Post your cards here. Actually see what others think.



  • FireOfGolden minor typos here and there but other than that it is a pretty good card. I would personally just let it be forgotten and get my 2/2 black token with fear. I know Heju deals with discard alot so you can keep them in battle consistently, but it seems like to many steps. I would let it trigger new life.

    I might post twice this week since I got some sweet cards going on, but I'll see whats up.

    Also im on mobile so it's not gonna be super neat.

    Kargu, Aspect Of Thievery
    (Orzhov Mid-range equipment)

    Lisith, Blasphemy Of Nature 
    (Golgari landfall zombies)

    @stijnhommes looks like you are gonna have to give @cadstar369 a review on the cards they needed extra review for since @FireOfGolden jumped to your card that wasn't supposed to be reviewed. For future refrence lets just avoid posting cards without feedback because it causes confusion. Cheers.
  • edited September 2022
    Oh, my bad. I didn't know that card wasn't should to be reviewed by me.

    As for @Tonysparks ;
    Kargu is interesting card, but there are some typo issues.

    It should be
    "You may activate an equipment's equip you control without paying for its equip cost. If you do, you loses life equal to its equip cost."

    "At beginning of end step, if you have paid 6 or more life this turn, sacrifice an artifact you control."

    And for Lisith,
    it has too many abilities. Try either increase mana cost or decrease number abilities on the card.

    And by wise mana, the power and toughness must be 1/2 or increase mana value to 8.

    Otherwise, it should goes;
    "Flying, trample, menace

    Whenever a creature dies, you may play an additional land.

    When Lisith dies, create X black and green horror zombie tokens 2/2, where X is equal to Listh's power.

    Landfall -- Whenever a land enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on Lisith.

    Now, I need a feedback on this land to see how powerful or weak is this for its being a land.

    Maxman's Throneroom by FireOfGolden | MTG Cardsmith

    I ensured the land acts like a land that produces one mana of any color that may cause another land becomes tapped, if not carefully.
  • @FireOfGolden
    Perished Soul
    • Which Heju is this supposed to work with? I found five different versions of them, and none of them support discarding cards to deal with the forgotten drawback, so this isn't likely to stick around. Regardless, there's no card with the exact name 'Heju', so this doesn't work as written (this isn't Yugioh). You'd have to either specify which Heju(s) you're allowed to cheat the color identity of, or say something along the lines of "a deck may have Perished Soul if your commander is a Heju," which would then only work with Heju, the Feared Inkling, since that's the only one with type Heju that can be your commander.
    • The hybrid mana seems pretty sketchy, since black doesn't get haste very often, and certainly doesn't get it on a tribal lord. Using hybrid mana implies the card makes sense in either color, and while new life works in both colors, the haste doesn't fit very well in black.
    • Similar to Tonysparks, I don't think this is worth the effort to keep around early game, so it's basically only useful if you really need the figure/inkling body (either itself or the token from new life) or the surprise haste to close out the game.
    • It feels like this card only exists to shoehorn a red effect into a monoblack deck. Does Inkling tribal really need a haste lord that badly? If so, why not just make a BR Heju so you don't have to break commander for it?
    Maxman's Throneroom
    • This is very strong. It's easy to run few to no basics in a 3+ color deck, so this is practically a Command Tower that both never wastes mana between turns and also triggers Treasure synergies. Even in a deck with lots of basics, so long as you tap all of them, there's no downside to making the treasure during your opponent's end step, which is generally when you'd want to make it anyway.
    Kargu, Aspect of Thievery
    • This seems alright, perhaps slightly underwhelming for a mythic rare. White already has access to so many ways to cheat equip costs that I'm not really sure what Kargu brings to equipment decks aside from being in black to mix things up.
    Lisith, Blasphemy of Nature
    • This card does a whole lot, and while it's not necessarily unreasonable as is, I feel like it really doesn't need to have all three of the non-keyword abilities. Any pair of them could make for an interesting build-around, but with all three it's basically the brainless landfall cousin of Elenda (but way stronger since you're in green).
    I'd appreciate feedback on these two cards:
    Spellbreaker ShamanBlackflame Grim Crucible

    In particular, I want to get a better understanding of why Blackflame got so much love (he's my 'Most Favored Card').
  • edited September 2022
    Holy frick @cadstar369, I am not even posting right now but I gotta tell you while you do get points from me for a dragon card, Blackflame is wildly broken. It won't end games early but once it is down it can cause some serious damage. You can simply exile a card like say Ulamog Ceaseless hunger and you got a superior version of colasol hammer at "equip {3}: equipped creature gains +20/+20 and indestructible." You just gotta get a way to slug and you get big sluggers. Not the ideal way to run Krenko Tin Street King Pin but with the shenigans of this card you can get some big numbers in the field. If you go with mardu equip you can also splice in Bruenor Battlehammer or even Halvar, God Of Battle for some even more insane shenigans. Overall, this card works but it is broken.

    Im on phone so I didn't link the aforementioned cards.

    Also thanks @cadstar369 and @FireOfGolden for the impactful reviews. Now that I look at it Lisith feels a bit much. I wanted it to be like a writhing mass of recently unearthed undead, fused to a long ancient dead dragon, raised by a necromancer.

    Edit: I just realized that this card essentially gives you free and better "Eater of virtue"s
  • My comment above is just a personal review, the next poster if not me still has to properly review both of the previous cards above
  • @Tonysparks Colossus Hammer vs a Blackflame Ulamog hammer seems like a very unfair comparison to make. Colossus Hammer is 1 for +10/+10, which can be set up on a body as early as turn 2 (assuming you cheat the equip cost via something like Sigarda’s Aid), for a total of a three mana (probably 1WW), three card setup; five mana and four cards if you wanna throw in Darksteel Plate for indestructible. In contrast, for the same +10/+10 and indestructible, the Ulamog Hammer requires you to get Ulamog into your graveyard, land Blackflame (who I’ll assume is the body the Ulamog Hammer gets attached to), activate Blackflame’s ability, and pay the equip cost (it’s much harder to cheat equip costs outside of white). That totals 6BBBRR without counting getting Ulamog into your graveyard (likely 1~3 mana), but is effectively a one card setup, since Blackflame is in the command zone. Does a turn 6 14/13 indestructible seem comparable to a turn 2 11/11 double strike indestructible? (Double strike from Kor Duelist; there’s a variety of other keywords you can pick from on white one-drops.)

    Additionally, unlike the Colossus Hammer setup where you’re opponent has little opportunity to react, there’s plenty of things that can go wrong on the way to the Ulamog Hammer with how much slower it is (mostly centered around graveyard hate and countermagic). Also, any Possessed Blade Blackflame makes is a token, so it’s easier to remove than normal equipment, can’t be recurred, and you can’t make more of the same if it gets removed. Furthermore, unlike a reanimator deck, you only get the P/T and keywords of the creature, so you can’t ride any other abilities it might have like Avacyn’s mass indestructible or Ulamog’s exile 20, and you also only get access to the creature once.

    Overall, Blackflame seems pretty far from broken when compared to both equipment decks and reanimator decks, no?
  • @cadstar369 Perished Soul is a infected verison of Lost Soul, originally used for Jekmo which heavily dependents on the discards.

    The purpose of Perished Soul is show the story, to create another inkling upon death, and gives other inklings haste for surprise element. That makes more useful to Heju than Jekmo because there is no reason to keep forgotten creatures alive as long as possible.

    Oh also, thanks for showing me to correct my mistake grammar!
  • edited September 2022
    @cadstar369 ;
    In regards to Spellbreaker Shaman, there is not much to say compared to Blackflame, I think the card is actually as perfect as a gruul themed rate can get. It has a decent body, a flavorful effect, and fits the color and costing well. Good work

    As promised, I will post two more cards this week because I have made a couple of a ton of cards this past month.

    Draconarch Prototype
    (Azorious Flicker/Midrange)

    Phyrexian Drachonarch
    (Azorious control)
  • edited September 2022
    +1/+1 or -1/-1 counters* for Phyrexian Draconarch. Minor typo.
  • @Tonysparks
    Draconarch seems all in order, just don't forgot to give a credit to artist.

    Phyrexian on another hand, there are some issues;
    It is usually hard for players to track how many turns been passed since Phyrexian entered battlefield. I would recommend "At beginning of your upkeep, put a time counter on it then choose one..."

    Otherwise, looks good!
    Did I made a correct wording on the key word? (Create an illusion token of target creature...)
  • edited September 2022
    Draconarch Prototype
    • Bounce is shorthand for return to hand (presumably because the card is 'bouncing' off the table back into your hand). Exile with immediate return is called flicker (named after Flicker and similar effects).
    • This feels strangely aggressive for a flicker card. Flicker is normally used to grant psuedo-vigilance, defend your stuff, or create a value engine. But with Draconarch Prototype, not only does the player not have to think strategically about the consequences of early flickering thanks to the haste, but you also get instant threats from all the +1/+1 counters it hands out.
    • As fragile as a 2/1 artifact creature is, drawing a card, flickering early in the turn without downside, and giving +1/+1 counters for four mana feels really pushed, even with triple colored mana in the cost (partially mitigated by it being hybrid mana). You're already getting value from the creature you flicker, so the threefold extra value on top of that seems like overkill, especially with multiple on the battlefield. (I.e., I'm far from convinced the increased fragility relative to cards like Teleportation Circle or Thassa, Deep Dwelling justifies the extra value.)
    Phyrexian Draconarch
    • The 'draw a card' feels tacked on here, as if the modes you get to choose from weren't sufficient value already (especially considering the first mode gets better as the game progresses).
    • Why does this have a better Ghost Quarter for the second mode? Land removal isn't in any of these colors aside from a small handful of old cards, with Spreading Rot being the only outlier that comes to mind. (And even then it doesn't exile, and we also got Star of Extinction and a Demolish reprint at the same time.)
    • Overall, I think this card would have made more sense if it's entire effect was just the first mode, without the card draw. It'd be a powerful creature that functions as both flicker support and repeated removal (and there'd also be space to give it a proper wording). The rest of the non-keyword text feels like excessively cramming value into the card just because you could.

    Illusion is an existing creature type, so this doesn't make sense as written. The text you're looking for is something along the lines of:
    Return target creature to its owner's hand. Create a token that’s a copy of it, except it’s a 0/0 blue Illusion, it has Specter's Curse, and it has "Illusions you control get +1/+1." (Whenever a creature with Specter's Curse attacks, blocks, or becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it.)

    Draw a card.
    (See these cards for wording reference.)

    If you absolutely must have a mechanic word for it, you could use something like this:
    Return target creature to its owner's hand. Create a token that’s a copy of it, except it's illusory. (It’s a 0/0 blue Illusion, it has Specter's Curse, and it has "Illusions you control get +1/+1." Whenever a creature with Specter's Curse attacks, blocks, or becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it.)

    Draw a card.
    Where 'illusory' is the word that covers the characteristic defining portion of the reminder text. This is kinda clunky though because illusory needs reminder text for its reminder text thanks to Specter's Curse.

    I'd appreciate feedback on these cards:
    Sunflower SeraphBlackflame Grim Crucible

    (Still trying to understand why Blackflame is so favored. If anyone that favorited him sees this, I'd appreciate a comment over on the card itself if you don't want to comment here.)
  • @cadstar369
    While making Draconarch Prototype and Phyrexian Draconarch, I wanted to embody the time of lesser time travel (temporal acceleration) as in moving time forward, and an improved multidirectional time travel. I figured that the passing of time in mtg is represented by extra turns, ending turns or drawing cards. I thought the former two would be confusing to work in so I used card draw and +/+ or -/- counters to represent going forward or backwards in time.

    The nonbasic - land exile represents you travelling to the same area but at a different point in time of it. Like maybe before the city was built there was a forest. Before the temple of might, there was a mountain. 
  • @Tonysparks I understood the story the cards are telling, and while having an explanation for your design is all well and good, that does nothing to address the issue the question about Phyrexian Draconarch is meant to direct you toward: the second mode breaking the color pie. Also, if card advantage is meant to be included in the effects of time travel, then shouldn't the player only draw when placing +1/+1 counters (i.e. moving forward in time)? If the other applications imply moving backwards in time, shouldn't the player be returning a card from their hand to the top of their library (or otherwise losing card advantage) each time they place -1/-1 counters or exile a nonbasic land?
  • My take on a WH40K card since the new Warhammer themed commander set is coming out too.
  • @Castiel_Demiurge

    You have to leave a review of the card before you before posting.
  • @Castiel_Demiurge
    You heard TonySpark, you must give a review to most recently card submitted before inserting your card for other to review it.
  • edited September 2022
    Dragonarch Prototype - I think the cost should have some blue not optional blue since it gives you constant card draw, I don't think mono white should do that.  Also the flicker ability giving +1/+1, doesn't it only give it one counter like 99% of the time?  The beginning step goes untap, upkeep, draw so unless you draw cards at the beginning of your upkeep most of the times it's gonna be one +1/+1 counter.  Seems a bit convoluted to have it +1/+1 for each card drawn then, maybe it'll be better if it happened at the end step, seems most repeatable flickers are shifting there.
    Phyrexian Drachonarch - Weird colours for haste and land disruption to be honest, quite red.  Keeping track of turns on paper magic has it's issues, probably best replace the card draw with putting a counter to track.  Consistent card draw with no payment or drawback is rare, most card at least cause the creature to tap.  It is quite a powerful card, card draw and killing creature at no cost and can still attack.
    Mirroring - Neat card, bounce + one shot clone with +1/+1 and card draw... So... repulse + clone {2}{u}+{3}{u} so {5}{u}{u} but clone can only do like one thing -{2} so {3}{u}{u} but +1/+1 {1} -> {u} I think you nailed the mana cost. You should really put reminder text on custom abilities I would not have reviewed the card had @cadstar369 not posted it what Specter's Curse was.
    Sunflower Seraph - It's a nice simple card, can easily find a home in any life gain deck.  Nothing much to say, it's a better version of Angel's Feather but it has a body and replaces itself with a card draw.
    Blackflame, Grim Crucible - I suppose people like it because you managed to fit "Turning a creature into a weapon" without making it convoluted and fit it all in the text boxOf course by making it simple like that you made it so it is completely broken, without caveats exiling huge broken creatures is possible but I suppose people didn't think that far before favouriting, plus the art choice is on point.
    @Castiel_Demiurge I'll go ahead and review the folks above.
    Fabius Bile - I think the mana and body is fine 5CMC 3 colours for a 4/4 with no evasion, no one is going to say it's too cheap.  However the cloning ability can cause infinite sac engine since when the clone dies it'll create another clone right away.  Aside from that it is kinda hard to deal with though, a 6/4 menace that more or less can't be killed unless exiled, or bounced is pretty strong, I guess that's what you get for mythic though so I'll give it a pass.  If you want to avoid the sac engine and tone down the power you can word it so the clone can't make a new clone, something like if Fabuis Bile dies, if it wasn't legendary... I think there are a few cards that already do that.
    Here is mine
    It started out as a multi mode cascade but then I realized cascade only cared about CMC not casting cost so I reworked it.  I would have liked it if cascade did casting cost...
  • edited September 2022
    Right of the bat without going into to many details, I noticed you missed adding "Elemental" to its types @Sweda. I will review the card thoroughly on my next posting if it isn't reviewed yet. 
  • edited September 2022
    @Sweda I fail to comprehend why you and Tonysparks think Blackflame is so broken. Each Possessed Blade only confers the P/T and keyword abilities of the exiled creature. Without their static, triggered, or activated abilities, aren't 99% of creatures virtually useless? Conversely, I can't think of any 'keyword soup' creatures that one might want to cast in BR aside from the two Nighthawks, so I have no idea what "huge broken creatures" you had in mind when making that judgment. Only being able to use each creature once is also a pretty huge drawback, considering BR has a variety of powerful reanimator commanders. Are you saying he's broken because each Possessed Blade could provide a sizable power and toughness boost on top of a keyword or three? Because I don't see what makes Blackflame more broken than the average equipment deck (since he isn't in white), or decks like Chainer, Nightmare Adept or Light-Paws. (For reference, my response to Tonysparks is over here.)

    With regards to Fiery Ashmaw, while it's both flexible and reusable, I can't think of many situations where you specifically want your creatures to deal noncombat damage instead of using a cheaper sorcery or an instant, particularly in mono-red where Fiery Ashmaw is most effective. It also hurts Fiery Ashmaw that cost reduction and reanimation don't pair well with it. Overall, I appreciate that it's good at its job, but I have no idea what kind of deck it would go in. Would it perhaps make for a limited bomb?

    I'd appreciate feedback on this prototype:
    Eyran Reticent Archivist

    Partially inspired by Izzet Chemister and Chun-Li. My main concerns are if the ward {2} is excessive (considering he needs to survive for 1~2 turns to be effective), and whether one or both of the activated abilities should cost +/-1 mana. (By the way, I'm not particularly concerned with the potential to loop extra turn spells since that's an exceedingly mana-intensive way to go about getting infinite turns.)
  • @FireOfGolden I really like that you are trying to stretch the bounds of what MTG is.  I wonder if there are too many unfamiliar ideas on this particular card for us to be able to give very relevant feedback, though.  I'm assuming you've got a card called Heju that would could be a commander, though, it seems like a huge restriction for a card to only be playable as a one of in a specific commander deck.  What makes it either good or bad, then has little to do with the card itself, but rather the deck as a whole.  This card, in order to be worthwhile, would require Heju to be an exciting, interesting deck, Perished Soul to be highly synergistic with what the deck is doing, and not have enough as good or better cards that could push it out of the 99.

    Requiring a discard every turn or loosing the creature seems steep, but replacing itself with a 2/2 with Fear is enough to make it work.  Between the low cost, the multiple bodies, the tribal benefit, and the hybrid cost, I think it would work really well in the right deck and could be used a lot of different ways.  A card like this could find a lot of homes, but you've restricted it to exactly 1, which is too bad.  Still, I imagine it's a good fit for what you're trying to do with Heju.

    Technically, you've actually not restricted this to just one deck, because you didn't say, "Unless you have a commander named Heju, you may not include cards named Perished Soul in your deck."  Possibly, Heju doesn't have red and black (though it probably needs one or the other for this card to work) and you're just adding the clause to permit it, despite not fitting the color identity.  That's actually a cool idea.

    Finally, fear doesn't need to be in quotes, nor does it need to be capitalized.

    I wanted to make an anti-monarch card.  What do you think?  Did I go too far?

  • @StuffnSuch
    Thanks for feedback! I deeply appreciate that.

    That spell is too powerful and too easy to abuse.

    The cost can be reduced, if: The ability of spell does this "A monarch sacrifices a creature he or she controls. That monarch loses life equal to its power. You become a monarch."

    Where existing monarch became targeted then required to sacrifice a creature with loss of life.

    If you really want to keep ability that causes player to lose game;

    "Monarch has 'At end of monarch's life, he or she sacrifices and discards a card. If he or she can't, he or she loses the game.' until beginning of your turn.

    At next beginning of your turn, you become a monarch."

  • edited September 2022
    @cadstar369 I think in the long run you are getting good value by turning a decently sized creature into an equipment. 3CMC +3/+3 equip {3} should be a base line, if you make an equipment greater than +3/+3 or with keywords then you're getting your mana's worth and it's not hard in black red to be tossing big power creatures into the graveyard.  There are nuances though, like spending a card for a reanimate spell vs only using mana for Blackflame, it being repeatable, being an equipment does tend to make it harder to remove, so even if you kill the creature equipping it the threat still lingers, equipment inherently should be seen as an investment, you typically get multiple uses out of them. It's hard to compare him to other cards, there are lots of pros and cons that are not one for one to another card or a combination of cards. But it's no doubt if he is allowed to live and activate his ability once or twice anything +4/+4 or better will have staying power to help stabilize your board or keep the threat going.

  • @cadstar369

    I have to back @Sweda 's points, what you failed ti consider and I failed to bring up is the fact that in general reanimations are one time use while equipment tends to require specific attention to remove or board wipes otherwise they are a constant threat. Rakdos also is a very masochistic color, combining the impulsiveness of red with the recklessness of black so losing creatures isn't a hustle. Even if you ran rakdos sorely instead of mardu equipment, you can use instants or sorceries like unexpected rainfall/ seize the spoils or to discard cards like Carnival Hellstead, Rakdos Ragemutt, or even Purporos, God Of The Forge to get desired keywords without waiting for turns. Also there is no legend rule limitation so you can have as many possessed swords as you want whenever you have excess mana left over.

    (On mobile, I will link mentioned cards later if I feel like it)
  • @Sweda thanks for the additional feedback! ? I may be overestimating the downsides of Blackflame's Possessed Blades being tokens since I play lots of decks that are either heavily blue or have both green and white, so either the creatures don't stick around or the equipment get shredded.

    • The problem I see with Assassinate is that it's both easy to meet the condition and very difficult to avoid. If you don't have countermagic, an anti-loss effect, or some way to flash in Jared Carthalion, you're dead with zero warning.
    • Consider existing lose conditions. Each of them require difficult conditions and/or multiple turns to complete. Moreover, each of them involves one or more permanents (usually creatures), giving each color plenty of ways to answer such a dire threat. In contrast, Assassination being a sorcery means most colors will not likely have answers to it, especially since most cards that reference the monarch involve gaining control of it, not getting rid of it.
    • Considering cards that "punish" opponents being the monarch such as Azure Fleet Admiral and Knights of the Black Rose, perhaps it would be more reasonable for Assassinate to be a variation on a "lose half your life" spell like Blood Tribute.
    • Incidentally, Assassinate is an existing card.
    @FireOfGolden Green has a handful of 3-mana 4/4s with various downsides, so the cost isn't necessarily the issue here. What's potentially problematic is that it's fairly easy to sidestep Melting Subject's 'downside' via anthem effects (e.g. Gaia's Anthem, Sylvan Anthem), additional +1/+1 counters on entry (e.g. Combine Guildmage, Renata), etc. If the intention is that there's a chance Melting Subject dies instantly, you could try this:
    Fate — When Melting Subject enters the battlefield, flip a coin. If it comes up tails, sacrifice Melting Subject.

    When Melting Subject dies, look top four of your library. You may put a land card from among them onto the battlefield tapped, then put rest onto the bottom of your library in any order.
    (I removed the basic restriction because similar existing cards don't have it, likely because the average player would whiff more often than not.)

    I'd appreciate feedback on this card:
    Eyran Reticent Archivist

    Partially inspired by Izzet Chemister and Chun-Li. My main concerns are if the ward {2} is excessive (considering he needs to survive for 1~2 turns to be effective), and whether one or both of the activated abilities should cost +/-1 mana. (By the way, I'm not particularly concerned with the potential to loop extra turn spells since that's an exceedingly mana-intensive (and rather fragile) way to go about it.)
  • @cadstar369
    Eyran is best card to work with Niv-Mizzet, Parun, Insult, and any spells that allows controller to draw more cards or deal more damage for each turn.

    I don't see any wrong to your card, so I think it's great!
  • edited September 2022


    In regards to Eryan, Reticient Archivist, I think it is a powerfull card so I took the liberty of finding potential combos that may work with it despite me not being a big Izzet fan. Izzet feels like a printer to me, all it does is just copy stuff all the time and this is reflected in a majority of it's commanders. Despite that, I will give it a fair critique. This card has a very "Finale Of Promise" like effect so I think that you should, contrary to what you said, be worried about people milling their libraries to achieve a extra-turn storm in non-commander settings. This card would work well with a majority of magecraft abilities since it works with them to create a value engine. It would most likely be ran against Storm-Kiln Artist, and Archmage Eritius where you would be rewarded for bigger X values since the more spend the more you get returned. It would also be ran with stapples like Ral, Storm Conduit and Niv-Mizzet Parun that work like a glove with it's abilities.

    -General Feedback

    In general with all abilities considered, and the weak body, I believe that a 2/2 for four with ward 2 considering all it's other abilities is not excessive. I also think that the abilities overall don't need to change. Like @FireOfGolden briefly but accurately said the card is about as perfect as an izzet card can ger, which is ironic for me to say because I personally think izzet cards are sh#t and promote only copy and sling kind of stratergies.


    I may not be the best evaluator of this card since I am struggling to understand what the card does if it is not countered since you didn't describe that. As is the card works only if it is countered, and even then, only if its effect is countered by itself. Otherwise you are just spending three mana for nothing. I would word it so that the counter ability becomes the general one, or add a previous effect if it is not countered. Perhaps a more rewarding one.

    Sorry for the short review, not much to say other than the aforementioned.

    The Cards I would Like Reviewed

    - Shivan Hatchling
    (Dragon Aggro? Maybe)

    A reference to this Ixalan card right here 

    - Py'tex's Little Expirement
    (Mono-red Aggro)

    These ( G > U >Y>S) are Py'tex, and yes some of them need work, but that is irrelevant since you only need to review this card.
  • edited September 2022
    Shivan Hatchling is fun to use card, but it could be abused to create many creatures.

    As I can recall, red has ability to increase power and toughness for short time. With that, any spell that deals damage less than Shivan Hatchling's toughness will do -- For -- each -- turn. If that's your intention, then you have done well. Oh also, gonna love the flavor text.

    Py'tex's Little Experiment (You have a little mistake spell there. It should be Experiment, not Expirement, but that doesn't matter anyway.) is cool card, yet there are some problem;

    Controller can always skip all way to last ability. If that's your intention, that's fine.

    Some people don't know what is or who is Scorch Spitter, Viashino Runner, or Two-headed Dragon. Maybe try something like this; Evolved Sleeper · Dominaria United (DMU) #93 · Scryfall Magic: The Gathering Search

    Where, the activated ability will edit the card for you to match your necessary the best.

    Anyway, I need to know, if this spell will work as the way I expect it to.

    Without kicker paid, it will destroy all creature with chosen color.

    With kicker paid, at first black is chosen, after once kicked, another color is red.
    Therefore, all red, black creatures are destroyed.

    Queke's Response by FireOfGolden | MTG Cardsmith
    (I changed its name because there is already another Queke's Order in Figures: Great War Of Two Kingdoms, whoops!

    Queke's Order by FireOfGolden | MTG Cardsmith

    (Please judge Queke's Response, but if you actually like it, go ahead and favorite it. I won't stop you.)
  • @FireOfGolden
    For py'tex stuff It got too wordy fast si I couldn't do it the way they did with the sleeper
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