Grab a Fairy by the tale! challenge
Hello fellow cardsmiths, I was listening to the top song listed below and was recommended to do a fairytale themed contest. Now this contest will work a little differently. Regardless, as long as your first entry meets the few requirements, you will win a prize from us to share the Holiday spirit.
I recommend that you either post your two favorite requests with your first entry or in a private message, that way you get the favorites as soon as possible.
Songs to get you into the mood:
1) A Nostalgic Dream by Peter Gundry
2) All Star by Smash Mouth
3) Alice (Underground) by Avril Lavigne
4) Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent
A) For each initial entry, that card's smith will get the following...
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
The best card and story/fairytale combo's smith will get the following...
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- A follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
C) [If 6 or more entraints] The second best card and story/fairytale combo's smith will get the following...
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- A follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
Due Date:
The due date for this contest is the 20th of December. Late entries won't be accepted since we want to keep our contests/challenges contained to their timeline.
1) You must mention the Fairytale or children's story by name or link.
3) The card must be themed around your chosen Fairytale or children's story.
4) No entry limit.
5) No old cards.
6) Make sure to credit the creator of the artwork on your cards.
Brief guide to uploading linked pictures/images in comments! (W/ Visual Aid)
Happy smithing!
I recommend that you either post your two favorite requests with your first entry or in a private message, that way you get the favorites as soon as possible.
Songs to get you into the mood:
1) A Nostalgic Dream by Peter Gundry
2) All Star by Smash Mouth
3) Alice (Underground) by Avril Lavigne
4) Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent
A) For each initial entry, that card's smith will get the following...
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
The best card and story/fairytale combo's smith will get the following...
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- A follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
C) [If 6 or more entraints] The second best card and story/fairytale combo's smith will get the following...
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- A follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
Due Date:
The due date for this contest is the 20th of December. Late entries won't be accepted since we want to keep our contests/challenges contained to their timeline.
1) You must mention the Fairytale or children's story by name or link.
3) The card must be themed around your chosen Fairytale or children's story.
4) No entry limit.
5) No old cards.
6) Make sure to credit the creator of the artwork on your cards.
Brief guide to uploading linked pictures/images in comments! (W/ Visual Aid)
Happy smithing!
This discussion has been closed.
Yep, or a children's story if you'd like.
They're closing soon, so make sure to drop by!
Cardify that quote challenge (Featured quotes & your own.) {or Recent} [Ends Dec. 9]
Welcome it in, Miss Numb! Contest (Prizes/rules changed!) {or Recent} [Ends Dec. 10]
The first artwork was a temporary one while I speak to Corwinnn. The other has faeries in it.
So a fairy tale or children's story card is what we're looking for.
Edit: Updated the original image to use the one I wanted.
You do realize the new image had nudity in it (I think?). It doesn't particularly bother me, but it might bother others.
Do you know of a site that I can upload the revised image to for free? I couldn't use Dropbox to display the edited image on this site. (I removed the nudity in that one!)
Imgur would work.
Thank you, I fixed it now as you can see.
Yay. By the way, I love that image.
Aschenputtel - Cinderella
You each get two favorites of your choice for supporting this challenge. I didn't expect this challenge to get many entries, so I felt it important to show thanks for entering.
Anyways, the winner of the main prize is... (Drum Roll!)
@TenebrisNemo with their entry for The Brothers Grimm fairytale: Rapunzel.
Congrats to @TenebrisNemo, and cool, I will be back to post 2 favorites asap.
And I would like the premium to be added for the winning account. Even though its premium subscription isn't ending anytime soon, getting more time to enjoy the 2000 card capacity is still reassuring.
You slightly influenced this card because of your graciousness towards me, thank you for being a friend!
Its rare for me to make planeswalkers these days, not by choice but by what i have to create cards around me with, so a fave here would be pretty cool.