Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • After whispering towards each other, while they are also whispering among each other, you finally decide, that you ...
    A. - We dont know.
    B. - Surrender.
    C. - Fight.
    D. - Run away.
    E. - Something else...

    Question: Since it seems that it is a bit hard to make the party agree on something, when an open answer is possible for everyone, do you want those options at all? Or should i just give you some options to chose from where the result is clear, like fight/run/hide/lie/truth... ?
  • Options are fine (assuming they really are options), but forcing the party to act as a monolith for no apparent reason is problematic. It denies the option to have one or more members act separately, it generally leads to at least one PC being consistently suppressed by the rest of the party, it forces PCs to follow along with actions and decisions they'd clearly neither make nor agree with, etc.

    That said, why exactly does the party have to collectively agree on a single course of action here? I can see nothing special about this situation that requires us to make such a decision when similar circumstances have not forced that upon us previously.

    (For the record, Duucxejial is currently proposing a plan that appears to fall under E, but is equivalent to B for him since he carries no obvious weapons.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 5
    Im asking because if the party doesnt act as a party one single player could decide that a fight starts by attacking or casting something.
  • edited January 6
    I kinda agree with cadstar, not on course of action, but what cadstar said after "That said,"
  • Dealing with the consequences of not being a monolith (someone doing things on their own, failing to communicate, etc.) is an occupational hazard of forming a party in the first place, and tends to make for reasonably interesting character drama besides.
  • @kaoz42 @LvB
    I agree completely with Cadstar369. You can take a look at RPG: Paper World as an example for that. It may be annoying to you, but it's interesting otherwise and gives PC a lot of options to choose. It's like Minecraft meets Skyrim there.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 6

    As Archie grabs his Soda to drink something you hear a shout: "They using potions to buff them up!" - "Shoot em! Fast, fast!"
    And then out of the windows of the peasant homes arrows and axes and stones fly at you and combat starts.

    Duucxjial is being hit by an arrow for 3 damage and an axe for 2 damage.
    Raulus is being hit by an arrow for 3 damage and stone for 1 damage.
    Archie is being hit by an axe for 2 damage and a stone for 1 damage.
    Eldric is being hit by an axe for 2 damage and a stone for 1 damage.
    Dorag runs away as soon as the projectiles are flying and then hides inside his turtle shell.

    The enemy is hiding inside the three peasant houses, making it hard for you to attack them. Attacking an enemy who is inside a house takes two actions instead of one!

    And now its the adventurers turn.
  • edited January 6
    X (posted wrong, will fix later.) Raulus is at:
    Health: 2/6.
    Mana: 14/14.
    EDIT: @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden, do we have a way to give indestructible or some similar effect? Because if we do, I think I can figure out a good strategy.
  • edited January 6
    Duucxejial sighs. Why do I bother with these whelps? 

    If we get our instant speed action before the party's turn starts and our actions reset, Duucxejial will use his Static Matrix on the Baron to untap and stun him while sealing his activated abilities. Either way, seeing a convenient outlet for his mounting frustration, the dragonspeaker hisses a low, sharp ostinato, drawing one claw lightly across his chakram in soft keening accompaniment; he casts Ancients' Invective for X=5, choosing the second mode 5 times. The ensuing wave of draconic malice should clear away the obstructing houses and subsequently incapacitate all foes but the baron. Duucxejial reserves his remaining two actions until the results of his spell are confirmed, with two potential courses of action in mind at the moment barring any unexpected developments.

    Ancients Invective
    (Image links to the full gallery of his cards.)
  • edited January 6
    "Hmph." Raulus says, casting this (Holding further actions to respond to responses to Ancients' Incentive.):

    Which can't be blocked by or targeted by all the enemies because of protection. I will wait before stating the Dreadmaw's actions.
    Raulus's Mana: 7/14.
  • So battle started just because Archie drinks soda? Wow...

    Archie will pay 2 mana to phase himself out. Thereby, any incoming damages are prevented.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 6
    As The Green Baron realizes that someone is trying to target him with an artifact, in response he uses his "Hide" ability. Then the static Matrix untaps him, and then he gets a stun counter. But being a Boss Monster, he's still able to activate his abilities.

    When Duucxejial casts Ancients Invective, the three houses crumble and crash down unto the people inside. You hear cries and shouts of pain who then change into silent whining and sobbing. Out of the ruins of one house a figure covered in dust appears, coughing and cursing.
    The Green Baron is down to 4/8 and the others are in downstate.

    Raulus succesfully summons his Dinosaur and Archie just phases out.

    Eldric, being there too, buffs himself up, but seems to be unsure what to do next and waits.
    Eldric is at 8/10 now.

    And its still the Adventurers Turn. With the houses destroyed, attacking now only requires 1 action as usual.
  • edited January 6
    Raulus's Dinosaur will charge the Green Baron for 3 damage (Should have been six, but annoying Green Baron hid and halved the damage.) Raulus then casts this:

    Then he tells Eldric "Why are you waiting? Attack the Baron. It's the best thing for you to do." (Also, whenever it's our turn, the Baron takes one damage.)
    Raulus's Mana: 2/14.
    Raulus's Actions: 2/4.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 6
    The summoned Dinosaur has summoning sickness since it doesnt have haste, so it must wait until next turn until it can attack.
    Eldric complains: "I cant attack him, he has shadow! I can barely see him."
  • As Adventurer's turn begins, Archie will phase in,

    Archie casts 

    An illusion creature token is created this way

  • edited January 6
    I have something to offer indestructible for creatures only. Why?

    Health - 13/13
    Mana - 16/20

    His battlefield:
    1x Blue 1/1 illusion creature
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 6
    Archie should be stronger than 2/2. At the moment player characters are Level 7 plus the bonus from way of the mind/body/versatility. And you have equip that further improves your character.
  • @LvB
    Archie is capable of defending himself, but he put all energy into his master of brewing and casting illusions rather than fighting.
  • Duucxejial's Laughing Skull triggers 11 times when the buildings collapse. The dragonspeaker will spend his second action adding an ominous drumbeat to the ostinato; he casts Kodoku's Disdain, putting a -1/-1 counter on the Green Baron now and another on him when our turn ends since he's taken damage this turn. That said, what about being a boss monster allows The Green Baron to ignore the activated ability sealing from the Static Matrix in future turns?

    @FireOfGolden from how character construction has developed so far, Archie's power and toughness should total 10 without any bonuses, then he gets +0/+1 from Way of the Mind and +2/+2 from equipment. I should also note that Rarg and Raulus should also have one more total P/T than Archie and Duucxejial since Way of Versatility gives +1/+1 as of level 6. (If you don't give Archie stats like the rest of party he'll probably end up collapsing any time a stiff breeze passes by because he's so fragile. If nothing else, at least give him a 0/10 or 1/9 distribution like Wenkman or Duucxejial.)
  • @cadstar369
    0+2/10+1+2 = 2/13
  • edited January 7
    Is it still our first turn or enemy's turn?

    If you make the Dragon Dinosaur indestructible, then it can repeatedly swing for massive damage without getting killed and discounts my spells whenever it attacks.
  • @kaoz42 the party's first turn hasn't ended yet.
  • @cadstar369
    Got it, thanks.
  • @kaoz42 @LvB
    Archie will cast Drinking Contest that's targeting Dragon Dinosaur, it gets two +1/+1 counters and gains indestructible until end of turn.

    Another illusion creature is created this way.

    Mana: 11/20
    Action: 1

  • So is there anything else the adventurers would like to do or do you end your turn then ?
  • @LvB
    End turn.
  • Duucxejial is holding his third action for the turn.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 7
    Eldric, who had been looking at the cloud of dust in which the Green Baron is apparently hiding, suddenly seems to have an idea.
    "Oh, wait there is something i can do! Demonica showed me a trick while you were away!" He then starts chanting something you dont understand, but it sends a chill down your spine and Eldric casts.
    "Whoa, this feels really good! I wonder why Demonica said that i shouldnt use it that much!"

    The Green Baron is down to 1/5 now and Eldric is now a 10/12.
  • edited January 7
    What does the Baron do on his turn?
    EDIT: Just so you know, technically Raulus still has both the healing potion and mana Potion from the dwarf fortress since he never drank them.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 7
    Assuming that Archie ends his turn as well, on his turn the Green Baron who is already untapped, untaps again which removes the stun counter.
    With rage and anger in his eyes he looks at you and at the rubble you turned the houses into, under which his men are now, but then he tries to flee into the thicket that surrounds Lastwood Village. While fleeing he drops this to help him escape and uses his hide ability.

    New Quest: Reduce the Green Barons Toughness down to 0 or below during your turn or he will escape. At the moment he is 1/5 but only takes half damage.
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