I'm actually very happy with this set. It's tied together mechanically (death/emerge/sacrificing creatures to cast bigger creatures) which fits in with the idea: the insects/spiders merge together to create enormous monstrosities.
You can also see the same bloke speaking in all the flavor texts, who is worried the insects attacking their camp is only the start. He is right, and the other abominations come and kill him and his crew (at least that is what we are led to suppose).
Can I make a request? ^^ I think the rooms should make a bit more sense lore-wise, and have better themes to tie them together. Some just look a bit dodgy, that's all.
Hi all! I'm new to the project. Thanks to @TrippleBoggey3 Just wondering what rooms are still free? Or maybe the easier question is what rooms have already been taken?
@racnoss900, Shops are for cities only, which this is not. Treasure rooms are not only allowed, but highly welcome! I love to see how people make treasure rooms!
hey @camick and @KJMartin , room 9 and 11 have dissapeared. The cards are still there, but the sets that they are organized into have gone away. Can you put them back into the sets? I can't because I dont know which are in which.
Here it is! http://mtgcardsmith.com/user/DragonsMaze/sets/17010 It's sort of a trap room, with the wisp being the trap. The aggressive guardian keeps it safe as it does some real damage to the instants and sorceries that the players have built up. The other guardian is meant to deal actual damage to the opponents. I think it's a very dangerous trap room.
Woods of the Unknown Wilds
You will be given 2 weeks to make this dungeon.
Theme: Wild Beasts.
I present to you Room 11: Insect/Emerge room! http://mtgcardsmith.com/user/DragonsMaze/sets/16756
I'm actually very happy with this set. It's tied together mechanically (death/emerge/sacrificing creatures to cast bigger creatures) which fits in with the idea: the insects/spiders merge together to create enormous monstrosities.
You can also see the same bloke speaking in all the flavor texts, who is worried the insects attacking their camp is only the start. He is right, and the other abominations come and kill him and his crew (at least that is what we are led to suppose).
Can I make a request? ^^ I think the rooms should make a bit more sense lore-wise, and have better themes to tie them together. Some just look a bit dodgy, that's all.
Don't forget to join here: http://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/discussion/2410/design-the-dragon-s-maze-maze-2#latest
Mainly based around emerge and devour, as well as building up power over time, mainly with +1+1 counters, fighting enemies and stealing creatures.
Just wondering what rooms are still free? Or maybe the easier question is what rooms have already been taken?
I decided to do an owl theme with cool effects.
It's sort of a trap room, with the wisp being the trap. The aggressive guardian keeps it safe as it does some real damage to the instants and sorceries that the players have built up. The other guardian is meant to deal actual damage to the opponents. I think it's a very dangerous trap room.
EDIT: Make that 2.
EDIT: Make that 3.
EDIT: Make that 4.
EDIT: Make that...er...13?
EDIT: Okay, okay, even that's taken...Er...7, then?