Find your Spark!

Hello Cardsmiths!

There comes a time for every planeswalker-to-be when their spark ignites, and they rise from the depths of the unknown to join the ranks of legends! So, let's see what this transformation looks like shall we? I want you to create some sparkers: cards that transform into planewalkers.

1. Cards must be realistic, no un-cards or joke cards thanks :)
2. Max 3 entries per cardsmith (both sides is one entry, so 6 cards)
3. Entries will be judged on templating, creativity, balance, flavor, usefulness and art.


1st place: You get a follow and 7 favorites (9 favorites in total)
2nd place: You also get a follow and 5 favorites (7 favorites in total)
3rd place: You get 3 favorites (5 favorites in total)
Honorable Mentions: You get 1 favorite (3 favorites in total)
For all prize winners, I'll also favorite your entries, and your entries will be added to the -HALL OF FAME-!

Entries will close on October 3rd at 10:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and results will happen on October 4th at 10:00pm AEST.

I look forward to seeing all of your creations!


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