
  • Please @jpastor could you stop opening discussions. It's clogging up the forums, making it hard to access the discussions I need and making me reserved to post a challenge because there's already so much new topics in the forums. I know you X'd out three of them but still, could you please tone down?
  • edited March 2024
    Just bookmark the discussions @kaoz42
  • Alright @kaoz42 - do you want me to stop making cards too? I fear I've been clogging up the popular feed.
  • @kaoz42 - i'm sorry for my smug remarks last night, i was tired and grumpy, and i will not delete them so that everyone can see i'm a bit of a jerk sometimes. aren't we all? 

    Listen, you're right.. i designed the Mystery Box World to be my end all for discussions, because I can put any idea I have into that one place.

    I just have been frustrated with the inability to change the main description to meet the format of the discussion as it currently is.. so i've taken the easier route and created side threads.

    I apologize for cluttering everything, and I'll X this discussion too - because I found a better way to reorganize the Mystery Box World via the app.

    So thank you for standing up to me, and I wholeheartedly apologize for being a doucher.

    Cheers pal
  • Ah come on everyone and chill. We are all here to have fun, so dont take everything too serious.
  • @LvB all is good - I was just a grumpy pussy cat last night - but I'm unfortunately going to have to withdraw from the snail campaign to use my time for Cardsmith League. It's a 10 outta 10 discussion for me though. Really want to keep doing it, but I'll just keep you waiting.
This discussion has been closed.