Draft Effects (Closed)

Hello fellow cardsmiths, I'm starting a contest in which fellow cardsmiths will be designing cards meant for draft that provide interesting interactions. Below are three examples of such cards to give some ideas.

Cardsmiths will each be able to enter up to 3 cards for a chance to win prizes and glory.

Drafting Rules: http://mtg.gamepedia.com/Booster_draft
Existing conspiracies: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&special=true&type=+["Conspiracy"]
Existing Draft Cards: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&text=+[draft]&name=+![backdraft]+![downdraft]

Note: Conspiracy is not yet available on MTGCardsmith, so just choose the type "Interrupt" then type "Conspiracy" as a sub-type.


The contest due date will be the end of July 17th, 2017. Whereas the entries will be judged within 3 days, but likely sooner. Keep in mind we're lenient in regards to late entries, just leave us a message if possible. (Due date can be extended if enough people want it!)

Prizes: (Cardsmiths can't win more than one of the following prize groups!)
A) The top card's creator will get the following...
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- Follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your choice. (+1 Favorite if already followed!)
- Your choice of Honorable Mention.
B) The second top card's creator will get the following...
- Follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your choice. (+1 Favorite if already followed!)
C) The third top card's creator will get the following...
- Follow from us
- 2 favorites of your choice.
D) The Honorable Mention will get a favorite of their choice.

Rules: (Make sure to glance over these!)
1) You may make up to three cards.
2) Cards can be edited as long as the due date hasn't passed.
3) Cards may be switched out as long as the due date hasn't passed.
4) Cards can't be made before the 1st of July.
5) Cards must have an effect that exclusively interacts with drafts. Although the card can be designed to be legal in other formats if you approve it.
6) Make sure to credit the creator of the artwork on your cards.

For help on posting images/links look at this guide!
Brief guide to uploading linked pictures/images in comments! (W/ Visual Aid)
Please post linked images if possible? (Not required.)


  • @Yururu
    Getting the contest started. :)
  • edited July 2017
    Make sure to check out these other contests we're running

    Here are two other ongoing contests.
    A) Build a God, a Bear? (Closed)
    B) Pauper Corn
  • edited July 2017
    First entry:

    Hope I got the wording right with this complex design >.< I wanted to bring a noted creature to life, but there are a lot of restrictions, so it doesn't lead to confusion and cheating. So you only can bring a noted creature to life, if it isn't in your deck, so you can reveal it and show you REALLY drafted and noted it :D

    Cool challenge by the way!
  • Nice card! :)
  • edited July 2017
    Thanks for the feedback guys! :)

    Here's my 2nd entry (I'm kinda in love with the concept of doing something with draft cards, that aren't in your deck I guess xD)

  • I am expecting most of the sound-minded MTGCardsmith community to slash me to pieces because of all the rules I am breaking with this card. But I don't mind! It's one of my new favorite cards now!

  • @modnation675 Thanks for the heads up! I've actually just finished my (green) part of a Conspiracy set I'm making with a few friends. Just gotta translate some I enjoyed to English and resize the cards accordingly for MTGCardsmith. brb.
  • Here is my first entry.
  • image

    My first entry. I gotta explain a few things about it.

    TL;DR: 1/1 Flier on Green because of set flavor. Scry's not as relevant in draft. Name's a play on "Alliteration" and German word "Schmetterling", which means butterfly. I can't speak German.

    Regarding color-pie breaking.
    In our set, Green has a flair to the unseen and unknown. As such, I wanted to bring on some small Green fliers that make up for their weakness with useful abilities - thus, Faeries. Not actually that unseen, with the notable example Birds of Paradise, but also Uktabi Drake and even Killer Bees for those with good memory.

    Regarding power level
    Such a thing as a 1/1 Flier for 1g with an ETB scry 10 is ridiculous. I realize that. Still, the ability to Scry has not been used as often in draft sets, simply because it isn't as effective outside of constructed - in draft, it'll mostly just avoid getting mana sunk or mana flooded for one or two turns. With that in mind, I created this common in order to fill that spot in Green decks in our set; Card selection when most of what you got is creatures helps. As a side note, none of these cards can ever be constructed playable, simply because they have draft-dependable abilities; Thus, no worries.

    Regarding name
    As seen in the TL;DR, it's a play on words. I adore them. Even greater that this one translated quite smoothly from Portuguese "Aliteração" to English "Alliteration". So, "aliteração" is a literary device in which consonants are repeated. Usually in a series of words, but hey, the meaning's stretched and the words got mashed up. "LL" and "TT" in the name make up said device.

    Regarding German
    I'm an enthusiast, but very far from a fluent speaker. I mean, far from being a speaker at all. Aaand, done.
  • @Yururu
    I think that's a really cool card. Great thematically!
  • edited July 2017
    That's a really cool card. But I'm not sure if I can accept it due to it not having a draft specific effect.

    Edit: I still revised the rules to clarify that you may have the cards legal in other formats, if specified on your entry. The only requirement now is a draft specific effect.
  • Alright I'll delete it.
  • @Beydin13
    Oh, okay. I'll remove the request for community feedback then.

    Hopefully it won't discourage you from entering cards!
  • edited July 2017
  • edited July 2017
    - DELETED -
  • edited July 2017
    Last entry (damn I want to create more :D):
  • edited July 2017
  • edited July 2017
  • @Gelectrode
    Would they have to reveal the entire hand to prove "if able"?
  • I think the card still needs a few wording changes. So I think it's more a case of awkward wording.
  • @modnation675
    Question for you on Hex Thwarter.
  • @Gelectrode
    Yeah, I was just revising the rules for the contests to clarify some errors in the templating.

    Will be commenting shortly!
  • Hopefully my final iteration!

  • I think it's excellent. :)
This discussion has been closed.