Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Rarg will wait to see what happens.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Enemies turn:
    The Dwarfen City Guard and the Dwarfen Crossbow squad both cast:
    All enemies are then enraged (+1/+1 and first strike)
    Two Bloodhounds attack Wenkman (4/4 first strike)
    Two Bloodhounds attack Duucxejial (4/4 first strike)
    One Bloodhound attacks Rarg (4/4 first strike)
    The confused Dwarfen Houndmaster attacks Wenkman (4/5 first strike)
    The Dwarfen City guard attacks Duucxejial (4/6 first strike)
    The Dwarfen Crossbow squad uses its special ability to shoot Rarg for 3 damage

    Each attacking enemy takes 2 damage from Duucxejials Shrouding Dragonflame.
  • Didn't Duucxejial destroyed two of five dogs? I am seeing four left.

    Wenkman sips Mage's Rejuvenation Potion, he becomes hexproof until end of turn. Any next two damage will be prevented.

    A dog would attempt to hop onto the figure. Within a second, it falls onto the ground hard, bounded by the space-like ropes. It seems dog been silenced as the figure would kick its head to knock it out. However, after that, he was startled by confused dewarf and gets hit in the head by their weapon.

    Wenkman takes 4 damage, but with Mage's Rejuvenation Potion, the damage been reduced to 2. His health is now 11 left. (Health been decreased from Mage's Mana Potion by 1.)

  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    He did cast that twice:

  • In that case, Wenkman's health is now 7.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Damage cant be prevented because of the Torch that Rarg is using:
  • edited October 2023
    …that went rather poorly. Duucxejial casts Sundering Sonata on the two Bloodhounds attacking him before any triggers resolve, causing them to die from Shrouding Dragonflame. After trading blows with the City Guard, he's a 4/8. No matter. My expectations have been tempered, and there will be time to recover. 
  • lets wait what Rarg does before damage is dealt.
    At the moment it looks like this:
    Wenkman would take 12 first strike damage
    Duucxejial kills 2 Bloodhounds and then would take 4 first strike damage from the dwarfen city guard.
    Rarg would take 3 damage from the Dwarfen crossbow squad and 4 damage from the confused dwarfen houndmaster and in response he would kill the houndmaster.

  • @LvB
    Wait a second. How did Wenkman takes 12 damage?

    There are three attacking him, one of them been Silenced, hence, 12 been reduced to 8 damage; the silenced dog's power is now -16 and cannot dealt any damage. Wenkman's health will be 5 remain since 2 damage cannot be prevented from 4 damage. Wenkman has 3 power and silenced dog loses all abilities with echanted abilites making the power and toughness become back to -18/2. Hence, is slained by Wenkman.
  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden there is currently no indication of Wenkman casting Silence on anything in this encounter. Additionally, if Wenkman drinks the potion, they will have no remaining instant-speed actions, and thus take 12 damage from the three assailants.
  • i didnt really understand that you cast Silence on one of the dogs.
    Then it would look like this for you
    Two Dogs and the Dwarfen Houndmaster attack you.
    You Silence one Dog and kill it.
    The Houndmaster and the other Dog hit you for a total of 8 damage
    Wenkman drinks the potion and restores 2 life.
    So Wenkman lost 6 life this turn.
  • edited October 2023
    Wenkman have two actions, right? He used one action to drink the potion then he has one left enough to silence one of dog.

    Wenkman nodded in acknowledge. He has two actions left with 7 mana remaining

  • edited October 2023
    @FireOfGolden we can currently only use one action at instant speed (unless LvB changed this during a recent level up and I missed it).

    Edit: After checking the rewards for levels 5 & 6, we indeed still only have one instant speed action.
  • May I undo that action?
  • @LvB
    Wait, is that vaild?
  • you can cast silence instead of drinking the potion if you want.
  • Done. A dog been silenced and taken to the back room while Wenkman took 8 damage rather than 12.
  • Rarg has no mana left, so he regens 1 mana and, after taking damage, he will drink his health pot, regenerating his health to 2/7. The dog dies.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    So it looks like this now:
    Wenkman took 8 damage and kills 1 Bloodhound, the other Bloodhound is reduced to 4/1 and it dies when its Bushido Effect is deactivated at the end of turn.
    Duucxejial took 4 damage and kills 2 Bloodhounds and reduces the dwarf down to 4/1
    Rarg took 7 damage and healed himself for 2 and kills 1 Bloodhound

    1 Dwarfen Houdmaster is left who is 4/4 but doesnt untap during next untap phase because of confused by whisper.
    1 Dwarfen City guard is left who is 4/1 and has resilient.
    1 Dwarfen Crossbow Squad is left who is 2/5

    And now its the Adventurers turn:
  • Remaining wary of additional traps, Duucxejial will begin by moving to slay the Crossbow Squad.
  • Crossbow Squad's energy been drained by Wenkman.

    Crossbow Squad is now 0/5.

    Wenkman uses Mage's Rejuvenation Potion. His mana been restored from 9 to 13 plus 1 from Energy Drainer. His health also restores from 5 to 7. He will hold single action with him.
  • cadstar369
    Remaining wary of additional traps, Duucxejial will begin by moving to slay the Crossbow Squad.
    The Golem already triggered the trap that was here. In this corridor theres no more traps.
  • After slaying the Crossbow Squad, Duucxejial will wait and see what the remaining City Guard does.
  • The crossbow squad is 0/5
    If you attack him, he will still be alive and a 0/1
  • edited October 2023
    Shrouding Dragonflame x2 = 2 additional damage on attack (since they're 'blocking' Duucxejial).
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    Oh, right.
    Dwarfen Crossbow Squad dead then.
    Left now is only the tapped and confused 4/4 houndmaster and the 4/1 city guard.

  • Wenkman will silence last Dwarfen Guard, if Rarg is going to attack him.
  • Rarg kills the dwarfen Guard. Attacking two times
  • I don’t think Rarg can attack twice since that’s a Way of the Body perk. He doesn’t need to anyway though since Wenkman Silenced that dwarf.
    With this battle effectively over, Duucxejial intends to spend a few minutes mending the party’s wounds while recounting an early chapter of an epic dedicated to the Denkeeper.
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