Find your Spark!
Hello Cardsmiths!
There comes a time for every planeswalker-to-be when their spark ignites, and they rise from the depths of the unknown to join the ranks of legends! So, let's see what this transformation looks like shall we? I want you to create some sparkers: cards that transform into planewalkers.
1. Cards must be realistic, no un-cards or joke cards thanks
2. Max 3 entries per cardsmith (both sides is one entry, so 6 cards)
3. Entries will be judged on templating, creativity, balance, flavor, usefulness and art.
1st place: You get a follow and 7 favorites (9 favorites in total)
2nd place: You also get a follow and 5 favorites (7 favorites in total)
3rd place: You get 3 favorites (5 favorites in total)
Honorable Mentions: You get 1 favorite (3 favorites in total)
For all prize winners, I'll also favorite your entries, and your entries will be added to the -HALL OF FAME-!
Entries will close on October 3rd at 10:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and results will happen on October 4th at 10:00pm AEST.
I look forward to seeing all of your creations!
There comes a time for every planeswalker-to-be when their spark ignites, and they rise from the depths of the unknown to join the ranks of legends! So, let's see what this transformation looks like shall we? I want you to create some sparkers: cards that transform into planewalkers.
1. Cards must be realistic, no un-cards or joke cards thanks

2. Max 3 entries per cardsmith (both sides is one entry, so 6 cards)
3. Entries will be judged on templating, creativity, balance, flavor, usefulness and art.
1st place: You get a follow and 7 favorites (9 favorites in total)
2nd place: You also get a follow and 5 favorites (7 favorites in total)
3rd place: You get 3 favorites (5 favorites in total)
Honorable Mentions: You get 1 favorite (3 favorites in total)
For all prize winners, I'll also favorite your entries, and your entries will be added to the -HALL OF FAME-!
Entries will close on October 3rd at 10:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and results will happen on October 4th at 10:00pm AEST.
I look forward to seeing all of your creations!
This discussion has been closed.
It's in this thread
These are part of a set I've been making all about Edyren.
These are great so far guys! Just remember, your beginning card doesn't necessarily have to be a creature!
Entry 2
Hopefully this pops up right!
Read strongbelieve's comment.
Unfortunately I narrowly went off the edge for the text on the planeswalker side, but overall it works mechanically hopefully that can be overlooked.
Please tell me it worked this time
Turns into->