Mystery Box Challenges



  • @jpastor looks like @Jadefire said:
    Activating Prize 19 : Hourglass of Time – Setting the deadline for 1 day from time of post.
    Activating Prize 2 : Spooky Orb – Targeting Robokitty's Enduring Caravan, smax765's Snowrochs, and LvB'sGrow // Wither
  • @jpastor can I target myself with the Swashbuckler Steins?
  • @jpastor
    I believe I have a chest o' precious brews. I posted the teapots around my box request, so could I receive the two prize options?
  • @jpastor @cadstar369 got it right on.  Prize 19 is Hourglass of Time, the last deadline ended at 3:01 EST (assuming a day is a literal 24 hours).  Prize 2 is Ghostly Sphere (functional reprint of Spooky Orb?) stealing Enduring Caravan, Snowrochs, and Grow//Wither.
  • The deadline has arrived.

  • @kaoz42 - Chest o' Precious Brews 2 prize options
    - Prize 52 - Voltaic Munitions Integration ? Until end of deadline, each prize you get that targets something gains an additional target.
    - Prize 25 - Swashbuckler Steins ? Choose a scallywag to receive a mystery box filled with treasure!

  • @jpastor
    I shall target @Robo_Kitty with the swashbuckler steins, and use the Voltaic Munitions Integrations to also target myself. If not allowed, then I shall also target @ManInMaroon_948. Question: Since the deadline has arrived, do I still get to use my challenge?
  • @kaoz42 it's a choice between the two prizes lol
  • edited October 2023
    @smax765 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 95 - Voltaguard Assault Actuator ?️ Initiates a Draft of Build-a-Box.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Rhino + [Subtype].
    Deadline Bonus
  • @jpastor

    Was having trouble thinking of an artificer to make, so I spent 25〽️ on the website to get a Useless Scrap ?, which I will now use.

    Ember Dweller

    Another box please
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a 2-mana removal spell with a common rarity.
    And another box pls.
  • @LvB

    I think you forgot to ask for another mystery box... Or did you say "Nah" and Just Go? :wink:
  • Challenge: Create a [Subtype] + Mutant. 
    Fused Brute
    I'll target @kaoz42 with my swashbuckler steins.

    Another box pls!
  • Mystery challenge: create a rhino [subtype].

    It’s my Real and Superwild Ceratok.
  • edited October 2023

    Grand Opening of Mystery Box World is Friday, October 13.

    This weekend: October 6-8, the Mystery Box World amusement park is holding a meet n' greet with the park's mascot characters in the form of Jpastor's annual invitational tournament!

    • This weekend, you'll be able to ask for any number of mystery boxes from specific mascot characters. 
    • Full List of Characters on Cantina Tab of the App.
    Submitting lots of entries for the tournament...
    • Submit any card that meets the challenge, old, new, or even existing magic cards!
    Tournament Format
    • As you take your selfies with the characters on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, your entries go into round robin pools, where they'll be judged by a random character, based on the criteria the character specializes in. They may even give you feedback on your card!
    • Monday is Final Single Elimination Brackets. All round robin 1st places in one bracket, 2nds in another, etc. (There will be 4 champion entries!)
    • Do your own cards have what it takes to defeat existing magic cards? 
    • You get 10〽️ every time one of your creations eliminates an existing magic card from the tournament.
    • 1st place in each bracket gets Buy One Get One free on items from the Park's Gift Shop the remainder of the month.
    • 2nd place in each bracket gets Buy One Get One free on items from the Park's Gift Shop all next week and through the Grand Opening Weekend.
    • 3rd place in each bracket gets Buy One Get One free on items from the Park's Gift Shop all Grand Opening Weekend.
  • Accepting requests all Thursday! - If you have an existing request please cancel that request and resubmit a new box request. I may start early tonight on giving out boxes!

    The deadline has arrived.

  • Ill take a box from every mascot character then >:) o:) B)
  • I think I am also going to do that
  • Same thing for me if that's okay
  • My friends. One box at a time as always :)
  • @jpastor I’d like a box from Gunslinger Gandolf
  • For me one from a random one  o:)
  • My bad... Just got confused. I'll take one from Malakai.
  • Mystery Challenge: Create an Ashenmoor card.
    (Skipping the other two so I can join the party.)

    Ashenmoor Cinder

    @LeonitusMagnus one Mystery Box if you would.
  • ok, random box then please
  • Ahoy there, @TheDarkKnight1234567! Yer mystery chest be holdin' a curious treasure:
    • No treasure lies within this chest, me hearty. But don't let that discourage ye! 
    • A special challenge awaits: Hoist the Jolly Roger and create a regal creature with two subtypes that be as rare as a mermaid's tear when found together, if they be found at all. Show us yer creativity on this high seas adventure, and perhaps yer next chest'll be filled with riches untold! ⚓?‍☠️??
  • Well now, @Robo_Kitty, it appears your mystery box:
    • ain't holdin' no prize this time around. Don't you fret, though, luck can change in the blink of an eye!
    • Now, here's your Mystery Challenge: I reckon you best rustle up a card with a rainbow painted somewhere in that artwork.
    And as for you, @smax765
    • It seems Lady Luck ain't smilin' on you this day either. But you know how it goes, fortunes can turn. 
    • Now, your Mystery Challenge: Find yourself a card with some reminder text for a non-keyword, non-combat ability. Give it your best shot, partner!
  • @cadstar369, your enigmatic container conceals the following:
    • Within this box, you shall find no reward, for fate has not favored you this time. Continue your pursuit with the hope of greater fortune in the future.
    • As for the enigma before you: Present a card adorned with an alternate casting cost of {5}{b} and bearing the mark of a set released in the year 2013 or earlier. May your endeavors in this arcane challenge be as inscrutable as the multiverse itself.
  • Mystery Challenge: Present a card adorned with an alternate casting cost of {5}{b} and bearing the mark of a set released in the year 2013 or earlier.

    Mystical Teachings

    @ArchmagusChroma one Mystery Box please.
This discussion has been closed.