Spotlight Marathon (Not a contest)
Hello fellow Cardsmiths, and welcome to Spotlight Marathon! In this Off-topic Chat, you may post cards here you find by other Cardsmiths you feel like Spotlighting and help gain the Cardsmith and the card some recognition from other Cardsmiths as well as some constructive criticism/feedback. This Off-topic Chat will run until interest dies off.
Happy Spotlighting! - Sorinjace
Happy Spotlighting! - Sorinjace
This discussion has been closed.
Spotlight Points:
@Dechujoh64: 1
Don't worry about the Spotlight points or the judge points, I will post these and keep track of those overseeing all activity on this contest.
A card from @fire12
A card made by @Cobra50510
by @Vaedren
Imet,Eternal Devote
it's a good card, as long as your opponent's deck isn't "devoted" to merfolk or something.
April's Spotlight Judge: @jpastor
We have a tie! @Dechujoh64 and @Poseidon847 are tied at 1 point each for the end of April. We have a Spotlight Battle!
Your challenge guys is to spotlight a cardsmiths card of a cardsmith who has no followers. The card can be old or new. Post asap this tiebreaker ends when both of you have posted your tiebreaker entry. I will choose the winner of the tie. Goodluck! Remember to post who the creator of the card is and please specify that the entry is for the tiebreaker.
by @zephyr6066 on May 01
@sorinjace Can I also have an entry for 5/1? Or is this my entry for today?
AND the winner is...