Original, Balanced Eldrazi Competition [CLOSED FOR FINAL JUDGING]

Hello MTG Cardsmith Community!

See, I'm a huge fan of Eldrazis. Everything from the high-mana cost, to the Devoid mechanic and the overall aesthetic it gives, and the look of Eldrazis entirely. My custom card list is mainly made up of Eldrazi related cards, if that wasn't a big enough hint. Anyway! I looked around and noticed that a lot of Eldrazi cards I came across weren't particularly balanced when comparing them to the Eldrazis in the base game. Sure, they're meant to be somewhat overpowered, but that comes at a cost, either in high cmc, backlash, or other consequences.

My challenge to any readers, is to make cards that are either Eldrazi, mention Eldrazi, have an effect on Eldrazis or are practically anything Eldrazi.

I'll privately rate each entry I receive based on the following criteria:

Balance: X/10
Art Selection: X/10
Originality: X/10
Combo Potential: X/10
Correct Rulings & Terminology: X/10
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Layout: X/10
Personal Opinion/Overall: X/10
EDIT: Correctly credited art will give an immediate +5.

I'm going to do things a little differently, however. The first 10 user entries I receive will get a reward based on how many points they get, regardless of whether they get a main prize or not. Any entries I receive afterwards will only get rewards if they get either 1st, 2nd or 3rd, in terms of highest points, the maximum being 75.

Rewards for first 10 user entries:
30-45 points: 1 favourite on your entry.
46-55: 2 favourites on cards of your choice, including one on your entry.
56+: 3 favourites on cards of your choice, including one on your entry.

Main Rewards:
3rd Place: 3 favourites on cards of your choice, including one on your entry, and a follow.
2nd Place: 4 favourites on cards of your choice, including one on your entry, and a follow.
1st place: 5 favourites on cards of your choice, including one on your entry, a follow, and a TROPHY card, on which your name will be stated!
EDIT: All winners of the main prizes will be entered into the HALL OF FAME!

The best cards I see, including the Main Winners, as well as some Honourable Mentions, I will (With the creator's permission), add into the set I am currently making based around Eldrazi.

EDIT:NOTE:There can only be 1 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. In the event of a tie or multiple, I will consult a few of my Magic-playing friends.

Penultimately, the rulings are as follows:
1 - Maximum of 3 entries per user (In the case of the first 10, I will give the reward to one per user, not per entry)
2 - No joke, Unhinged, Unglued cards.
3 - If more than three entries are placed, I will only judge the first 3, but, if you explicitly state that you are changing your entry, do it on your edited post.
4 - Any card type is accepted.
5 - Any hate towards other users will end in disqualification and revocation of rewards (If any were granted).
6 - Any entries posted after the closure date will not be counted.
EDIT: Preferably new cards made for this competition should be entered. I will accept old ones, but newer ones will probably rank higher.

Finally, the closing date will be:
January 14th at 23:59 GMT

I look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

EDIT: Rewards tailored down, thanks @Corwinnn! Still learning.


This discussion has been closed.