
  • edited July 2023
    Thank you for pointing my mistake out! I updated here; 

    The caster will get it back after it transformed. "Its caster gains control of Arm Builder." Or that was an error?
  • edited July 2023
  • @jpastor Thank you, I will keep that in mind!
  • I'll cast Banish into Fable, which gets copied because of Ethereal Absolution. One copy targets Snailemental and the other targets the 3/3 token. We get two 2/2 vigilance Knight tokens, which become 4/4 because of Celestial Crusader and Ethereal Absolution.

  • edited July 2023
    And while we're here, I'll finish this off with a very simple 
    (I don't have anyone else's cards I'd like favourited for the round I didn't post cards for either, but for the guy we killed just earlier, I would like a favourite on Hornet https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/hornet-the-horns-of-god)
  • @jpastor how many favourites do I have: 3 from winning the last encounter + 1 from the roles reveal for this encounter + 1 for getting this foe to 0 life? They can go to any of my cards:
  • Once again, I updated Arms Builder to this.

    Hopefully, that clears it up.
  • @jpastor
    Meanwhile, Snailemental been parasited, but best part is you have an additional ability which you can use it against opponents until that creature dies from either parasite or enemies. Upon death, Arms Builder should return to battlefield under my control then transforms.
  • The Snailemental surrenders to the might of Ethereal Absolution. Snailemental reveals its remaining cards and orders its Snails to retreat to the forest.

    Shell Shield 

    Slime Trail

    Snail Sanctuary


    Pagoda Grove

    The Snailemental Counter is COMPLETE.

    Community: VICTORY
  • LvBLvB
    edited July 2023
    Arrrr, the pirate cavallery finally arrived to battle the snails! Wait, where are they? What happened ? Damn, too late.
  • edited July 2023

    Boss Encounter - Eater of Souls

    • In a boss encounter, you are up against a supervillain. Something that can only be defeated by acts of perseverance, immersion, and utter survival. 
    • A boss deck can have up to 100 cards in.
    • Board states will be ignored, and the game state will be ignored. This is an encounter you must immerse in the flavor lore to become victorious.
    This foe is an ancient and malevolent entity that dwells in the depths of a forgotten realm. It is a towering creature with a body shrouded in darkness and glowing red eyes that pierce through the blackness. It feeds on the souls of the living, draining their essence to sustain its own power.
    • The foe is on a quest to create 5 emblems. Should your efforts dwindle, it will succeed in creating these emblems. Once it has created all 5 emblems, the boss will reveal itself. If it reveals itself, it can no longer be killed, but it can be forced to retreat in defeat.
    • If you succeed in drawing it out before it can create all 5 emblems, you have a chance to exile it for eternity.


    The General (@Robo_Kitty) may play a Legendary Creature to represent the General and plays creatures that share a subtype with the General.

    The Queen (@cadstar369) may play only cards with mana value 1 or less.

    The Cryptid (Replaced the Crypt) (@KorandAngels) ;receives a commander in a message and can only play cards that would thematically or flavorfully fit in the commander's deck. The commander can be revealed and played as long as the foe is revealed. Otherwise, nobody can know for sure what cryptid they are.

    The King (@FireOfGolden) may only play cards with mana value 8 or greater.

    The Adversary (@Jadefire) follows usual rules except they're on the Foe's side playing against the community. The community treats Adversary cards as if they were posted by the foe.

    No Role (@LvB) - You are on the community's side and have no constraints other than no Legendary or mythic cards.

    The Zookeeper (@smax765) may only play animal subtype WotC creature cards or any subtype custom creature cards.

    Newcomers mid-Encounter will join the community with no specific role.

    The community will face the wrath of the foe, a formidable opponent who devours souls and commands the power of darkness.

    Let the community play first. 

  • @LvB - I like your cards anyways! 

    Remember in these encounters, only one card can be played per turn. Once the foe plays card(s), you can play another card!
  • I'll play a 

    Into a 

  • The ground shakes, at first you thought it's earthquake, but you could see a shadow in the distance slowly blocking the sun... It's the giant figure!

    Seven creatures were mixed into Advance Project, giving 7 +1/+1 counters on it.
  • edited July 2023
    The queen prays for the community’s safety, casting a protective enchantment and wishing them luck in the coming battle.

  • edited July 2023
    Unhallowed Pact

    Advance Project becomes bound by a dark pact The bond between the creature and the shadows is so strong that even in death, it cannot escape the grasp of the pact.

    Necromantic Summons
    Reaching into the depths of the underworld, a creature is summoned back, its dark life force rekindled for a fleeting moment, enough to extend its dark grasp.

    Grasp of Darkness

    Darkness extends its suffocating grip, enveloping Advance Project in an abyss of despair. The very essence of the creature is withered and weakened, as shadows coil around it, draining its strength. In the face of this dark magic, even the mightiest champions tremble. Bound by the pact, it becomes a terrifying embodiment of the foe's influence.

    Desolation Ritual
    Edit: Link: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/desolation-ritual

    The malevolent presence brings forth a ritual of utter desolation. The land itself crumbles under its influence as both friend and foe are forced to sacrifice their lands. The community's once bountiful territory is reduced to a barren wasteland. Amidst the chaos, the foe draws power from the bleakness, while the community struggles to find solace in the aftermath.

    The foe strikes back with its dark and deadly arsenal, ready to devour the souls of the community's creatures and plunge them into despair.
  • Well, that enemy is obviously using the darkest arts. Lets make sure we dont end fighting our own undead comrades. I'll play:

  • To ensure the fallen remain a resource for the Eater of Souls, the Adversary will destroy Rest in Peace.

  • The Queen channels a prayer, calling forth a protective light to ward off the beholder’s influence.

  • edited July 2023
    Ignoring what is going on on the rest of the battlefield, I will play a

    And enchant it with these two: 

    (Which triggers Heroic twice)

    The large goat climbs out from behind the dune, and it shakes. A bleeding patch on its lower neck makes it evident that it has been vampirised, and as it starts coughing blood out of every orifice, you watch as the transformation is finished. 
  • edited July 2023

    The community, facing the malevolent presence of the foe, makes a desperate plea for divine intervention. Blessed Radiance is called upon, a powerful white magic that bestows both hexproof and indestructibility to a chosen permanent. The community's faith and determination manifest as Spell Mastery, enhancing the spell's protective powers and granting an additional boost of +2/+2.

    In this dire situation, a mysterious creature emerges from the shadows. Chosen of Capricorn, a mystical Goat Spirit, embodies the resilience and fortitude needed to withstand the darkness. Its heroic nature allows it to grow stronger when targeted by spells, gaining two +1/+1 counters with each casting. Moreover, the Chosen of Capricorn possesses the ability to transfer these counters to another creature, spreading its divine blessings to bolster the community's forces.

    Edit: The foe, sensing the community's determination, responds with a wicked grin as it unveils its next move.

    Shadow Rift

    "The darkness conceals both friend and foe alike. Beware the unseen predator." - The Foe

    Unseen Predator


    Tendrils of Despair

    "As life fades, despair takes hold, and shadows feed on the anguish of the fallen."

    Veil of Shadows

    Eater of Hope
    "In its wake, only emptiness remains. The feast of souls fuels its eternal hunger." - Legend of the insatiable demon

    With these dark and sinister spells, The foe aims to exploit the community's vulnerabilities. It employs the power of shadow, rendering its creatures unblockable and invisible to the naked eye. Tendrils of Despair brings forth a grim sacrifice, forcing the community to make difficult choices and providing foe with a gain in life. Veil of Shadows shrouds a chosen creature in darkness, granting it the elusive quality of shadow.

    To further intensify the threat, The foe summons Eater of Hope, a fearsome demon with the ability to regenerate itself by sacrificing other creatures. This malevolent entity becomes a formidable force, capable of destroying target creatures by consuming the life essence of its own minions.

  • edited July 2023
    I will continue doing the same thing I was already doing and put an Untamed Hunger on my goat hero. 
    Edit: I may or may not also play this, even though it won't be too useful
  • LvBLvB
    edited July 2023
    Arrrr, here comes the cavalry! They didnt make it to the last encounter, but now that they are here, these ghost pirates might be useful!

  • Got a question; can I really cast legendary sorcery or that's forbidden?
  • edited July 2023
    @FireOfGolden nobody in the community can cast legendary or mythic rare spells unless their role allows it (see the various roles currently active in the intro above).
  • The Adversary will utilize the dark arts to take possession of the Chosen Capricorn, making it potential fodder for the Eater of Hope.

  • edited July 2023
    I'll take that back, actually. 
    (On the possession enchantment)
  • edited July 2023
    I'm playing Jund, I don't need to use the black enchantment destruction spell, I could find a green one. Oh well, it at least has vampire vibes (even though it apparently isn't actually about vampires) which would make it fit in with some of the other spells I'm casting)
  • @jpastor I suggest you sacrifice the Chosen of Capricon to the Eater of Hope in response to Feed the Swarm.
This discussion has been closed.