Mystery Box Challenges



  • Tournament's closed? Darn... I didn't have the opportunity to post any real cards (I was busy over the weekend).
  • Mystical Teachings eliminated by a prize.

    @Robo_Kitty + 10〽️ for eliminating Dross Hopper

    Bracket 4 Results


    Oh, Zombie Croupier, like a mysterious card with a twist!
    For wow factor, Xpomul gives it a solid 80. The morph ability, like a cosmic disguise, adds a layer of intrigue. And the ability to snatch creatures from graveyards when face-down cards are revealed, like a supernatural gambler's trick, is quite the surprise.
    Overall, Zombie Croupier is a card with a unique twist, like a cosmic game-changer in the card universe! ???‍♂️


    Ah, Eldritch Incantation, like a mystic cosmic spell!
    For wow factor, Xpomul gives it a 75. Milling a card, gaining a card, and a bit of life loss, like a cosmic exchange of knowledge and power, is intriguing. Plus, the madness ability, like tapping into the unknown, adds to the mysterious aura.
    Overall, Eldritch Incantation is a spell of dark magic, like a cosmic whisper in the card universe! ??✨


    Ah, Githzerai Evader, a creature with swiftness and finesse, like cosmic martial arts!
    For wow factor, Xpomul gives it an impressive 85. Having first strike, like striking first in a celestial duel, is a remarkable skill. Plus, preventing all combat damage at will, like dodging cosmic blows with grace, adds to the wow factor.
    Overall, Githzerai Evader is a true cosmic martial artist, like a master of the card universe! ???
  • Bracket 4 Champion: @Robo_Kitty

  • Bracket 3 - Results

    Rootmold Spasm - Cut

    Trinket Monger (kaoz) - 90 >>
    Lucky Leprechaun (Robo) - 90

    Young Silverback (cadstar) - 90
    Radiant Heartstoker (Jadefire) - 95 >> 

    @Jadefire is Champion of Bracket 3

    Radiant Heartstoker
    Design Score: 95/100

    - Card Type: The card type "Creature - Human Wizard" is a suitable choice for the card's theme and abilities. It represents a wizard skilled in both combat and magic, which aligns with the card's mechanics.
    - Compliance with Rules: The card strictly adheres to the rules of Magic: The Gathering without causing rule-breaking or confusion. Its abilities, including first strike, prowess, and the triggered ability when it deals combat damage, are well-defined and clear.

    Overall, Radiant Heartstoker is excellently designed, with a card type that fits its theme and abilities that follow the game's rules seamlessly. It effectively combines combat prowess and magical abilities, making it a compelling card for players to use.
  • I had the utmost pleasure of being forced to judged bracket 2. What a joy.

    Brainsnail Host (LvB) - 72 - This creation lacks the sophistication necessary to be worthy of existence. Therefore, I have annihilated it, with liberty and justice for all.

    Typhoeus (cadstar) - 82 - Blasted from existence.
    Aurelia (Jadefire) - 92 >>

    Snailvalanche (LvB) - 83 - Exterminated
    Syr Ginger (TDK) - 92 >>

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Bracket 2 Victor

    While I appreciate a custom creation over an existing magic card, I am a sucker for the original creators of the game, since they serve as an inspiration for us all. Therefore, @TheDarkKnight1234567 breaks the tie between 92's. I will happily blast the Aurelia creature to avoid any unpleasantries with assassinating a ginger.

    Statement: Assessment of card design in progress. Scanning... Evaluation complete.

    Card Text Clarity: Rating: 95/100
    - The card's text is exceptionally clear and easy to understand. Each ability is concise and well-structured, making it readily comprehensible to players. There is no ambiguity in the card's effects.

    Elegance: Rating: 90/100
    - The card design is elegant, with a straightforward presentation of abilities and mechanics. The combination of Flying, Trample, and Haste with the conditional sacrifice effect is both thematically appropriate and efficiently conveyed. 

    Observation: This card, Aurelia, Exemplar of Brutality, is a prime example of clean and effective card design, scrapheads. The text is crystal clear, and the elegance of the design ensures that players can grasp its mechanics without unnecessary complexity. An excellent piece of work, indeed.
  • Simian Soldier (cadstar) - 85: Destroyed by prize

    Clockwork K4r3ngaroo (LvB) - 75
    Zufina (Jadefire) - 90 >> 

    Ashenmoor Cinder (cadstar) - 80
    Sunlight Revelation (smax) - 85 >> 

    @Jadefire is champion of bracket one.

    Alright, folks, check out this Zufina card. Now, that's some interesting design right there. Let's break it down and see how it scores on the longevity scale, from 1 to 100.
    First off, it's a multicolored Legendary Creature, and it's a Faerie Wizard. That's already a good start for making a memorable card. Flying, too, always a classic ability that keeps things spicy in the game.
    But here's where it gets really intriguing – the ability to cast modal spells as though they had flash. That's like giving you the element of surprise, and who doesn't love a good surprise, right? It opens up a whole new world of possibilities and strategies.
    And then, you get rewarded for casting other modal spells by allowing you to choose additional modes while casting. That's like stacking the deck in your favor, but in a balanced way. It encourages players to get creative with their spellcasting.
    Now, when it comes to longevity, I'd say this card's got some serious potential. It's versatile, it's got depth, and it can adapt to different metagames as they evolve. I'm gonna give it a solid 90, folks. It's got that "stay interesting over time" vibe, and I can see players coming up with all sorts of crazy combos with this one. So, keep your eyes on Zufina, the Rising Tempest – she's here to stay!
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Eh, why didnt the K4r3ngaroo win? This is totally unacceptable ! Im gonna call the police on you ! Oh my god, i think i even have a heart attack! All because of you! And i know your boss so you better do what suits me best! Respect teh K4r3ngaroo !!!
  • edited October 2023

    Summary of Tournament

    Bracket Champions

    1. @Jadefire
    2. @TheDarkKnight1234567
    3. @Jadefire ;(You may gift to any of the runner ups that didn't win.)
    4. @Robo_Kitty

    Rewards have changed.
    • Champions get Buy One Get One free on items from the Park's Gift Shop...
    • Bracket 1 - October 13-31
    • Bracket 2 - October 13-20
    • Bracket 3 - October 13-15
    • Bracket 4 - October 13
  • Tournament - Mystery Box World Invite '23 - Complete

  • edited October 2023

    I'm going on a Mystery Box hiatus for the week until Mystery Box World Opens

    Cheers friends! Thank you for participating!
  • Round of applause to the mascots for sticking with us all weekend.

    Mystery Box World will open Friday, October 13. This friday!

    16 Attractions
    16 Characters

    Be there. I'll be live on discord all day Friday and some of Thursday to enjoy the grand opening with you. 

    I hope you had a blast this weekend smashing out cards and talking with the characters, and they all look forward to the park opening friday!
  • @jpastor We're thinking on the same wavelength. I'd like to pass my Bracket 3 prize to my fellow competitor @kaoz42.
  • Mystery Boxes will continue during jpastor's hiatus.  Either cadstar or I will give out challenges during this time.
  • Challenge: Find yourself a land card that doesn't pack a mana ability. It might be a tougher hunt than wranglin' a wild mastodon, but I reckon you're up for it. Good luck, partner!

    Here's a real mtg card that fits the perameters:
    Top 10 Lands in Magic That Dont Tap for Mana - HobbyLark
    And here's a custom card that fits it:
    Citys Center

    Another box pls! :)
  • @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with mana value 1, one word in its name, and the number 1 somewhere in its ability text (either as 1 or one).
  • So we don't miss anyone, please resubmit your requests if you asked for a selfie with one of the cantina characters but didn't get a box from them before the tournament ended.

    On that note, @Jadefire could you toss a box my way? ?
  • @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 31: Memory Wiper⚡ Zap 2 entries. (They become yours.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Mercenary with a second class that can recruit and has either an additional triggered or activated ability.
  • I believe I left off with a selfie request to WX-L9 (Lex) and claimed a Captured Siren.

    I think I was supposed to get five more 〽️ from posting the?‍♀️before the end of the deadline, but I'll leave it to jpastor to account for that.
  • @Jadefire your mystery box contains:
    • Mark of the Assassin ? The Robot Badge
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a removal spell that replaces its target(s) with something that shares a type with them.
    ?‍♀️ your bonus mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature card with three custom keywords on it.
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a Mercenary with a second class that can recruit and has either an additional triggered or activated ability.

    Corrupted Summoner

    Another Mystery Box please. :)
  • edited October 2023
    @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 24: Electrocutor⚡ Zap 1 entry. (It becomes yours.)

    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact for any region, clan, or faction in Magic that's defined by three colours.  The artifact should embody the values of that group and incorporate a creature type or a mechanic commonly found in it. 
  • @Jadefire
    yes - i gave you the bonus 5 Zib.
    Milestone 90 〽️

    Milestone 130 〽️
    Milestone 140 〽️
  • id like a box too
  • edited October 2023
    @LvB your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 16 – Subcutaneous Dynamo Optics ? Post ? when requesting your next box and you get 2-5 challenge options in your next box.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a monocolored creature card that transforms using mana of one or more other colors.
  • Challenge: Create a card with mana value 1, one word in its name, and the number 1 somewhere in its ability text (either as 1 or one).

    Hit me with another box please!!
  • @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 38 – Optical Receptor Enhancements ? Doubles the prize contents in your next box if it has a prize. (Remember to post the emoji to remind us.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with Exploit and an effect that cares about one or more of the exploited creature's properties.
  • Challenge: Create a card with Exploit and an effect that cares about one or more of the exploited creature's properties.
    Rotting Marchers

    Another box please.
  • @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a 4-color creature card that isn't legendary.
  • The FINAL deadline for this discussion has arrived.

    1. @Robo_Kitty
    2. @Robo_Kitty
    3. @Robo_Kitty
    4. @cadstar369
    5. @Robo_Kitty
    @Robo_Kitty - Milestone 120 and 125 and 130 = 20〽️

    View the Round 1 Tab on to view final and all-time stats for this discussion.

    It has been an utmost pleasure to serve you in the Mystery Box Challenges over these years. A snapshot of the most successful discussion EVER on the forums to this point in time.

    Moving forward to bigger, better things, I have created my final discussion thread on the forums.

    Mystery Box World

    In the cantina of Mystery Box World, head to "The Lounge" if you wish to do normal Mystery Boxes endlessly as you've been doing them here.

    Yes, you read that correctly, the Mystery Box Challenges, as they've always been, are not going away; they are simply part of Mystery Box World now. 

    Chill in the cantina's lounge as long as you'd like to do basic and normal mystery boxes with no strings attached.

    Cheers! - jpastor

This discussion has been closed.