The Mystery World of Enigmara



  • create an exploration type of card.

  • Create an instant or sorcery showcasing one of the strength abilities.

    With the very ground beneath her feet on her side, Enyara calls upon the great Elementals slumbering within the heart of the forest. In their wake, the forest grows stronger, sprouting alongside the forces of nature themselves.
    From the Earth
  • @LvB

    treacherous swamp

    As the Lady of the Ooze traveled through the world, she encountered a group of adventurers who were struggling to navigate a treacherous swamp. They were lost, and the dangers of the swamp were beginning to take their toll. The Lady of the Ooze knew that she could help them, and she decided to offer her assistance.

    With her ability to morph her body into any shape, the Lady of the Ooze transformed into a boat, carrying the adventurers safely through the swamp. Along the way, she used her powers to heal their wounds and protect them from the dangers of the swamp.

    As they emerged from the swamp, the adventurers thanked the Lady of the Ooze for her help. They had never seen anything like her, and they marveled at her ability to transform and heal.

    With a sense of purpose, the Lady of the Ooze continued on her journey, knowing that she had the power to help those in need and protect the natural world from harm. She knew that her unique abilities were a gift, and she was determined to use them for good.

  • @Tonysparks

    As the Fluidling journeys through the natural world, it encounters a group of creatures unlike any it has seen before. They are small and nimble, with fur as green as the leaves on the trees, and they move with the grace of the wind.

    The creatures introduce themselves as the Fae, protectors of the natural world and its inhabitants. They explain that they have been watching the Fluidling's journey, and they recognize it as a powerful ally in their mission to preserve the balance of nature.

    Together, the Fluidling and the Fae traverse through forests, over mountains, and across rivers, working to restore the balance of the natural world wherever they go. They encounter many challenges along the way, from dark creatures lurking in the shadows to natural disasters that threaten to disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

    But with the Fluidling's water and forest savviness, and the Fae's knowledge of the natural world, they are able to overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger than ever before. They become known throughout the land as champions of the natural world, and their journey inspires many others to join their cause.

    As they continue on their journey, the Fluidling and the Fae know that they will face many more challenges, but they are ready to confront them with the power of nature at their side.

    Create the Fae by creating any kind of creature card that's a Fae. Get creative and don't be afraid to come up with the custom subtype or custom mechanic.

  • @12SidedGuy

    vines ensnaring lumberjacks with axes in forest

    Enyara, the Goddess of Sprawling Roots, had been continuing her daily routine of tending to the forest, ensuring that everything was in balance and harmony. As she walked through the forest, she noticed that some of the trees were beginning to wither and die, their leaves turning brown and falling to the ground.

    Concerned, Enyara approached the trees and could feel their life force fading away. She quickly used her powers to manipulate the growth of the trees, willing them to become stronger and healthier once again. With her hands on the trunk of the tree, Enyara could sense the life force returning, and she could feel the tree's roots beginning to stretch out, connecting with the other trees around it.

    As she continued to work, Enyara could hear the faint sounds of rustling in the bushes nearby. She turned her attention to the source of the noise and saw a group of lumberjacks approaching, axes in hand.

    Enyara knew that she had to act quickly to protect the forest and its inhabitants. With a wave of her hand, vines and roots sprouted up from the ground, ensnaring the lumberjacks and their axes, rendering them immobile.

    "Leave this forest at once," Enyara commanded in a voice that echoed through the trees. "This is a sacred place, and it is under my protection."

    The lumberjacks, terrified by the display of power, quickly fled from the forest, leaving Enyara to tend to the trees and restore the balance once more.

    With each passing day, Enyara knew that she was growing stronger and more attuned to the forest, and she vowed to protect it with all her power and might for eternity.

    Create a card that increases the mana capabilities of a permanent you control or permanents you control.

  • edited April 2023
    @Jpastor I think you missed giving @LvB a challenge :)

    Create the Fae by creating any kind of creature card that's a Fae. Get creative and don't be afraid to come up with the custom subtype or custom mechanic.

    Spooflings are so in tune with nature and so sensitive to large injuries in their ecosystems from even miles away from themselves, that they can die if the places they live become damaged or hurt severely. The land's pain is their pain.
  • Create a new character to start a new storyline.
    Scholar of Yesterdays

    Looks like I got the first bad end! :D Here we go again.
  • @Tonysparks

    camp in a tranquil grove with furry green fairies at nighttime

    Overnight, the Fluidling and the Fae made camp in a tranquil grove, surrounded by trees that towered high into the sky. As the Fluidling rested, it noticed a small creature flitting around the edges of the camp. It was unlike any other creature the Fluidling had seen before, with wings that shimmered like dewdrops in the morning light and a mischievous glint in its eye.

    The Fae introduced the creature as a member of their own kind, a Fae known as a Leafdancer. With a mischievous grin, the Leafdancer darted around the camp, stirring up gentle breezes and causing the leaves to rustle and dance in the wind.

    The Fae explained that the Leafdancers were master manipulators of the natural world, able to bend the forces of nature to their will with a flick of their wings. With their magic, they could calm raging storms, summon gentle rains, and even coax plants to grow at an incredible rate.

    The Fluidling was fascinated by the Leafdancer's abilities, and the Fae offered to teach the Fluidling some of their own magic. They showed the Fluidling how to tap into the natural energies of the world around them, to draw upon the power of the forest and the water to fuel their spells.

    As the night wore on, the Fluidling practiced its newfound magic, creating small streams of water that flowed around the camp and summoning tiny buds to bloom in the grass. With the Fae's guidance, the Fluidling felt more connected to the natural world than ever before, and it knew that its journey had only just begun.

    Create a card for a Leafdancer Fae that utilizes the "Manipulate" mechanic.

  • @cadstar369

    secluded library guarded by ancient turtle wizard

    Deep in the heart of Enigmara, there is a secluded library, guarded by an ancient turtle wizard known as the Scholar of Yesterdays. For centuries, the Scholar has devoted his life to collecting and preserving knowledge, delving into dusty tomes and forgotten scrolls to uncover secrets long lost to time.

    Though the Scholar prefers the company of books to people, he is a kind and wise mentor to those who seek his guidance. Many young wizards have come to him in search of knowledge, and the Scholar has been known to take them under his wing, imparting his wisdom and guiding them on their journeys.

    Despite his great age, the Scholar shows no signs of slowing down. He is often seen deep in study, his spectacles perched on the end of his long, wrinkled nose as he pores over ancient texts, seeking to unlock the secrets of Enigmara's past.

    Rumors abound that the Scholar possesses a vast collection of rare and valuable tomes, hidden away in the labyrinthine shelves of his library. Some say that he guards powerful magical artifacts, relics of a bygone era that he keeps hidden from the world, lest they fall into the wrong hands.

    But whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: the Scholar of Yesterdays is one of the most learned and respected wizards in all of Enigmara, a wise and ancient sage whose knowledge and wisdom are sought by many but granted to few.

    Create a card that illustrates the Turtle's search of knowledge. As well, since this is your second character, can you describe the Scholar's appearance and personality in more detail, and provide some context on why he values knowledge? Short paragraph or two will do just fine.

  • Meanwhile nothing happened.

  • Create a card for a Leafdancer Fae that utilizes the "Manipulate" mechanic.

    "Leafwind's wings are so clear that even when they are not hidden behind his thick green fur, it is invisible, earning him the name clearwing.
  • Create a card that illustrates the Turtle's search of knowledge.
    Scour the Ruins

    As well, since this is your second character, can you describe the Scholar's appearance and personality in more detail, and provide some context on why he values knowledge?

    The Scholar of Yesterdays bears the scars of many calamities. Having grown tired and frustrated with how quickly many creatures and civilizations forget the past, inevitably repeating it and vanishing with the next self-inflicted disaster, he and a number of like-minded individuals created an order that preserves the past for those with the wisdom to appreciate it.

    Creatures of the order tend to keep to themselves, for even those with good intentions tend to do foolish things with the knowledge the order collects and protects, and there has been at least one occasion where contact with the order has directly impacted the downfall of multiple civilizations. This makes the Scholar of Yesterdays something of an anomaly, as he finds there is much that can be safely taught from the edges of the past in exchange for knowledge of the present and fragments of potential futures.

    Taciturn in nature, he presents others with myriad enigmas etched into his necklaces, woven through his robes, and even painted upon his scales, learning as much from their fumbling answers as they might from giving them.
  • @LvB
    I forgot your challenge there. 

    Can you do the following: 

    Create a creature card that transforms into a vehicle, provides healing and protection to its passengers, manipulates terrain, and references the idea of using one's gifts to help others and the environment. (Should be able to fit all that with two sides.)
  • @Tonysparks

    a rabbit a fox and fireflies join many green fairies for storytime around campfire in forest

    The Fluidling spent the rest of the night and next day honing its skills with the Fae and the Leafdancer. As the sun set, they built a small fire and shared stories of their travels and adventures. The Fluidling listened with rapt attention, amazed by the tales of the Fae's travels through the Enchanted Forest and the Leafdancer's encounters with the elusive Woodland Spirits.

    As the night grew darker, the Leafdancer began to hum a soft melody, and the creatures of the forest gathered around the camp. A family of rabbits hopped out from the bushes, followed by a curious fox and a group of glowing fireflies. The Fae smiled at the Fluidling, explaining that the Leafdancer's music had called the creatures of the forest to join them.

    The Fluidling watched in wonder as the animals danced and played, their movements synchronized to the Leafdancer's song. It felt a deep connection to the natural world, and the Fae could sense its newfound appreciation for the delicate balance of the forest.

    As the night wore on, the creatures of the forest gradually drifted away, and the Fluidling settled into its makeshift bed, its mind buzzing with new ideas and possibilities. It knew that its journey with the Fae and the Leafdancer had only just begun, and it was eager to see where the winds of fate would take it next.

    Create a creature card that allows the controller to search their library for a creature card and put it onto the battlefield when it enters the battlefield or deals combat damage, with a flavor text emphasizing the importance of forming a deep connection with the natural world and its creatures.

  • @cadstar369

    Scholar of Yesterdays Enigmaras forgotten past ancient texts and scrolls lost languages old turtle wizard tome of ancient magic deciphering incantations and rituals powerful magic unlocking secrets of Enigmaras past

    Thank you for the additional information about the Scholar of Yesterdays. Based on what you've shared, I can imagine the Scholar as a reserved and cautious individual, who has seen the consequences of knowledge falling into the wrong hands. His order's dedication to preserving knowledge may have come from a desire to prevent the mistakes of the past from being repeated, and to ensure that the wisdom of the ages is not lost.

    Despite his reluctance to share knowledge freely, the Scholar understands the value of exchanging information and ideas with others. His enigmas, etchings, and paintings may serve as a way to test those who seek his knowledge, to see if they are worthy of receiving it. And through these interactions, he may also learn from the insights and perspectives of others, further enriching his own understanding of the world.

    Overall, the Scholar of Yesterdays seems like a fascinating character with a rich backstory, and I look forward to seeing how he might fit into the world of Enigmara.

    Scholar of Yesterdays Enigmaras forgotten past ancient texts and scrolls lost languages old turtle wizard tome of ancient magic deciphering incantations and rituals powerful magic unlocking secrets of Enigmaras past

    The Scholar of Yesterdays had recently received a strange request from an unlikely source - a young Fluidling seeking knowledge of Enigmara's past. At first, the Scholar was hesitant to take on such an unusual apprentice, but something in the Fluidling's earnest and curious demeanor convinced him to make an exception.

    Over the weeks and months that followed, the Scholar guided the Fluidling through the labyrinthine shelves of his library, teaching the young creature the secrets of Enigmara's forgotten past. Together, they pored over ancient texts and scrolls, deciphering lost languages and piecing together fragments of history long thought lost.

    As the Fluidling's knowledge grew, so too did its respect for the Scholar. Though the old turtle wizard could be gruff and unapproachable at times, the Fluidling could sense the depth of his knowledge and the passion that drove him to continue studying, even after centuries of life.

    One day, as they sat together in the library, the Scholar suddenly turned to the Fluidling, his eyes twinkling with an uncharacteristic excitement. "I believe I have found something truly extraordinary," he said, his voice low and intense. "A tome of ancient magic, one that has been lost for countless generations. With your help, we may be able to unlock its secrets and harness its power."

    The Fluidling could hardly contain its excitement, and together they set to work, pouring over the pages of the ancient tome and deciphering the complex incantations and rituals within. As they worked, the Scholar grew more and more animated, his eyes shining with an almost feverish intensity.

    At last, after many long weeks of study and experimentation, the Scholar and the Fluidling unlocked the secrets of the ancient tome, unleashing a wave of powerful magic that shook the very foundations of the library. As the magic subsided, the Scholar turned to the Fluidling, a broad grin spreading across his face.

    "Well done, my young friend," he said, his voice filled with pride. "Truly, you are a wizard of great promise. With your help, we may yet unlock the secrets of Enigmara's past and bring to light the knowledge that has been lost for so many centuries."

    Design a card that captures the theme of uncovering forgotten knowledge and artifacts.

  • edited April 2023
    Create a creature card that allows the controller to search their library for a creature card and put it onto the battlefield when it enters the battlefield or deals combat damage, with a flavor text emphasizing the importance of forming a deep connection with the natural world and its creatures.
  • @Tonysparks
    Enchanted Forest rare flower Woodland Spirits magic lush greenery vibrant wildlife trail of flowers communicate with forest creatures hidden clearing reverence ancient power rare glowing flower gratitude sense of purpose adventure

    The next morning, the Fluidling awoke to find the Fae and the Leafdancer already up and about. They were discussing their plans for the day, and the Fluidling eagerly joined in the conversation. The Fae explained that they needed to travel deeper into the Enchanted Forest to find a rare flower that was said to have magical properties. The Leafdancer nodded in agreement, adding that they should also seek out a hidden grove where the Woodland Spirits were said to gather.

    The Fluidling was excited by the prospect of new adventures and eagerly followed the Fae and the Leafdancer into the dense forest. The journey was long and arduous, but the Fluidling felt invigorated by the lush greenery and the vibrant wildlife that surrounded them. It learned new tricks from the Fae, such as how to use its powers to create a trail of flowers that would lead them back to camp, and it marveled at the Leafdancer's ability to communicate with the forest creatures.

    As they neared their destination, the Fluidling could feel a sense of magic in the air. The forest grew denser and more mystical, and the creatures became rarer and more exotic. Finally, they came upon the grove, a hidden clearing surrounded by towering trees and buzzing with the energy of the Woodland Spirits.

    The Fae and the Leafdancer greeted the spirits with reverence, and the Fluidling felt a sense of awe at the ancient power that surrounded them. The spirits offered the Fluidling a gift, a rare flower that glowed with an ethereal light. The Fluidling accepted it with gratitude, feeling a deep sense of responsibility to protect and nurture the precious gift.

    As they made their way back to camp, the Fluidling felt a new sense of purpose. It had grown stronger and wiser in its journey with the Fae and the Leafdancer, and it knew that it had much to offer the world. It was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

    Create a card that features a magical flower with ethereal properties and a sense of responsibility to protect and nurture it.

  • LvBLvB
    edited April 2023
    Create a creature card that transforms into a vehicle, provides healing and protection to its passengers, manipulates terrain, and references the idea of using one's gifts to help others and the environment. (Should be able to fit all that with two sides.)

    Well, i hope thats what you expected:

  • Create a card that features a magical flower with ethereal properties and a sense of responsibility to protect and nurture it.
  • edited April 2023

    repairing damaged ethereal planes

    In the past few days, the Ethereal Nightguard has been overseeing the repair of the damaged ethereal planes that were affected by the rogue ethereal beings. It has been working closely with Justus, Battlewise Scholar, who has been using their knowledge of spirit warfare to heal the damaged planes.

    Meanwhile, the Deserted Anchorite has been providing spiritual guidance and support to the ethereal beings who were affected by the rogue group's influence. The Ethereal Nightguard has been impressed by the Anchorite's ability to connect with these beings and help them overcome their trauma.

    As they work, the Nightguard and its allies have also been keeping a watchful eye on the ethereal realm, alert for any signs of further disturbances or threats to the multiverse's delicate balance. The Nightguard knows that it must remain ever vigilant, ready to act quickly and decisively to protect the realms under its care.

    Create a card that represents the vigilant and protective nature of the Ethereal Nightguard as it works to repair the damaged ethereal planes and keep watch over the multiverse.

  • edited April 2023

    dense forest with oddly shaped creatures pixelated rocks and flowers

    For the past few days, the Lady of the Ooze has been exploring the dense forest of Pixelios, encountering various oddly shaped animals in need of her help. She aided a family of blob-like birds trapped in a thorn bush and a group of pixelated squirrels struggling to gather food for the winter by transforming into different blob-like shapes to assist them.

    As she journeyed further into the forest, the Lady of the Ooze stumbled upon a distressed area where the blob-like trees were dying, and the ground was barren. After investigating, she discovered that a nearby town had been dumping toxic waste into the forest, causing the natural balance to be disrupted.

    Determined to stop the destruction, the Lady of the Ooze confronted the oddly shaped town's leaders and urged them to stop their harmful actions. Despite some resistance, the town eventually agreed to cease dumping and work towards cleaning up the damage they had caused.

    Now, with the natural balance restored, the Lady of the Ooze realizes that she must return to Enigmara, where she can continue her mission to protect the oddly shaped world from harm and use her unique abilities to assist those in need.

    Create a card inspired by the Lady of the Ooze's mission to protect the natural balance of the oddly shaped world and use her unique abilities to assist those in need.
  • edited April 2023


    After receiving the rare glowing flower from the Woodland Spirits, the Fluidling spent the night protecting it, never letting it out of its sight. The flower's delicate leaves shimmered in the moonlight, and its petals emitted a faint, sweet fragrance that soothed the Fluidling's nerves.

    first rays of sunlight peeking through forest canopy

    As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the forest canopy, the Fluidling carefully packed the flower away and set out with the Fae and the Leafdancer to continue their journey. Their next destination was the River Coral, a tributary of the Enchanted River that was said to contain healing properties.

    The journey was challenging, as they had to navigate through thick underbrush and cross treacherous streams. The Fae used their magic to guide them, while the Leafdancer relied on their intuition and connection to the natural world. The Fluidling used its abilities to create bridges of vines and flowers to help them cross over obstacles.

    Finally, they arrived at the River Coral, a sparkling blue-green stream that flowed over rocks and around boulders. The Fluidling could feel the healing power emanating from the water, and it was determined to collect some for their journey.

    Using a small vial, the Fluidling carefully scooped up some of the water, being mindful not to disturb the river's delicate ecosystem. As it did, it noticed a group of small fish darting around its feet, and it felt a sense of kinship with them.

    With their mission accomplished, the Fae, the Leafdancer, and the Fluidling set out to find a suitable place to rest and enjoy their hard-earned rewards. The Fluidling felt a sense of pride in its accomplishments, and it knew that there were many more adventures to come.

    Create a card inspired by the Fluidling's journey to protect and harness the healing power of nature, and its ability to use its unique abilities to navigate through challenging environments.

  • LvBLvB
    edited April 2023
    Create a card inspired by the Lady of the Ooze's mission to protect the natural balance of the oddly shaped world and use her unique abilities to assist those in need.
    While on the plane of Pixelios, the Lady of Ooze found a way to protect the weak while making sure they wont be that weak again next time.
  • @LvB - I think before we drop the new story entry, it's a good time for a recap of the important stuff so far on your character's journey. Here's a look back at everything up to this point. Consider this Chapter 1.
    While exploring Enigmara, she was experimenting with Ooze creatures in nature. She had created a highly adaptive breed of Oozes that spread quickly naturally on an accelerated evolution. She was roaming around a forest on one of the continents of Enigmara looking to observe these Ooze's in their natural environment when she stumbled upon a portal to another world. She wasn't sure of her mission in life yet and decided to risk everything by venturing into this portal. With no idea why there was a portal there or where it goes, she walked in and planeswalked to the world of Pixelios, which was a world filled with oddly shaped creatures and geology. Pixelios served her storyline as a beginning to her purpose, because the Druid of the Ooze discovered a new power to harness the raw power of nature. This power gave her purpose and she became the Lady of the Ooze - someone who through previous expertise and obsession with oozes was able to understand and learn a natural method to become an ooze herself at will. While on Pixelios, she discovered there was an imbalance to the natural world there. A disturbance that needed cleansing. After a week or two of enduring odd phenomena, she was able to rid the world of these impurities, which allowed the diversity of life to thrive once again, in a similar way the ooze she created back on Enigmara learned to thrive when they were released into nature. So, job done, she returned to the portal and returned to the same forest in Enigmara.

    After returning to Enigmara the Lady of the Ooze spent the first few days in deep contemplation She had been consumed by her newfound power and the responsibility that came with it and she needed time to reflect on what it all meant She wandered the forests and plains of Enigmara seeking solace in nature and the wisdom of the creatures she encountered  As she meditated under a towering oak tree she felt a tug in her gut It was a strange sensation almost like somethin

    Chapter 2: Return to Enigmara

    After returning to Enigmara, the Lady of the Ooze spent the first few days in deep contemplation. She had been consumed by her newfound power and the responsibility that came with it, and she needed time to reflect on what it all meant. She wandered the forests and plains of Enigmara, seeking solace in nature and the wisdom of the creatures she encountered.

    As she meditated under a towering oak tree, she felt a tug in her gut. It was a strange sensation, almost like something was trying to pull her towards a particular direction. Following her intuition, she set out on a journey towards the mountains that loomed in the distance.

    The journey was long and perilous, but the Lady of the Ooze was determined to see it through. She crossed raging rivers, scaled treacherous cliffs, and braved the elements of Enigmara's wild terrain. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she reached the base of the mountains.

    There, she found a small village of Ooze creatures, unlike any she had ever seen before. They were a peaceful, gentle race, and they welcomed the Lady of the Ooze with open arms. They had been waiting for her, they said, for a long time. They had heard of her exploits on Pixelios, and they believed that she was the only one who could help them.

    The Lady of the Ooze listened intently as the Ooze villagers explained their plight. They were under attack from a rival tribe of creatures, one that sought to destroy their way of life and claim their land for themselves. The Lady of the Ooze knew that she had to help them, and she vowed to do everything in her power to protect the Ooze village and restore peace to their land.

    Over the next five days, the Lady of the Ooze worked tirelessly, using her powers to create impenetrable barriers and cunning traps to fend off the attackers. She rallied the Ooze villagers and trained them in the ways of combat, teaching them how to use their unique abilities to fight back against their enemies.

    Finally, after a long and grueling battle, the Lady of the Ooze emerged victorious. The rival tribe was defeated, and the Ooze village was safe once more. The Lady of the Ooze bid farewell to her new friends and set off back into the wilderness, feeling a sense of satisfaction and purpose that she had never felt before.

    Create the hypothetical Legendary Rare version of your Lady of the Ooze creature. This would be a reflection of how she sees herself growing as a character in the story of Enigmara.
  • Create a card inspired by the Fluidling's journey to protect and harness the healing power of nature, and its ability to use its unique abilities to navigate through challenging environments.

    Thanks to nature Lora had a home, had friends, had purpose, and even had a name. Through nature Lora had gained many things few fluidlings would ever gain. Only a few fluidlings ever got the honor of being named. Even fewer knew what a name was. Nature had taught Lora alot, but now it was time for Lora to teach nature something in return. She infused her watery essense in the land, allowing the rigid lands to adapt to any threat that would threaten their sanctity, all the while Lora became even closer with the glade.

  • @Tonysparks

    As Lora continued to infuse her watery essence into the land she noticed a disturbance in the glade The trees were wilting and the animals were becoming sickly Lora realized that something was contaminating the water source that fed the glade She followed the source upstream and found a group of humans dumping toxic waste into the river Lora knew she had to act quickly to save her home  Using her control over water Lora created a massive wave that swept the humans and

    As Lora continued to infuse her watery essence into the land, she noticed a disturbance in the glade. The trees were wilting and the animals were becoming sickly. Lora realized that something was contaminating the water source that fed the glade. She followed the source upstream and found a group of humans dumping toxic waste into the river. Lora knew she had to act quickly to save her home.

    Using her control over water, Lora created a massive wave that swept the humans and their waste downstream. She then used her powers to purify the water source and heal the land. The animals and plants began to flourish once again, and the glade was restored to its former beauty.

    But Lora knew that this was not a permanent solution. The humans would likely return and continue to pollute the river. She needed to find a way to communicate with them and convince them to stop their destructive actions. Lora decided to venture out of the glade and into the human world to seek a solution.

    Create a card based on Lora's infusion of her watery essence into the land to protect it from threats.

  • Design a card that captures the theme of uncovering forgotten knowledge and artifacts.
    Scour the Ruins
  • @cadstar369
    After studying the ancient tomes for several months the turtle wizard Scholar of Yesterdays discovered a forgotten ritual that allowed her to travel back in time to witness the events she had been researching firsthand With trepidation she performed the ritual and was transported back to a pivotal moment in history but she quickly realized that meddling in the past could have disastrous consequences for the present
    After studying the ancient tomes for several months, the Scholar of Yesterdays discovered a forgotten ritual that allowed him to travel back in time to witness the events he had been researching firsthand. With trepidation, he performed the ritual and was transported back to a pivotal moment in history, but he quickly realized that meddling in the past could have disastrous consequences for the present.

    Using a time-traveling ability or mechanic, create a card that represents discovery of something forgotten (like the ritual) and potential consequences (be they part of the abilities or flavor text).
This discussion has been closed.