Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Raulus votes for option B. Going out of game again.
  • @cadstar369
    "Well, it seems two people wants to go to the prison. What about you, Duucxejial?"
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Them demons are tricky creatures, indeed. Accepting their help, like being shown a secret entrance, and using that, seems already enough to count as accepting their terms of the agreement. And it seems like its not wise to agree to anything a demon proposes that somehow looks like it might be a deal. Having realized that now, you decide that you should be a lot more careful in the future from now on. But considering Demonica it seems that she doesnt want to harm you and she has also been quite helpful so far and took care of Eldric, so she is on your side at this and therefore you feel really obliged to do what she wants and you dont wanna disappoint her.
  • It seems someone struck a deal with her
    Good luck in finding your stolen gear. And dont forget to bring back as many magical items as you can find. After all, we have a deal about that." She says
    But I don't know who did. Since the party made a deal with the demon, I guess we will have to gather a lot of magical items as we can.
  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden LvB forced the deal via narration.

    That aside, even that absurd explanation is insufficient to compel us to continue. Rather, we should have been compelled to leave after the first vault since four people can't carry all that much.

    Duucxejial will withhold his opinion since he's already outvoted.
  • Wenkman would join Duucxejial for this matter, after all, he never met a demon before and he wasn't there to witness deal was struck. I would say it's a tie.
  • edited October 2023
    “If we have a deal we should complete it. I don’t want to see more enraged demons for a while…”

    This is now a basic dungeon problem. We have some options.
    1. We defeat the boss, and it has some magical objects.
    2. The magical objects are on the third room, but the boss has the key.
    3. The key is neither on the cave nor on the prision. It is on the barracks. But the boss find us before we get out.

  • "Something tells me that we should search the barrack for a key. I wouldn't like to step in prison, I don't want to experience something that's might be more designed against mages like me."
  • edited October 2023

    Duucxejial sighs to himself. Maybe one of them can use their head after all; perhaps I should support them. It likely matters not if this nonsensical ‘deal’ we’ve been forced into can screw with our thoughts despite our current ability to more than satisfy it. There’s also little point when it will only split the vote. Indulging the fools with death wishes may prove more effective; if they are rendered unfit to continue we won’t have to bring nearly as much back with us, if anything.

    The dragonspeaker continues to abstain, leaving the party 2-1 in favor of returning to the prison.


    I suppose this now raises the question of who has darkvision in this universe. From other TTRPGs I would assume the two reptiles possess darkvision, as well as this not being an issue for Wenkman who appears to be featureless, but… ??‍♂️

  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    And so you decide to go back to the prison after all. You carefully sneak all the way, but much to your luck, nothing worth to mention happens on the way.

    (Heres the parts of the dungeon you already explored or that you already found a map of).

    On your way to the prison your way leads you past the Gnomes room. If theres anything you wanna ask him while here, feel free to do so. If not the party continues until they reach the first room of the prison floor, the room with the door on the east. That door has a small slideable window you could carefully slide up and look through.
    A. - Ask the Gnome something.
    B. - Look through small slideable window in prison door.
  • Nothing doing, so let’s look through the window.
  • Wenkman would take a peek through window.
  • As you carefully slide up the window you look at a large metal plate that is maybe 20-30 centimeters away from the door. But as you look left and right you see two metall arms hanging down. There is a golem standing in front of the door, but the way the golems arms are bent you can say that he is positioned with his back against the door. The Golem itself is standing in a corridor lit by torches. You cant see much of the corridor because the golem is blocking most of your field of view, but you see that the stones of the wall there have runes engraved into them.
    The Golem hasnt detected you yet and his positioning makes clear that he is guarding the prisons exit. Little electrical lightnings are coming out of the golem and vanish then into the walls or the ground. For a normal, unarmed prisoner, this golem would be the end, should he try to flee. You carefully close the window in the door.
    A. - We should ...
  • If I have this 

    Then it wouldn't be even a problem.
  • Duucxejial suppresses a sigh upon seeing the runes on the wall. It seems Wenkman was right, in which case we're likely going to be rather useless in a few moments, though that may prove convenient in and of itself.

    By the way, how does disengaging from combat work?
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Disengaging from combat is very easy. While your character is alive just say that you will run away. But, depending on the enemy, he might follow you.
    But right now, you are not in combat. The Golem behind the door hasnt seen or detected you yet. And what the runes do, well, you will have to find out. Maybe its just dwarfen graffity.
  • edited October 2023
    I changed my opinion…
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023

    Before you can go to the cave, you remember that the first stairs you went down must have been the ones that lead into the cave. And you remember that it was guarded by two golems and you retreated because of them.
  • @LvB
    It would be easier, if the party can split up to cover more ground or we have a party leader.

    I vote cave, because I am not ptepared for anyone with hexproof or shroud.
  • Duucxejial gives no opinion on the matter, silently following the others.

    @FireOfGolden having a party leader didn't exactly work out last time, and I suspect it wouldn't go well with the current players & characters either.
  • edited October 2023
    I vote to fight with the golem of the prision. It has protection from unequipped creatures, and we are all equipped, so it should be easy to kill it.
  • Duucxejial leans against the wall in a spot out of the golem’s initial line of sight were it to enter the room. Apparently this fool hasn’t been paying attention to the previous golems. There’s no way taking that thing out will be a simple matter. Clearly there’s no point in trying to explain that though, so we’ll just have to see what kind of wall he runs himself into. 

    Arms crossed, he gestures toward the door with his head. “Feel free to go for it. Wenkman and I likely won’t be of much help down here.”
  • Rarg will open the door and fastly attack the golem. Anything the golem does?
  • "Good luck, mate. You got this!"
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    So the combat starts.
    The moment you open the door, the golem swiftly turns his upper body 180 degree around and before you can finish your attack he blasts Rarg with:
    As it seems, these type of prison Golems are always on high alert and ambushing or surprising them is quite impossible. This makes sense, considering they were probably made to avoid prisoners getting past them. The golem also launches a small dronicopter that keeps hovering in the air above the golem. (Dronicopter is 0/1 Flying).

  • “But I will need some help if I want to survive the tricks that thing has. Let’s go!”
  • I would need a counterspell…
  • Reaction: using 3 mana, Rarg becomes shroud, causing Stunning Blast to fail.

    4 mana left and two actions left.
  • Thanks to Wenkmans intervention the stunning blast fizzles and has no effect on Rarg.
    Anyone else want to attack the Golem together with Rarg ?
  • edited October 2023
    "Well, we may be unable to kill this machine at ease, but we can help this idiot to stay survive and protected from its attack, Duucxejial."

    Before first turn ends, Wenkman uses one action to drink last mana potion. He gains 6 plus 1 mana. However, his toughness been reduced by 1 on next.

    11/19 mana
    13/14-1 Health
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