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  • @jpastor Here is another fun and flavourful one for you to look at
  • @Talidin1337 ah, my mistake, this was initially a saga, I-II was everyone gets a food for each card in hand, III was you get all of the food and eating them at reduced cost. I think I changed it to a non saga due to text box space limitations since …
  • @jpastor I'd like you to review this please
  • @Talidin1337 The closest card to compare is Sigrid, God-Favored, 2/2 first strike flash and oblivion rings an attacking or blocking creature. Black Widow somewhat does the same in that she can negate their biggest threat but the downside is it locks…
  • @cadstar369 I think it is an interesting discussion of what the mana cost of Repulsive warding should be. I've been thinking, would increasing the cost actually do anything given it's strength comes of the creatures in play, creatures you need to pa…
  • @Talidin1337 Maybe 3CMC, on it's own it does not add to the board, you need creatures to make the tax work, that is a liability. Ghostly prison is 3CMC taxes each creature for {2}. This card is 2CMC but you'll need a ward creature, cheapest one i…
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 Kykar, the Storm's Center -  I think it's pretty balance, for 6CMC 4/4 flying a bit over costed but gives all your creatures flash which is nice for all the colours needed to cast. Not needing to sac evoke can give some real…
  • Here is a silly one, I think reminder text should be if they make a misplay or you need to remind them of this card's colour should be more accurate.
  • @theirintheattic Sorry if my stance was a tad confusing, I do agree that AI can, is and will be stealing avenue from artists but I also understand that it is inevitable and no matter how much people say it's the devil, the writing is on the wall.  I…
  • @theirintheattic AI can be trained to mimic an artist's style, quite convincingly too.  I can see you can have an argument where now if you have the right models you don't need to commission art from that artist anymore, you can generate them yourse…
  • I've recently started playing with stable diffusion and some of my gens can definitely be serviceable for card art. Often times I have a great card idea write all up and then it comes down to finding art to represent my concept and it's a complete d…
  • @Korora12 Oh these are pretty cool, red and green are pretty on point but white... very underwhelming. Nothing can be done about sac'ing enchantments to keep to the theme but sac'ing enchantments is a hefty price, enchantments are never expendable s…
  • @cadstar369 Thanks for taking a look, if I recall correctly I put scry 3 in there so even if you're not playing the channel colours you can still do something with it.  I got no issue going to dredge 1, if you're already in a self mill deck a few ex…
  • @LvB Wandering Spirit - Pretty much Squee, the Immortal with better stats but an extra step if exiled. I mean there are applications where you just want to put it in the graveyard like for escape costs but putting it on the board is better in most c…
  • I think bushido's main flaw is that it is telegraphed stat boost and the choice is given to the opponent weather to activate it, making it unfun to play with. So I designed a card to make not blocking a creature with bushido a harder choice. Going …
  • @LvB Silent Rage is kinda keyword soup disguised as enchanted creature has +3/+4. Absorb 1 is +0/+1, Bushido 1 is +1/+1, rampage 1 is +1/+1, flanking is +1/+1 and most of the benefits is on combat. This was my initial assessment. Actually looking…
  • @FireOfGolden Removing paying life for mana certainly fixed his biggest issue. You have to see that 1 life for 1 mana is very broken, look at phyrexian mana, players were gladly paying 2 life for one mana. Now with that bit removed Wenkman is now ov…
  • @FireOfGolden Wenkman feels a bit broken, it's giving me channel + fireball vibes with the ability to turn life or cards into mana, then using the mana for a massive drain life or X spell. Of course you can also prevent his damage just once and have…
  • @LvB Yeah it's a situational casual card I designed mainly from the art. It does come with a fair bit of mind games in certain board states. I did try and analyze it myself and in most cases if you're not playing small creatures it's risky as it is …
  • @LvB The double strike won't work if you fight creatures as fighting only has each creature deal damage equal to it's power to each other. Not to want to backseat design but there are other approaches for designing a blue/black "assassin" creature a…
  • Cursed Vanguard - It certainly does fit very well as a build around for cycling and I love graveyard shenanigans and unique trigger abilities Izzet Therapist - Solely for the fact that tapping the creature is akin to them laying on the sofa Palm …
  • @Faiths_Guide I accept your interpretation for Fungal Patriarch.  In my mind I had a clause that after X amount of commander casts or after spending X mana due to commander tax an alternate win condition becomes available.  
  • @Faiths_Guide Correct, it's up to you how many times is too many and how the conditional win clause becomes active or triggered once too many times is achieved.
  • @Faiths_Guide Hello first time customer, I'd like to request A commander if killed too much sets a conditional win
  • @TerryTags Gerda - I think it's a well designed card, 4CMC for a 1/4 ward {2} is not an issue.  The ability to create 2/2 flying tokens that fade away is versatile I can see situations where you can play mind games with just the threat of making the…
  • The most scarecrowy of scarecrows, this thing practically wrote itself. Scaring little critters and you can make it wear things, seems like a perfect match.  Made it must block to prevent an easy lockdown.
  • @cadstar369 I think in the long run you are getting good value by turning a decently sized creature into an equipment. 3CMC +3/+3 equip {3} should be a base line, if you make an equipment greater than +3/+3 or with keywords then you're getting your …
  • @Tonysparks Dragonarch Prototype - I think the cost should have some blue not optional blue since it gives you constant card draw, I don't think mono white should do that.  Also the flicker ability giving +1/+1, doesn't it only give it one counte…