Dragon's Maze: Northgate - Part 1 of 3



Welcome to my newest Dragon's Maze contest for the set! This one is intended for all you harmless people, people who love peace and quiet, and for those savage trolls who love to mess stuff up. I'll explain this in a minute... But I'll link the other threads first.

Vault is here.
Discussion Thread is here.
Minimaps are here.
The other large contest is here.

How this Map will Work

Round 1:

Claim a place on the map. It could range from a palace to a house, from a temple to a store, anything. Make just 1 Legendary land based on it, with the same name on it, then post it here. You may make as many as you want.

Round 2. This will happen in a new thread:

Find an already made land. Make a human, or something, just some kind of merchant or just a Civilian for that place. It might be different if it's a palace or something.

Round 3. This will happen in a new thread:

Find something already done with all the original stuff. Add details, like the stuff the merchant sells, or a guard, or a treasure chest. Maybe a pet cat. Just this kind of stuff.

This is pretty simple.


End Date: Undecided
Prizes: Undecided


This discussion has been closed.