Mystery Box Challenges



  • can I have a box please
  • @jpastor, box please!
  • edited June 2021

    Mystery Boxes

    Duels (Winner Takes All Mode) season 9 episode 10 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

    If you or your opponent have a prize in your box, the winning card collects all those prizes. 1-vs-1 shared challenge vs 1 opponent randomly assigned - courtesy of Prize 183 received by Corwinnn.

    @Corwinnn your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 183 [NEW!] - Duels (Winner Takes All Mode) If you win your duel, you receive credit for this prize.
    • A Mystery Challenge vs WarriorCatInAhat: Create a Legendary Creature with small font.
    @samconsumespie your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 137 [NEW!] - Hugs: Friendship Reaction GIF If you win your duel, 1 favorite donated to another cardsmith + you get 2 favorites of my choice!
    • A Mystery Challenge vs Hergusbergus: Create an uncommon creature with the Izzet watermark.
    @Hergusbergus your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 137 [NEW!] - Hugs: Friendship Reaction GIF If you win your duel, 1 favorite donated to another cardsmith + you get 2 favorites of my choice!
    • A Mystery Challenge vs samconsumespie: Create an uncommon creature with the Izzet watermark.
    @ShadowReign your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 207 - Song Negotiations [NEW!]: If you win your duel, You pick 3 songs, I'll add 1 to the Mystery Box Spotify Playlist
    • A Mystery Challenge vs Ranshi: Create a Metathran creature.
    @Jadefire your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge vs TheDukeOfPork: Create a monocolored creature with two  activated abilities... one that costs two of one color to activate and and another that costs two mana of a second color to activate.
    @Ranshi your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 207 - Song Negotiations [NEW!]: If you win your duel, You pick 3 songs, I'll add 1 to the Mystery Box Spotify Playlist
    • A Mystery Challenge vs ShadowReign: Create a Metathran creature.
    @TheDukeOfPork your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge vs Jadefire: Create a monocolored creature with two  activated abilities... one that costs two of one color to activate and and another that costs two mana of a second color to activate.
    @WarriorCatInAhat your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 183 [NEW!] - Duels (Winner Takes All Mode) If you win your duel, you receive credit for this prize.
    • A Mystery Challenge vs Corwinnn: Create a Legendary Creature with small font.
  • edited June 2021
  • @WarriorCatInAhat
    you're in a duel vs @Corwinnn

    read their mystery box and submit a card when you're ready!
  • Wow, that was fast.  I haven't even finished catching up on the posts I've missed yet.  Thanks @TheDukeOfPork, good luck!
  • edited June 2021
    @TheDukeOfPork you wont win with that card... it's not monocolored.. it's an artifact, which is colorless. You can always edit though or resubmit :smile:
  • edited June 2021
    Question: How am I supposed to find art for this? It's so so niche, and as hard as I've looked, I can't even find Vedalken art that is fitting.

    Edit: I've had an idea though it's quite a stretch. Please don't fault me for working with what exists.
  • My last broadcast for about a week since I'll be out of town.

    Hoping you'll jump in and have some fun for a sec!

    We can talk about whatevs!

  • Prize 207 - Song Negotiations [NEW!]: If you win your duel, You pick 3 songs, I'll add 1 to the Mystery Box Spotify Playlist
    A Mystery Challenge vs Ranshi: Create a Metathran creature.

    From the ashes of cataclysm, I will claim the Mystery Box that is rightfully mine.
  • Can I have a box, please?
  • @Jadefire thank you! Well fought indeed!
  • edited June 2021
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a monocolored creature with two activated abilities... one that costs two of one color to activate and another that costs two mana of a second color to activate.

    Could I get another box?
  • Here's the edited version!
    Jrahg Cosmic Scar
    And while I'm at it, I'll have another box :)
  • @jpastor, just to help set my expectations, is this one of the duels you mentioned, when you @'d me a few pages back?
    • A Mystery Challenge vs WarriorCatInAhat: Create a Legendary Creature with small font.
    Mozax Holder of Chains
  • I seek a vessel in which to store all the cards you will be discarding over the next two battles we shall have, as a third battle won't be necessary. 
    It looks like this...
    Cat in the box
  • edited June 2021
    @jpastor, here is my entry for my duel against @ShadowReign. One Metathran Creature coming right up! (I scrapped what I was originally doing after my boyfriend's suggestion to just not be too specific when searching.)

    It occurred to me beforehand, that I should play off of the abandonment of the Metathran post Invasion, and find the illustration I used further cemented the idea. Historically Metathran have been only blue in the casting cost, and some having white or black activated abilities. I deliberately avoided this particular trend when designing this card, in part to better fit the art, and in greater part for flavor and for lore reasons. (I allude to this in the flavor text.)

    I await my next box with eager anticipation!

    (Oh, and Shadow, sorry for your upcoming loss. :tongue: )
  • edited June 2021
    • A Mystery Challenge vs Corwinnn: Create a Legendary Creature with small font.
    Avilom Spore Sentinel
  • That confident huh @Ranshi. But I wouldn't be surprised if you did, that's a damn good card.
  • @Ranshi not the same duel I mentioned
  • Gotcha. Still confident.
  • @Abu_Jafar
    by Silvia Bobekova
     by Michael Adamidis
     by Nitesh Kharpuriya
  • @jpastor, when do we get the results?
  • i would like a mystery box please!
    and i loved the amusement park btw
  • Saturday Sunday @Ranshi
  • Can I have a box in the meantime, or must I wait for that as well, @jpastor?
  • :::standing in the box queue waving at Ranshi:::

    We're over here!!!

This discussion has been closed.