Make your own tribal instant or sorcery (with an extra feature)!!!(FINISHED)

The contest:
This morning I was looking at my cards and when I saw All is Dust, I thought it would be fun to do a contest on that, but with something else to. That something else is that you can make your own creature type, and then use it for the tribal spell.
Just be sure to explain what that "tribe" is all about.


1: Realistic cards and creature types.

2: Cards can be newly made or an old card.

3: No copying other peoples creature types, unless they say so.

4: 3 entries max.


-I will be judging.

-Will be judged on balance, flavor text, and how well art goes in with the card

End date:

1st: Option 1:to be a judge in my next contest, and I will favorite 4 of your cards. Your choice. Option 2: I will follow you, and favorite 4 of your cards. Your choice. Option 3: 6 favorites. Your choice.

2nd: I will favorite 3 of your cards. Your choice.

3rd: 2 favorites of your choice.

Now, let it begin!



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