
  • Your supposition on my use of removal was correct. 
  • Next, I will play 

    on the Myr Battlesphere. I'm probably not allowed to kick it, to keep in the spirit of the Queen restriction. 
  • @FireOfGolden
    Please remember only one card per turn. Which card must you play, and no playing against other community members.

    For my first play, I will spend {b}{c}{r} to cast: Seize the Spoils and discard Linden the Steadfast Queen

    Then, I will cast:

    Fusion Cascade
    Fusion Cascade by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
    to deal 5 damage to The Unitor.
  • "What is that? Oh, you are trying to kill yourself, so you would be free from me. I afraid you are more worth to me being alive than being dead. Do not worry, I always have enough resource and I am enough generous to offer you a food. Minion! Please step toward." Heju said lowly, as he would bring a strike of tentacle upon his own minion. That minion fell onto the ground then he would apart it into pieces and he would bring that corpse to The Unitor. "Here. Eat it up. You will need your energy to survive upon that damage you made for yourself." 

    Inklings Grasp
    Targeting black inkling token 2/2. That inkling dies, in exchange, a +1/+1 counter was put onto The Unitor. The Unitor is now 6/6 and takes 5 damage; however, survives.

    Heju's deck:
    The Unitor 1+5/1+5
    Inkling tokens 2/2
    Heavy Bloated Walker 1/1
  • The Unitor has been defeated by stick figures.

  • Encounter (Heju)

    Heju Luminary Guardian

    Heju, Luminary Guardian by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Heju, Luminary Guardian: The Fallen Beacon

    Once a revered guardian of the realm, Heju was known for his unwavering commitment to protecting the innocent and upholding the values of justice and light. For years, he stood as a beacon of hope, his presence reassuring to all who sought safety and solace.

    However, tragedy struck when Heju encountered a malevolent force that sought to corrupt him. This force, a dark and ancient being known as the Shadowcaster, managed to manipulate Heju's deep sense of duty and righteousness. Under the influence of the Shadowcaster's sinister whispers, Heju's perception of justice became distorted, and he began to see inklings and figures as threats that needed to be eradicated.

    As his once-noble mission twisted into a zealous crusade, Heju's power grew exponentially. He harnessed the very light that had once been his source of strength, twisting it into a weapon against those he deemed enemies. In his eyes, inklings and figures, symbols of creativity and imagination, had become harbingers of chaos and disorder.

    Now, driven by a misguided sense of righteousness, Heju has become a force to be reckoned with. He believes he is purging the world of darkness, unaware that he himself has become the very darkness he seeks to destroy. The community must confront the tragic fall of Heju, hoping to find a way to break the Shadowcaster's hold and restore the guardian's true purpose before it's too late.
  • Same roles as last encounter.
    Except @FireOfGolden can choose from the previous list of roles a new role that hasn't been chosen.

  • Well, he's not really done anything, so I can't respond to anything. 
  • @jpastor Wait, is that Heju from different alternate universe where he were a hero rather than villian?
  • On another hand, what are available roles?
  • The community plays first.

    Ghost (Play as The Unitor)
    - Poison Sphere ? Target Pirate in Mystery Boxes loses 1 favorite for every entry they post this deadline.)
    - Skeletal Edicts ? You get an extra challenge in you next box.
    - Wizard (Only real cards.)
  • Guess I will take Poison Sphere.
  • A figure would steps out of thin air, as if space portal would be formed and dissolved immediately as the figure stepped out. He smirked toward Heju. "Oh, hello there! Aren't you that Heju from a certain universe where you were a hero rather than a virus controller?" The figure shrugged then. "Oh well, name's Wenkman. Pleasure to meet ya. I would like to give you a penny for your thoughts, but... I kinda can foresee future you see."

    "The question is what piece of chess you will move next?"
  • As you cast "Taking a Peek," the air around us shimmers and distorts, revealing hidden secrets. My hand becomes visible to you, and you gain insight into my plans.

    Heju's eyes narrowed as he regarded Wenkman, suspicion etched into his features. The luminary guardian was torn between his sense of duty and the unsettling feeling that this figure held knowledge beyond his comprehension. Still, he could not allow any potential threat to persist.

    Heju's resolve remained unshaken, his heart convinced that his mission was just. With a wave of his hand, a brilliant light formed around him, a radiant aura of protection and power. He addressed Wenkman with stern determination. "I do not know your intentions, traveler, but my duty remains clear. I will not let inklings and figures spread chaos any longer."

    Heju will pass the turn with no plays.

  • "Figures? I assure you that figures don't have anything do to this universe. They simply attempt to stop something evil from appearing. Inklings on another hand. You can give yourself a shot to stop inklings whatever is necessary. These parasites always gave me some troubles in another universe." Wenkman shrugged. "Now, something tells me that you are being tricked by someone... No. Something. Is that correct, Heju?"

    At ease, a figure would comes out of thin air similar as Wenkman. Heju, already tricked, is deceived as Illusionman is a Stickman. There is no reason for Heju should feel threatened from that single figure.

    Wenkman's battlefield:
    Taking a Peek
    Illusionman (1/1)

    @jpastor can I cast more than just one Illusionman?
  • Maybe later on another turn.
  • The queen will play a 

    For unknown reasons. 
  • @FireOfGolden
    Would you be so kind as to take over as the Foe for this one?
  • @jpastor i would be happy to help ya out!

    Do I need make a deck of cards to match your Heju or you can provide me your deck?
  • i create cards or use real cards as i go
  • @jpastor
    Aight, thanks for information!

    "Actually, I changed my mind. There is another universe it seems require my assistance. Would you keep away from figures and kick some inklings' uh, you know what am I talking, right?"

    Wenkman left the battlefield!

    Heju seems a little confused, yet he remains unshaked. He seems distract at moment as if he is talking to someone... Voice could be heard, but there is no one there. It could be heard that he is planning about what to do.

    Turn been skipped! It is the community's turn now. Can they do something to stop Heju from different alternate universe, corrupted by unknown dark force, from wiping out all inklings and figures?
  • The Queen will play 

    , Revealing a 
    Into my hand. 
  • Heju would puts his hands up to the air. The magic would comes out of his tip of finger as it would slowly expanding and making a pure sphere that gives out of energy. After a second, a wave of energy is created away from that which pushes Ceta Disciple onto the ground. "In name of justice, Figures and Inklings shall be erased from this alternate universe and their chaotic will be thwarted!" Heju screamed out from bottom of his lung.

  • The Queen would prefer to play that dinosaur, but with this sort of setback, she will instead have to 
  • Heju, Luminary Guardian, would lift his hand by an inch; the attempted spell would shrinks back as if time rewinded back.

    "Queen. Why did you attempt to stop me from wiping all your enemies out? Perhaps it is because you are working with these creatures secretly? If that is the case, then I will stop you as well in name of justice. Chaos and angry mustn't be allowed spread over this universe and to other universes. Is that something you truly want?" Heju said in disbelief. He doesn't want to beileve that Queen does actually care for figure's and inkling's wellness. The light orb keeps expanding as it would gives an light energy wave off. These pushes Ceta Disciple onto the ground violently, it had a trouble about attempting get up.

    Demystify was returned back to @KorandAngels as if it never was casted!

    A time counter is put onto Extirpate the Existence! Each creature with One mana value or less is tapped this way. Eight remain.
  • I'll play Hyena Pack.
  • I will try again to Demystify 
  • edited August 2023
    "Very well. It seems you are working with figures and inklings. You must be brought down. I will be that person!"

    Heju casts:

    "As for you, Queen, you must be silenced!"

    "Since you are affecting the attempt done to wipe out figures and inklings, I will have no choice but thwart you from doing so. I hope you know what are you doing." The light orb extends as it would gives slightly increased violently wave of energy out. Each creature could felt its energy while Ceta Discple would be blowed away and rides the energy wave for a second before falling onto the ground.

    Demystify was countered!

    Wall of Thousands Who Cuts is able to block Hyena Pack.

    After two turns, two time counter is put onto Extirpate the Existence. Each creature with three mana value or less is tapped this way. Six remain.
  • The Queen once again realises her third attempt to destroy the spell of genocidal magic has failed. This time, she will use a more precise method, blotting out opposition and then silently manipulating Extirpate from Existance into destruction from the comfort of her own pagoda. 
    Silence Time Spiral Remastered 302

  • I will play: Izzet Chemister
This discussion has been closed.