Mystery Box World



  • @CrimsonFox ;your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a permanent with an imprint ability that can later copy whatever it imprints.

    @greencircleyall ;your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that references half of something and then half of something else.
  • Love these mystery boxes. 

    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that references half of something and then half of something else.

  • Mystery box me, Cap'n! @Jadefire please and thank you. 
  • @greencircleyall your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that puts bounty counters on other creatures and incentivizes your other opponents in a multiplayer game to take out those creatures for you.
      • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that puts bounty counters on other creatures and incentivizes your other opponents in a multiplayer game to take out those creatures for you.

    These suggestions are awesome and really make you think. I appreciate that. @Jadefire One more mystery box, please. And then, back to real life! 
  • Attractions Now Open! 

    1. The Cantina / Lounge - You can ask for mystery boxes here in the lounge. Enjoy a couple beverages and snacks while you're at it.
    2. The Cosmic Library - An indoor dark ride that takes you through different rooms. Each room is a short story that will ask you to create a number of cards themed around that room.
    3. The Pyramid Ascend to the top of the pyramid where you will venture down one of the many waterslides, each slide representing an ancient site where you'll need to create a number of cards themed around that ancient site.
    4. The Highflyer - Take a chairlift to the top of the Highflyer, where you'll zipline all the way back down as you complete a unique cycle of cards unlike any other.
  • Those look awesome. Are these open on the app, or do we just do them in forums? Sorry, still fairly new and wanting to try those. 

  • One mystery box please. (It's been a hot minute since I picked up my last one, so I think I'll just leave it in whatever dusty corner it's landed in. 😅)
  • @greencircleyall your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with a bonus that applies to creatures you control that have a particular attribute in common aside from creature type or color.
    @cadstar your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a nonblue, nonwhite permanent that can lock down an opposing creature.
  • Create a creature with a bonus that applies to creatures you control that have a particular attribute in common aside from creature type or color.

  • I would like to try the Cosmic Library, please. @jpastor
  • @greencircleyall Your Cosmic Library mystery box contains:
    • 2 Hugs (favorites donated to another cardsmith of your choice)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create 2 cards based on this short story.
    **Title: Calm Fog**

    As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, Mark found himself gliding across the tranquil waters of the foggy bay, his kayak slicing through the calm ocean with effortless grace.

    The air was thick with mist, obscuring his surroundings and enveloping him in a shroud of mystery.

    Mark had always loved the sea, but there was something about the fog that made this morning feel different.

    It was as if he had entered another world—a world of silence and solitude, where time seemed to stand still and all that mattered was the gentle rhythm of his paddle against the water.

    As he paddled further into the bay, the fog grew thicker, wrapping around him like a cloak and obscuring his vision until all he could see was the swirling mist that surrounded him on all sides.

    It was disorienting, to say the least, but there was also a sense of peace that washed over him, calming his nerves and filling him with a quiet sense of wonder.

    For hours, Mark paddled through the fog, losing himself in the rhythm of his strokes and the soothing sound of the water lapping against his kayak.

    He felt as if he were floating on the calmest ocean he had ever known, a vast expanse of serenity that stretched out before him in all directions.

    But just as he began to lose himself in the tranquility of the moment, a faint sound caught his attention—a low rumble that echoed through the fog like distant thunder.

    Mark strained his ears, listening intently as the sound grew louder and more insistent, until finally, he realized what it was.

    A dense foghorn pierced the silence, its mournful wail cutting through the mist and sending shivers down Mark's spine.

    He felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he realized that he was not alone in the bay—that somewhere out there in the fog, there were other vessels navigating the treacherous waters, unseen but ever present.

    With a newfound sense of urgency, Mark paddled harder, his heart pounding in his chest as he strained to pierce the veil of fog and find his way back to shore.

    The foghorn continued to sound in the distance, guiding him through the murky depths of the bay until finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spotted the outline of land looming ahead.

    With a sigh of relief, Mark guided his kayak towards the shore, his muscles aching but his spirits soaring.

    He had ventured into the heart of the foggy bay and emerged unscathed, a testament to his skill and determination as a kayaker.

    As he stepped onto solid ground once more, Mark couldn't help but smile, knowing that he had conquered the fog and emerged victorious.

    And as he looked out at the mist-shrouded bay, he knew that he would return one day, ready to face whatever mysteries lay hidden within its depths.
  • @jpastor 

    @Floodkiller45 Gave me some feedback recently. They can have the hugs. Thanks!
  • @jpastor

    May I do The Pyramid, please?
  • @greencircleyall Your Pyramid mystery box contains:
    • JPastor Key (allows you to open a box for someone's request)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create 4 cards themed around The Sphinx of Giza
  • @CrimsonFox your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Mortivore style card that combines elements of a Lhurgoyf with an Ooze.
  • @jpastor

    Best prompt yet. I know so little about ancient Egypt, this was definitely a challenge (I even looked stuff up)! 

  • @jpastor. Did the library. Did the pyramid. Liked them both. Let's try that Highflyer, please. 
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with blitz and echo.

    Better late than never I suppose.  One more mystery box to complete and I'll be caught up.
  • @greencircleyall your Highfyer mystery box contains:
    • Jadefire Key (open a box with this key to guarantee 5 prize rolls)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a 4-card cycle of artifact cards with Karn in their name and each with a different mana value.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a 4-card cycle of artifact cards with Karn in their name and each with a different mana value.

  • I'm headed out of town for the weekend, so I'd like to try to open a mystery box with that Jadefire key. Please and thank you. @jpastor
  • @greencircleyall
    your mystery box contains:
    • 2x Jadefire Keys
    • 1 Hug (fave donated to another)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact card with a strange structure in the artwork.
  • edited May 26
    Epic entries!!

  • Hey guys - I have a story to tell you. The title of my story is...

    I've asked @Corwinnn to remove the mystery box world from the announcement column and close it down.

    In the beginning, mystery boxes were a game of challenges and competition mixed together. Over time, I felt my creativity convoluted things, as I tried to introduce new ideas into the original format. After many years, I felt I had incidentally imploded my own creation.

    "Flabbergasting!" I recall saying to myself, as I made that decision to end the original discussion after 100K views. Although, I believe the actual phrase that came out of my mouth was... *LOOOOOOOOOONNNGGGG SIGH* "...Crap."

    So, I created this discussion, Mystery Box World, with hopes that giving people a virtual amusement park of mystery and choices would be the ultimate evolutionary leap for the Mystery Box popularity, solving my endless riddle of ideas with a singular discussion, built as a medium to put all my ideas into one "theme park." Each idea became an "attraction" in this virtual theme park. It seemed like the perfect solution... until...

    *BANG* "Life got in the way!" I told my friend whilst chowing down on some mango habanero wings at Buffalo Wild Wings.

    I realized I created a monster I could not keep up with or make changes too. Which - is ironic - given that I built this discussion, so I can make endless changes to it lol.

    "Unbelievable," I remember saying to myself as I stared at the closed OG discussion that I could never re-open. Though, if I'm being honest, I probably used Nicol Bolas's name in vain as well.

    After a hiatus, which was not by choice, I made a return to the forums a week ago-ish. Suddenly, out of nowhere, as if a bolt from the blue, I had an ah-ha moment of serendipity where it all clicked for me!

    "Ah-ha!" I shouted at the top of my lungs in my computer room. Actually, it was more of an "Oh SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*******************T," I proclaimed! "A new secret recipe for eternally simple mystery boxes via a new discussion thread?" I asked aloud to my partially visible reflection in the adjacent window, while smugly raising an eyebrow.

    Equipped with a main description that will resonate even 200 pages down the road, this is above all, an extremely easy to operate new, secret recipe. A recipe in which all you need to do... is... request mystery boxes. Good old fashioned mystery boxes in an easy to follow, keep up with, and join into at any point in time, kind of way. Except they're so much more...

    "Eureka!" I exclaimed, as I clicked the Post Comment button. Actually, it was more of a, "Don't hate me for this... Wait... they can't hate me if I don't do this... Hmmmmmmmmm.................."
  • ...And so the adventure continues...
This discussion has been closed.