Forum could be improved

1. The Forum is hard to find on the Homepage. It would be better if the link to the Forum would be easier to find and it could be a larger font size. I am quite sure that some people think the forum is entirely gone cause they cant find it anymore on the homepage.
2. When Logging in at and then going to the forum, logging in at the forum doesnt always work. For some weird reason it only works then after a browser restart. Dont know if this occurs with all browsers, but im having this problem with Firefox.This occurs since the forum update.
3. Sometimes the Forum is really slow and threads take really long to load or threads dont load at all. My internetconnection is DSL 100.000 so its probably not something connection-related.

I really like this forum and the people here and it would be a shame if the forum would slowly die because of some minor software things.


  • Yes I agree I would like a few improvements to the forum such as a place to get to it easily. I love the forums, and I do not have your problems, @LvB, but I do agree that it should be much easier to find. That is all, I hope your problems get solved, @LvB.
  • i have none of the above issues and i just type "f" in my browser bar and it's always the first recommended "f" ... thankfully 

    but hey - on a side note, while the forums link has disappeared from the main nav bar on the site, the "News" at the bottom of the page still shows up, which are direct links to forum discussions... maybe we can update those more regularly?
  • I agree, the forum is harder to find and logging in does not always work easily.  I've always been curious why the two aren't hosted on the same site and I need to log in separately.  It also means I can't tag cardsmiths that aren't also on the forums, which is sad, as sometimes I'd like to shout them out as well.  Anyways, I definitely think that there should be a really big link to the forums at the top of the home page, the profile page, basically every page, tbh.  It's the only reason I got here, and I'm glad I did.
  • edited August 2024
    The plan as it has been communicated to me is to run everything through Discord. At some point the Forums could disappear unless MTGCardsmith is somehow convinced that this is a viable option. There are some benefits to the Forums for everyone, such as Sagas, being able to open your own threads, being a great place to run individual contests and for what I really like... storing all the custom mechanics and set symbols we've created over the years... just to name a few.

    The more of you who clamor to keep the forums, the more they might be convinced that y'all really want them!
  • As i understand it, even if they are closed, they'll still be viewable for seo purposes - which means we'd still be able to see all our stored images.. just no more activity.
  • I have no inside scoop, but I totally want to keep the forums, as I cannot get discord and I enjoy doing things on the forums like collaborating and contests, and although I almost never get any responses, I still enjoy it. If there is a way to message the creator(s), I will definitely do that to try and keep the forums.
  • Just get people to start promoting the forums on Discord and hosting events on it.  If there's no easy way to get there in one click through the Cardsmith main page, promote the URL for it:
  • I generally do most of my interacting on my lunchbreak at work...and Discord is not accessible on work computers.  I'd really hate to see the forums go.
  • Oh, I'd really miss the forums, because I don't use discord. I made an account to check it out especially for mtg cardsmith, but it doesn't appeal to me at all. I'll surely use mtg cardsmith much less even than I do now. Without the forums, it's not what I come here for anymore.

    That's soo sad, this is what made mtg cardsmith special for me and I met a lot of kind people here that grew dear to me. Without that. it's just a random homepage I can use to create cards and I'd probably use other pages for that more frequently. I might me oldfashioned for not wanting to switch to discord, but I am old.

    That's so sad, I started to use mtg cardsmith years ago and despite of being here very seldom for quite a while I always came back because of the community and the interaction we could have here using the forums. But you don't teach an old dog new tricks. That would be the end of an era for me :,(
  • edited August 2024
    Yeah guys we gotta keep the forums for Cardsmiths like me and Mila because I was inactive for a while and the forums are the thing that kinda got me to start doing stuff again. I would probably fall into inactivity again if the forums went away. I enjoy contests and collars a lot and I want to continue them.
  • Mellow_MC made a card that was essentially an ad for the Forums.  I don't know how much traction we could get, but if all the most popular cards on the site were Forum inspired cards for a while, it could help get things going here again.
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