It's that time of year...


Yes, one magical day a year, the great WotC puts forth one of their best preconstructed deck products, their yearly commander decks. Now, spoiler season starts in just a few hours, and I'm sure all the fellow commander players here are just as excited as I am to see what the new decks have in store for us!

However, that's not exactly why I'm here. I'm here to release my own yearly installation to the commander deck series. Following up on my commander deck series from last year, I have created another set of commander decks, this time aiming at addressing the shortcomings of my previous attempt at the product as a realistic reflection of a WotC preconstucted commander deck, and I thought there was no better day to unveil them than the day spoilers for Commander 2019 started. Granted, I wanted to be sure I got my version of the produced out here before spoilers started so it didn't seem like I had copied any ideas from C19. Now then, the only question is what my theme for the decks will be. As of late, it seems like every commander product has been following some sort of gimmick, the C18 planeswalker commander, C16's premier of four-color generals, and so on.

That being said, I think I should start off by saying I didn't make four different precons like WotC did last year (and probably will this year), nor did I make five like they did with C16 and other past years. No, instead I made ten. Why ten, you ask? Well, it's all part of the central theme! My commander precons for this year are a showcase of the plane of Ravnica and its ten guilds, each deck highlighting the mechanics and play styles of one of the guilds. Each deck's main commander is their current guild leader at the time War of Spark occurred in the lore, and two prominent members of the guild can each be used as alternative commanders for the deck. However, these decks don't only feature new custom commanders, each deck has seven other new custom cards unique to it, as well as all of the decks sharing a new custom land and new custom artifact.

Get ready to pick up your favorite guild as a commander precon and relive all the history, mechanical intrigue, and unique power your guild of choice has in this new custom supplemental product!

- Has 637 cards that collectively make up ten commander decks.
- Has 102 brand new cards, including 28 new legendary creatures and 5 planeswalker cards that can be used as your commander.
- Each commander deck is focused around one of the two-color guilds of Ravnica and features their prominent members as legendary creatures, both in brand-new printings and in some of their past representations on cards.
Points of Interest:
- Reprints expensive and popular cards for the commander format such as Craterhood Behemoth, Rhys the Redeemed, and Rhystic Study.
- Each deck intends to capture the overarching mechanics and play style of the guild they feature, from Orzhov's death and taxes/aristocrat approach to Simic's abundance of +1/+1 counters.
- Uses cards from sets as recent as Modern Horizons to make sure decks are up-to-date with the current and new cards.
- All cards that were printed at come point featuring a guild watermark have that guild watermark in their deck printing.

You can view the whole set here (decklists will come soon):
*If you're wondering why this takes you to a site other than MTGCS, that is because I actually used another custom card creator, Magic Set Editor, which allows for more customization options and flexibility as far as card design goes.

Feedback, positive or critical, would be greatly appreciated. Also it would be great if you could help me to catch any spelling or wording errors in the cards. Just let me know in the comments!

Thanks for checking this out!


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