Cardsmith League (Official)



  • I'm pleasantly surprised I won. Thanks for hosting this, @jpastor!
  • @jpastor how is that figured out? ShelkoDeux has 1 more win than I do.
  • @SpellPiper2213
    Do you see the image showing the scores from Playoffs? You beat Shelko in the Championship. 
  • Division D Champion


  • Starting Divisions for January - March 2023 | Competitive Rating

    Division A

    @Ranshi 3802
    @12SidedGuy 3722
    @TenebrisNemo 3504
    @Faiths_Guide 3438
    @Suicidal_Deity 3369
    @theirintheattic 3315
    @Jadefire 3294
    @Globert-the-Martian 3277
    @SpellPiper2213 3252
    @Usaername 3085

    Division B

    @ShelkoDeux 2944
    @cadstar369 2857
    @feralitator 2831
    @Aggroman15 2816
    @East2West 2657
    @FangQuil 2599
    @Revan 2594
    @Enscription 2490

    Division C

    @Korora12 2316
    @stijnhommes 2142
    @MarvelousHavel 2105
    @ReviewMaster 2001
    @TGBC_Apocalynia_Aristolen 1926
    @Hinges 1882
    @StuffnSuch 1803

    Division D

    @LordArcadian 1630
    @FireOfGolden 1446
    @SPyBondPlays 1431
    @Elyas_Sterling 1291
    @DrakeGladis 1288
    @Laharl897 1258
    @The_333_ 1059
  • January - March 2023 Season Schedules

    Division A:
    Division B:
    Division C: Coming soon
    Division D: Coming soon

  • edited January 2023
    Stand by for C and D schedules.
  • Hi, is it too late to join for this season? If not, I'm IN for Division C, I think. Thanks!
  • @balloonnation
    To make this announcement public, new cardsmiths have until March 1 to join this season. So, you'll be added right now!

  • @jpastor, if it's not too late, throw me in a league please.
  • @spookoops
    I'll start you in Division C!
  • Division A - Week 2 Recap

    Ranshi (4) : (3) Suicidal_Deity
    - Ranshi drops from 3809 to 3756 (Now #2 Overall Rated Cardsmith)
    - Suicidal raises from 3331 to 3384
    - Match Summary: Suicidal had some clear vics, but Ranshi's sinister collection still boasts some great ones, just barely edged the win over Suicidal this week. A very strong showing by SD this week.

    Globert-the-Martian (3) : (4) SpellPiper2213
    - Globert drops 1 point from 3260 to 3259
    - SpellPiper increases from 3252 to 3253
    - SP gets their first Division A win! Topping Globert in a nailbiter 7-card match. Both cardsmiths were very evenly matched, with a couple clear wins each and a couple that were darn near identical in skill and creativity. Well done both.

    12SidedGuy (4) : (1) TenebrisNemo
    - 12Sided improves to 3768 (Now #1 Overall Rated Cardsmith) from 3739
    - Tenebris lowers to 3513 from 3542
    - 12SG gets a needed win over 3rd-ranked Tenebris to push their overall cardsmith rating to the #1 overall spot. Tenebris had a great new card, which was a clear winner. More to come by the talented smith will yield some easy victories in this premier division.

    Jadefire matches up against the highest rated Division B Cardsmith this week (Currently Usaername)
    Jadefire (4) : (1) Usaername
    - Jadefire ups their rating to 3320 from 3294
    - Usaername falls to 3045 from 3071 and remains Division B for tomorrow's matches
    - Jadefire shows up to play this week with a strong collection of 7. Usaername is much more active now and will definitely have some surprises in store for the future. Usaername enters this match as a call-up from Division B and will have their normal Division B match this week. The collection will be interesting to see against a Division B rival. Good stuff.

    theirintheattic (4) : (0) Faiths_Guide
    - theirintheattic blowout double XP increases them 3475 from 3308 (an increase of 167)
    - FaithsGuide blowout loss double XP drops them 167 rating to 3285 from 3452.
    - theirintheattic takes care of business this week, with some highly impressive cards that smack FaithsGuide down. FG had some close ones for sure, not a total whomping of a match. Just barely losing 4-0 this week. More activity will fluctuate this quality cardsmith back to the top 4 in the League eventually. Good work attic!
  • I am now active and would like to join the lowest Division
  • @jpastor the link for the current season in A league doesn't seem to work
  • Division A - Week 3

    12SidedGuy 3787
    Ranshi 3764
    TenebrisNemo 3538
    theirintheattic 3456
    Suicidal_Deity 3395
    Jadefire 3370
    Faiths_Guide 3278
    SpellPiper2213 3259
    Globert-the-Martian 3209

  • edited January 2023
    12SidedGuy 3797
    Ranshi 3766
    TenebrisNemo 3524
    theirintheattic 3470
    Suicidal_Deity 3373
    Jadefire 3360
    Globert-the-Martian 3283
    SpellPiper2213 3281
    Faiths_Guide 3207

  • feralitator 2980
    cadstar369 2975
    Usaername 2931
    ShelkoDeux 2868
    East2West 2815
    Aggroman15 2749
    FangQuil 2548
    Revan 2521
    Enscription 2504

  • SPyBondPlays 1668
    DrakeGladis 1452
    LordArcadian 1447
    minouchen 1354
    Elyas_Sterling 1242
    FireOfGolden 1221
    Laharl897 1207
    The_333_ 909

    SPyBondPlays will fill a slot in division C on Saturday.
  • Division C

    balloonnation 2200
    MarvelousHavel 2183
    Korora12 2123
    Hinges 2119
    stijnhommes 2014
    ReviewMaster 1988
    StuffnSuch 1930
    TGBC_Verdania 1876
    spookoops 1840
    SPyBondPlays 1700


    TGBC had some cool concepts, but StuffnSuch had the edge with some more interesting designs and wins 4-1.

    Hinges took on the #2 ranked in Div C and laid a solid whooping with lots of new cards to impress us this week. Good job!

    SPyBondPlays with the promotion to C League this week has a fun match with spookoops. I thought spooks had this one in the bag, but after an early lead, Spy caught up with some great cards.

    balloonnation continues to insert some B-level domination in the introductory matches of their cardsmith journey. Tonyspark's collection was quite strong this week, though, and appears to be on the up and up! Keep up the good work both!

    Marvelous smacked the top rated division C cardsmith 4-0 this week with a very intriguing set of cards. Korora is just on a little mental break and not making cards as actively as they normally do or else this match might be a different story. New cards are always more exciting to dissect than ones we've seen many times before. Though, sometimes, those older cards just keep on winning. Good stuff Marv.
  • IN - E Divison, wanna test out the waters first.
  • Division A

    12SidedGuy 3906
    Ranshi 3657
    theirintheattic 3514
    Globert-the-Martian 3475
    TenebrisNemo 3332
    Suicidal_Deity 3329
    Jadefire 3322
    SpellPiper2213 3179

    Going to fill a Division B game tomorrow with @Faiths_Guide vs @feralitator
  • Division B

    Faiths_Guide 3131
    feralitator 3092
    cadstar369 3009
    Usaername 2920
    ShelkoDeux 2879
    Aggroman15 2796
    East2West 2781
    FangQuil 2603
    Revan 2466
    Enscription 2457
  • Hi @Dyphon
    You'll need at least 4 more cards to be eligible to partake! 7 minimum needed
  • Division D

    LordArcadian 1471
    minouchen 1437
    DrakeGladis 1357
    FireOfGolden 1316
    Laharl897 1183
    Elyas_Sterling 1159
    The_333_ 907

  • Much appreciated @jpastor !!  
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