Battle Mystery Card: Create Your Own Weapon



  • Otherwise, good battle!
  • Alright! I would like to challenge… @jpastor!
  • @FireOfGolden @Globert-the-Martian Giving a permanent an additional ability does not overwrite any of that permanent's existing abilities.  You are thinking of changing a permanent's type, subtype, or colour.  When those things are changed, the new replaces the old unless it's explicitly written "in addition to its other..."  See Angelic Armaments, Deep Freeze, Indigo Faerie, and Mephidross Vampire.

    As much as it might sound better to say "deals 1 damage to each permanent" instead of "deals 1 damage to each creature, player, planeswalker, and battle" listing all the different card types that will be dealt damage is the right way to do it.  Firstly, because just saying "permanent" doesn't include players, which is the intended function of the card.  Secondly, noncreature artifacts, enchantments, and lands can't take damage, so it doesn't make sense to try to damage them.  In all existing cards, every card type that's affected by damage is explicitly named.  See Captain's Maneuver, Cautery Sliver, Cosmic Hunger, Disciples of the Inferno.
  • Also, I accept the challenge from @smax765.
  • @jpastor
    You been challenged by @Robo_Kitty, please accept this challenge within a week.

    Expiration: August 20, 11:59 PM
  • @Jadefire @smax765
    Thanks for clearing that up! I will keep that in mind next time I create something or judge something similar to that.

    Your card is instant.

    It will costs at least one mana to gain an extra turn, but there will be terrible price to pay in next turn.

    Your card cannot be either blue or black.

  • This is my entry:

  • @FireOfGolden Question for the challenge: does it count if the card lets you do something to prevent the terrible thing from happening, or does it have to happen no matter what?
  • @Jadefire
    I can't remember name of a card, but it does destory target creature for free. You will have to pay for it next turn, otherwise you will lose the game. Hence, yes. You can add ability to to prevent that terrible in a certain condition.
  • @FireOfGolden Yes, I was thinking of Slaughter Pact and the other Pacts.  What I was considering is not exactly like that but it does involve a cost to prevent the undesirable thing, or you can just take it.
  • @Jadefire
    You can do that, but you need be careful. Something like that could put the card's balance off. Good luck!
  • I am sorry, if starting this here is rather boring, but trust me, in future, it could get exciting. The nystery card has a rate to give out an random card that may be curse or power-up.

    If you don't want to use the card, you can sell it to me based on rarity or you can trade it with other challengers.

    This was an interesting card to come up with with.  Even though it's a mashup of Time Stretch and Worst Fears, it couldn't be blue or black.  The theme of diplomacy (E.g.,  making a deal) and white's concern with keeping things balanced seems to work well with it.  You get an extra good turn in exchange for a bad turn and you have to figure out how to best utilize the good while mitigating the bad.  The card also provides some flexibility and intriguing play decisions, since you can give the extra turn to your opponent and then really screw them over afterwards or give one opponent the extra turn and control of that player to a second opponent in multiplayer.
  • @Jadefire @smax765
    Beacon of the Sunrise is a legendary instant that's can be only casted while at least a legendary creature is present under its caster's control. Which costs for a single mana - only white required - to cast. When casted, its caster will take extra turn and it will have to pay price at end of turn... Exiling ALL permanents that's not land, saga, artifact, and legendaries. Afterwards, it will be shuffled into owner's deck. Which sounds fair, BUT, it has potienal to cost its owner AT ALMOST NOTHING. A deck can be fulled of historical - specifically artifact or legendary creatures and its price is nothing at all, because its owner don't have to pay for it. Because of how unqiue is it, its Rarity is mystic will keep it balanced... Barely. It's almost overbalanced and will be if a player managed get hand on this card into the deck with nothing but historic with some spells can be used to control the battlefield. I believe that it would be more balanced, if it were "Exile all nonland permanent under your control at the end of that turn."

    Now for appearance, I noticed you missed " ' " between "won" and "t". There's a grammar issue there, or was it just a glitch? Either way, "Sun won't leave today." Sounds nice flavor text, but somewhat less meaning, don't get me wrong.

    Hence, I will give it 87 out of 100, its rate will increase, if the price to pay is taken care of. (Balance)

    As for Price of Diplomacy, three requirements are given and must be follow. Those makes up 100% of possible rating and if it fails to meet one of them, it will decrease to 67% of possible rating. Another and it decreases to 33%. As if it were 3/3, 2/3, and 1/3.

    Remind requirements:
    "Your card is instant.

    It will costs at least one mana to gain an extra turn, but there will be terrible price to pay in next turn.

    Your card cannot be either blue or black."

    Why am I saying this? That is because I tried force people to create instant costing one or less to cast. I wondered why you failed to follow one of them, as I reread requirements, it turns out it's wording issue and it backfired at me. I would change requirement to correct this, but I can't... So, well done! You bended the rule without breaking and got away! No penalty and no one will create Injustice token.

    Price of Diplomacy is white instant requires three white mana and other any three mana to cast. When casted, a player will gain two extra turns, but the terrible price to pay is losing a control on second turn to an opponent. I believe that Price of Diplomacy can get away with two white mana and any two mana to stay balanced upon that terrible price. However, taking a control of player is somewhat tricky. Doesn't that mean opponent can force the player to surrender? That's tricky part. It's very, very unqine, so mystic is vaild here.

    Now for appearance, I must admit that this is most realistic card I have seen compared with others  - even cards I created - so congrats!

    I will give it 94 out of 100, rating will increase if mana is increased. I am unsure about how  controlling player works, but something tells me that opponent can force player to surrender. Is that your intention? If not so, I would recommend "They see all cards that player could see and make all decisions for the player that doesn't end game through surrender." (Underbalanced)
    Winner is...
    I am unsure if that was intentional or not, but you managed to ignore a requirement without any penalty at all. Hence, congrats!

  • @smax765 Good battle, you even got a piece of art that looks like Beacon of Immortality.

    @FireOfGolden Excuse the misinterpretation.  Wording the challenge as "at least one" is the same as saying "one or more."  Now that you've explained more clearly that you wanted cards to have mana value 0 or 1, I think you meant to say "at most one" or "one or less."  I hope my earlier question about what counts as having a terrible thing happen shows that I was trying to follow the rules for the card.

    In answer to your question, no, a player can't force another player to concede.  The making all decisions part of controlling a player only has to do with choosing things that cards require players to choose when you cast a spell or activate an ability.  The reason why I made the spell cost more than 2WW is because there are situations in which someone making all of your decisions still can't hurt you that much, like if you don't have any removal spells in your hand for them to use on your own permanents or if they have no creatures to punish you with when they tap all of your creatures to attack.  In these cases, you get one really good turn and one sort of bad turn, but still an extra card from the second turn.  Also, if you're just one turn away from beating someone, you don't need to worry about the second turn, which makes the card better than Time Warp if it costs less than five mana.
  • @FireOfGolden the error of won't is a strange glitch on mtgcardsmith that changes (at least for me) the " ' " by an "â". If you look at my cards, basically none has the " ' " symbol.

    @Jadefire Good battle! I would never have created your card! It's impressive how extra turns can appear in white as a cost, but without using color pie break.
  • @smax765 I know what the issue is with your missing apostrophes. Check the bottom of this comment. In short, you'll need to add them back in manually when you're editing your card's text.

    It's often possible to break the colour pie in an "acceptable" way by using limitations and drawbacks that are on theme for the colour you're designing for, as well as giving the card an appropriate mana cost.  A color that's doing something it doesn't typically do should generally never do it as well or as efficiently as a color that does that thing a lot (i.e., If you had all rainbow lands, you shouldn't want to play an off-colour card over a card from a colour that embodies that effect.). Taking into account things that a colour cares about/is good at/is known for can also help you to design the flavour of the card in a way that justifies the effect in that colour (E.g., card name, flavour text, theme/feel of the card).
  • @cadstar369
    So that was unintentionally. Don't worry about it, it's my fault, not your. I should have word it better. ?

    Ah, that clears up. Making that 6 mana sounds reasonable.

    There is a card named Warrior's Oath costs for two mana and all only red mana. It basically gives an extra turn and at end of extra turn, caster loses the game. It's not blue only alone can gain extra turn. Other colors can do same, as long as they have some "Terribe price" to pay. I beileve blue is only color which can gain an extra turn without any penalty. Am I wrong?

    Nevertheless, good battle! Would ya guys like another battle?
  • @FireOfGolden Black has also some blue-based card that can be countered paying life (eg: Temporal extortion, Dash hopes). I have in my collection dash hopes and I really like when opponents have to make a difficult decision, specially if they have 10 life or less >:)
  • @smax765 That is why I forsaken black, because black is easier to come up for that card than rest of others colors rather than blue.
  • As a fan of some of their recent cards, I'd like to challenge @TheDarkKnight1234567.
  • @FireOfGolden There's a card older than Warrior's Oath/Last Chance called Final Fortune that does the same thing but at instant speed.  There's also a similar card in Boros that does that plus gives your creatures indestructible called Chance for Glory, although I don't see the benefit of keeping your creatures alive if you don't win that turn.  I guess if you can cast this and also cast a spell that gives you an extra combat phase, that would be helpful.  There other nonblue cards that give extra turns, but they are either very situational, require a lot of setup to work, or very expensive: Stranglehold, Seedtime, Temporal Extortion, Ugin's Nexus, Timesifter, Time Vault, Rise of the Eldrazi, Magosi, the Waterveil, Magistrate's Scepter, Gonti's Aether Heart, and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.

    I'm open to another battle, but I'll wait to be challenged rather than challenge someone directly.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567

    You been challenged by @cadstar369! Please accept this challenge within a week.

    Expiration: August 23, 11:59 PM CST
  • @Jadefire Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you for telling me this!
  • @cadstar369

    I accept your challenge! You will probably beat me though.


    What is the time limit for these challenges?
  • @cadstar369 @TheDarkKnight1234567
    Great question! There is no time limit unless a certain of card says otherwise.

    Your card is an artifact.

    Artifact must be colored with below 6 mana value.

    The artifact will turn into an artifact creature when it's unattached from the equipped creature.

    Loser will be cursed;

  • @Robo_Kitty
    You may have to challenge another person in case @jpastor doesn't reply back after a week. You can either wait until expiration arrives or you can add another battle on your plate.
  • It's low-hanging fruit, but let's see how this fares.

    Wardens Scarab
  • If loser is cursed and they doesn't wish to be cursed. They can ask other people for help. The curse can be transferred in exchange for Blessed token. Once that's done, Curse is fully sealed and cannot be moved again.

  • I chose the difficult route. Lets see if that decision pays off.
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