like this before. All you can do to get them to go away is ignore them.
  • @Letstalkaboutthis Yes, please. All I desire is to be able to go about, creating and planting eggs as I please. I do not want nor need war or attention. I do what must be done.
  • @eggdad You should have never have made the post "egg" where you said "everyone who comments on this is big poop." That was rude and wrong.
  • @Letstalkaboutthis
    Aww.... this was just something fun to lighten up our days. Also, did you make that account just to complain about things? Sorry, but you are sort of ruining the fun in things.
  • @Tigersol I am someone who has been on this site for many, many years. When I see something that could be problematic for the site, I usually stay quiet because I don't want to publicly hurt any feelings as myself. That said, there are some things that need to be said. I decided to make a proxy account so that I could say what I wanted to say without hurting any opinions.
  • @eggdad That Giant has Vigilance. He can both attack and block :)

    @Letstalkaboutthis fair enough. I think this is going too far as well. I really didn't know this would sprawl out into like 3 threads from someone literally creating a thread called "egg" and then leaving for days until they came back and edited it into something rude.

    Personally, I kind of wish we could just move on from this whole thing. It's stupid.
  • Why did everyone blow this up?
  • agreed. we should probably just move on from this
  • @eggdad This literally didn't need to leave the Egg thread...
  • @krampiszman (i didnt make this thread, mate.)
  • This escalated...
  • Hey guys, sorry for making this thread. I didn't realize it would attract so much hate. I made it as a place for people to joke around, and to contain all of the eggs in one discussion, instead of @eggdad spamming all of them.
  • @eggdad Yeah I know.

    @Tigersol eh, I don't care. I just thought the whole thing was silly.
  • edited March 2018
  • edited March 2018
    Eggatha, Yet To Hatch Omlettea, Born Anew
  • oh wait i just scrolled up people hate this forum oops
This discussion has been closed.