Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    The only way to leave the battle is through the secret exit. And that is actually blocked because the Gnomes are trying to escape.  Therefore the three turns. Leaving to anywhere else means running into the fortress where the dwarfes will get you and then that character will suffer a quite terrible fate.
    If the dwarfes reach field 3 they will prevent the party from escaping into the room with the secret escape and then the party will suffer a quite terrible fate.
    You win if you survive long enough (3 turns) to escape and if at least 1 party member has 1 health or more at that point.

  • edited November 2023
    Since Raulus has cascade because of Blazetongue, he will exile cards from the top of his library, then summon this:

    He will send both reinforcements to the other flank of the field Reptilos's snakes are heading to.

  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    Usually this wouldnt work, because Cascade triggers when cast, but since this fight against the dwarves includes RP actions ... we will just forget about the rules and you can spawn the lizards by using the power of your sword.

    At next levelup you can change the sword to make it work like intended.
  • edited November 2023
    Great. But I would also like the cascade to trigger whenever Raulus draws his sword for the first time in a fight. That way cascade is still useful to Raulus and drawing the sword is kind of like "casting" it.

  • Rarg will charge toward the dwarves and then activates the ability of the sword (after the attack trigger).
    As Rarg charges toward the dwarves,the fire of the sword slowly turns off, and he starts starts being more like a shadow rather than a human.
  • Meanwhile, Wenkman is just chilling around in Lost Time.
  • edited November 2023
    @LvB your reply resolves neither of my concerns considering, for example, three of us have the ability to grant evasion. That said, Duucxejial's kit is practically useless at the moment, so he might as well try collapsing the ceiling above the inquisitor's head. ??‍♂️
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    You can try to bring down the ceiling with RP. If you have spells or abilities that could be able to cause this, feel free to give it a try. It might work or not.
  • Duucxejial will use whichever of Sundering Sonata or Offer to the Ancients would be more effective. ??‍♂️

    @smax765 flipping the sword makes Rarg a 9/3, yes? How does he intend to make it to combat damage in that state?
  • He has shadow so he shouldn’t be able to receive damage, would it, @LvB?
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    The Dwarfen Legion deals 3 damage to each creature it blocks. (cause it has a lot of spears as you can see). And that damage is dealt before combat damage. If you attack it, you take 3 damage. Shadow doesnt prevent that. In our setting where creatures are players and you can attack creatures directly, shadow is difficult. Creatures with shadow can attack players. But creatures with shadow can only be blocked by other creatures with shadow. So the fitting solution would be that in our szenario a creature with shadow can attack anything, but if that anything has creatures it could throw in the way, they need to have shadow to block.

    But as Squirrelica sees that you are attacking she screams "Squirrelpower!". Rarg suddenly moves as fast as a squirrel and is able to parry most of the hits from the dwarfs. Squirrelica has buffed Rarg with:
    Ser Duckington who is actually in the storage room and helping the gnomes throws a potion through the door into the floor, where it shatters on the ground. "Here, this might be helpful!"

  • Then I retract and not attack.
  • edited November 2023
    Raulus chants: "Nelithral, nelithral, bekiliple kagh nelithral. Molmonsorera acht nomenoi todithartok hofibai." And at the same time forcefully gestures with his hand and attempts to unleash the draconic Elder Sorcery of Destruction on the dwarves.
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    First Duucxejial casts a Sundering Sonata on the ceiling. The ceiling rumbles a bit and some dust falls out, but beside that nothing happens, so far.
    Rarg uses his Fire/Shadowswords ability to make himself shadowy, but doesnt attack.
    Raulus summons reinforcements and sends em to the north, together with the snakes, to attack the enemies flank, then starts to chant something, but so far nothing happens.
    Wenkman is phased out.
    Bragrack is shouting and insulting the dwarves, their mothers, fathers and children, and he is quite creative at that. Then, you understand, he wants to make the dwarves so angry that they leave their formation and run towards the adventurers. But so far, dwarvish discipline prevents that.
    Graxx uses his Flamethrower to shoot at the dwarven Legion, but their shields, the metall armor and heavy leather armor underneath the metal absorb the fire.

    And then its the Dwarfs turn.
    The Dwarfs trample out the Fire on Field 1 and advance slowly. The Dwarven Legion with spears in hand and behind their shieldwall, gets closer.

    From the stairs, more reinforcements are coming, this time a sharpshooter. The Dwarven Formation looks like this now.

    Plus a 2/2 Dwarf Army and three Dronicopters above the dwarves.
    The Cleric uses his ability to put a +1/+1 counter on each dwarf.
    The Inquisitor shouts: "Moooove, aside!" and the dwarven legion steps to the left and right side of the corridor, leaving room for the Canoneers to shoot at the adventurers.
    The Cannoneers choose Rarg as target and then fire the cannon dealing 4 damage to Rarg and 2 damage to everyone else. For each Adventurer, the previously thrown potion of shielding absorbs 2 of that damage.
    Next the inquisitor shouts: "Dronicopters! Attack!"
    One Dronicopter Attacks Graxx, one Attacks Raulus and one attacks Duucxejial
    And finally the Inquisitor shouts again:
    "Houndmaster, throw THE BEAST!"
    The Houndmaster reaches into a bag that moves and seems to contain creatures, then grabs something  and throws it at the adventurers on Field 2.
    And that something he threw is this:
    The Spike Cannibal, while flying through the air is absorbing all the +1/+1 counters that were put on the Dwarves previously, becomes much larger as before and lands on Field 2 as a 7/7 Creature. But being thrown through the air seems to have affected him somehow and he is a bit dazed and therefore does nothing.

    The rest of the dwarfs does nothing and stays in formation.

    And then its the Adventurers turn again.
  • edited November 2023
    Since Duucxejial wasn't given a chance to use his second action during the last round (I was waiting to see what the first one did before deciding on his second action), let's say he cast another one (though it's apparently a waste of mana). Duucxejial will also counter the Cannoneers' ability, leaving the potion active for when the Dronicopters attack and are subsequently destroyed. Who does the Kamikaze Drone triggered abilities damage?
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    You must still choose who the Dronicopters are shooting while they attack.

    During the Adventurers turn, Ser Duckington throws another potion into the group.
    "Hold the line and keep the dwarfs away!"

    You may control Bragrack from now on and decide what he does.

  • edited November 2023
    I suppose there is some misunderstanding arising from the lack of proper wording, as it appears that Raulus (the only attacked character that controls tokens) should be the only one that needs to make such a decision for the Dronicopters. Do you mean for the ability to be like this?

    Whenever Armed Dronicopter attacks or blocks, it deals 1 damage to target creature of an opponent’s choice that they control.

    (There are still issues with this, but I'll handwave them since the players and NPCs are currently on a single team.)

    If so, we might as well just have the shots hit random NPCs other than Shapeless One. (Assuming Shapeless One is going to do something meaningful during the new round, since whatever they were doing apparently had no effect.)


    Regarding the start of the new round, Duucxejial will wait for everyone else to choose their actions first. (While I wait for that, can he tell whether the ceiling will collapse if he blasts it once or twice more this round?)
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    For the Dronicopters youre all counted as "opponent" in this case. Their inaccurate fire ability deals three times 1 damage to any friendly target of your choice. You can choose anyone as target except Ser Duckington and Squirrelica.
    Since you are no Architect its hard to say what will happen if you hit the ceiling. Maybe nothing. Maybe only a single stone breaks out, maybe tho whole thing comes down.
    (And i btw. dont know it too, cause i'll just roll a dice to determine the outcome to make it really random xD).
  • edited November 2023
    It's normally trivial to estimate structural integrity on such a simple scale, but if accumulating damage is meaningless then I'll probably just save the mana and effort. ??‍♂️

    Let's have the Dronicopters shoot Bragrack, Graxx and Reptilos once each. On a separate note, what actions do the other NPCs take during the current turn?
  • LvBLvB
    edited November 2023
    The NPCs will act after the Adventurers have decided what they do.
    Considering Bragrack, he is a Level 6 Half-Orc Giant Barbarian.
    Actually the only spell he has used is
    Since you're controlling Bragrack now, you can create more spells for him if you want. But hes limited to 1 spell per turn. And most of the time his "spells" will be Barbarian abilities. (No fireball spells for Bragrack please ;) )
  • edited November 2023
    Duucxejial casts Denkeeper's Boon on Bragrack. Bragrack goes into a Rage, attacks the Spike Feeder, then Whirlwind Attacks the Houndmaster, Sharpshooter, and Inquisitor for 4 damage each. Due to the Potion of Lesser Shielding, the backlash damage from the Inquisitor would hit Graxx for 2 (assuming no defensive abilities), Raulus for 1, Duucxejial for 1, and be reduced to 0 for everyone else. (Edit: +1 to every number I use here, as I forgot about Bragrack's axe's +2/+2)

    (This would be a great time for Raulus to clean things up with a Bladestorm, but Duucxejial is willing to use his second action to cast Sundering Sonata to similar effect if Raulus doesn't act.) Ignore this.
  • With Denkeepers Boon and his axe and while raging Bragrack is 10/7
  • Whoops, it appears I forgot the axe gives +2/+2; edited the prior comment accordingly.
  • So... Is it party's second turn now? Wenkman is just chilling around in the emptiness void.
  • @FireOfGolden yes, it’s currently the party’s second turn, at the beginning of which Wenkman returns to reality.
  • Okay, I thought it's still first turn.

    Wenkman would reappears after his unexpectedly disappear as battle starts. "Okay... That's something..." Confused Wenkman said.

    Before I do anything, how does the enemy look? (I would like to see the battlefield to see what happened, who died, how much does boss monster's health left, etc)
  • edited November 2023
    @FireOfGolden this is mostly established starting halfway up the page.
  • edited November 2023
    Wenkman casts Confused by Whisper on Dwarven Legion for 5 mana.
  • edited November 2023
    Then Wenkman drains Dwarfen City Guard Officer twice for two mana. He will hold last action to himself. (Dwarfen City Guard Officer now have two Drained tokens and power is zero.)
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