So my friends has a hilarious Reaper King commander deck, which is actually surprisingly powerful (how I hate him destroying all of my lands). Trouble is, although the commander is very powerful, there aren't very many powerful scarecrows out there, most of them being overcosted common or uncommon artifact creatures that are barely payable in limited. Now, I think scarecrows is a pretty cool tribe (after all, what's creepier than seeing a person turn towards you when you realise there not a person, only a crude animation of one?), but Wizards of the Coast haven't given them much support recently. So this sparked me to make this contest - Straw Men . So, before I go to another of my long tangents, here it is.

=The Contest=
Make either a creature with the scarecrow subtype, a tribal card with "Tribal ____ - Scarecrow" or a card that somehow interacts with scarecrows, scarecrow tokens ect.

Some of my favorite scarecrows. Thank you, Wizards of the Coast!



1. Please use IMAGE LINKING.*
2. No OVERPOWERED cards (preferably) ask me if it's overpowered or not if you want and I will judge.
3. Please use CORRECT MTG wording and grammar/spelling (I get really bothered by it.)
4. As many NEW entries as you would like.
5. Old cards ARE allowed, but only enter a max of three.
6. Have fun! :D

It will be on:

- Formatting/wording
- Balance
- Artwork
- How SCARECROW-Y the card is.
- Originality
- Realistic-ness


1st place: You will be added to my -TROPHY- set, a card interacting with scarecrows and referencing you in the flavor text, as well as being mentioned in the Hall of Fame. I will also help you with anything you may need (formatting/wording help, artwork ect.) and look through your collection for any cards I would be willing to favorite.

2nd place: You will be added to my -TROPHY- set, a card interacting with scarecrows and referencing you in the flavor text, as well as being mentioned in the Hall of Fame. I will also look through your collection for any cards I would be willing to favorite.

3rd place: You will be added to my -TROPHY- set, a card interacting with scarecrows and referencing you in the flavor text, as well as being mentioned in the Hall of Fame.

This contest will end in three weeks' time.



This discussion has been closed.