You hear Yorn begging "Hey, let me out, please!", but you close the slideable window thing and move on to the next cell.
As you take a look into it, you see a large very muscular creature inside that could maybe be an Orc, but you have never seen one that large and with that many tattoos. He's wearing clothes made of fur and pelts and looks weathered as if he had spent most of his life outside in the nature. As soon as he sees you he turns towards the door, his eyes glistening and with anger in his voice he barks at you: "You! What do you want? Youre no dwarf, so you better let me out here, or my vengeance will hit you too!"
Duucxjiela chuckles. "Oh? Perhaps I might like to see that. Before any more talk of vengeance though, who are you, what skills or powers do you have, and what got you thrown in here?"
"Grrrrr, i'm Bragrack Son of Grabrock, a warrior of the bearskull tribe. And im here cause i deserve it. I was weak and stupid! Them dwarfs wanted my axe, so i told em to shove it where the light dont shine. And i also told em some "(%/&%//§(#§ about their mothers and fathers and that no warrior would give away his weapon without a fight. But them §(/Z§%T! dwarfes cheated and blasted me with a golem instead of providing an honest figth! I shouldve expected it, but didnt. So it was my fault. But i will not make that mistake again! And when i woke up i was here. But once i get out my vengeance will be bloody and brutal i swear! And if you dont wanna feel my wrath too you better release me! I'll show them dwarfs that they are nothing compared to a mighty bearskull warrior!
Duucxejial stifles a snort at Wenkman's comment. He's clearly incapable of that, else he wouldn't be down here.
The dragonspeaker then turns his attention back to Bragrack. Hmm…he's not the brightest, but perhaps we can work with this. "Very well, perhaps we shall release you. If you assist us here, our employers may have work for you outside as well."
Duucxejial intends to release Bragrack, then continue to the last cell with Wenkman.
Bragrack spits on the ground. "Release me and i'll help fight those dwarfs. But unless i have met your emploayer and looked into his eyes i dont promise nothing."
On second thought, since none of us picked up what is presumably the cell key from the northeastern room, Duucxejial will wait until we check the last cell before going to retrieve it.
You move on to the last cell. But as you look inside, much to your surprise you see a little girl, cowering in a corner, as if it wants to hide. Its sobbing and hasnt realized that youre watching it.
If there is nothing differentiating the girl from an average human after a few moments' scrutiny, Duucxejial will leave this to the others and go retrieve what he assumes is the cell key.
So with Raulus still being gone to the strange dimension he sometimes disappears into, the majority of the group decides to free Bragrack and the little girl. Duucxejial gets the key from the room in the northeast and indeed it turns out to be the key to the prison cells.
As Duucxejial returns, you open the cells of Bragrack and the little girl and while Bragrack storms out quite enthusiastic and vengeance-thirsty, the little girl carefully looks at each other with big dark and teary eyes and then decides to hide behind Rarg, who seems to be the one who's least frightening among this group of Draconids/Reptiles, Orcs and featureless Figures.
But what now?
A. - Lets go to the 3rd vault. Our Weapons should be there and we can arm Bragrack
B. - Before we leave this floor, lets check out the rooms in the middle, where probably more dwarfes are.
Duucxejial would also like to check the central rooms before we go. Also, since Rarg is the only melee fighter here, does he want to give Bragrack one or two of his old weapons to arm the oversized maybe-Orc?
After giving Bragrack a weapon, you move to the door in the center of this floor and carefully open it. But much to your surprise the room is completely empty except for a torch on the north- and south-wall. But as you want to enter the room, Bragrack points to the ground "Trap!". And then you see it, a fine line going through the middle of the room where the trap can open into a pit with whatever harmful things inside.
But since you have disabled the traps with the levers in the other room, you carefully step onto the trapped area, holding each other to make sure no one falls into the trap, should it still be active.
But, as you already maybe expected, that trap is deactivated and so you make it through the room to the door in the west. Behind that door you can already hear Dwarfes talking dwarfish stuff you dont understand and you wonder how it is possible that they didnt hear anything of the loud fighting that happened here not long ago. Maybe the two doors and the corner of the corridor was enough to prevent them from hearing the fights sounds. Or maybe they wait with drawn weapons behind the door for a good chance to ambush you once you open that door. Who knows.
He's probably going to do it anyway, so we might as well have Bragrack kick the door down and go in behind him. Just in case it is an ambush, Duucxejial will take a position where he'll be able to keep watch over any party member that goes in while nobody more than a few steps into the next room should be able to see him (when the fight starts at least).
While youre waiting for Wenkmans oppinion on this, now is a good chance to prepare for what is likely to come. And this will be a good chance to impress Bragrack with your skills.
New Quest:
Create a sorcery card named "Unnecessary Violence" with an effect that fits to the cards name.
We don't have to worry about Bragrack when he can one-shot any of them. If Wenkman is willing to Silence one of the Officers, Rarg and Duucxejial can then take out both Officers and two other dwarves with a little coordination regardless of Bragrack's targets.
Duucxejial moves on to the next cell without responding to Yorn.
The dragonspeaker then turns his attention back to Bragrack. Hmm…he's not the brightest, but perhaps we can work with this. "Very well, perhaps we shall release you. If you assist us here, our employers may have work for you outside as well."
Duucxejial intends to release Bragrack, then continue to the last cell with Wenkman.
Quest Entry:
(11 Mana remain)
Duucxejial will wait and see what Rarg and Bragrack do first, while strongly suggesting we start with the Cleric & Officers.
Wenkman will also wait for any people before he can drain anyone for energy.
Wenkman can react before Bragrack deals damage to anyone.