Mystery Box Challenges



  • @jpastor glad to have you back, man. Say, can I have a mystery box?
  • edited July 2020
    @jpastor, another box, if you will!
  • @jpastor
    What about my box?
  • Alright, it's been quite some time since I made a card for my dawg @jpastor. Jpastor, I don't remember the last box, nor do I think I had one hanging. I would like to humbly request for a normal joe shmoe mystery box, if you please. :)
  • edited July 2020
    My dudes, in this batch we have the following random matchups. One of these boxes, chosen at random, has a tack-on to their challenge. This will perhaps make it slightly more difficult or easier for them, but 'tis the nature of the prize revealed in the last batch:

    1) sorinjace (21) vs Ranshi (1)
    2) Fantastickill7 (28) vs Scaccogaming (24)

    @Scaccogaming Your mystery box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a Lys Alana themed card. Themed means it can have Lys Alana in implication, text, name, or flavor.

    @Ranshi Your mystery box contains:
    - 72: Reveal an unrevealed prize and name it.
    - A Mystery Challenge: My brother's podcast is called Meandering... create a card that has Dark Meanders in its flavor text.

    @Fantastickill7 Your mystery box contains:
    - 34: Create a Mystery Box prize.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a Lys Alana themed card that's a land card. Themed means it can have Lys Alana in implication, text, name, or flavor.

    @sorinjace Your mystery box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: My brother's podcast is called Meandering... create a card that has Dark Meanders in its flavor text.
  • @jpastor here's a card, 6/4 stat line just like a Craw.

    While I won't be on as frequently due to there being better custom card alternatives, I'll still ask for another box, please.
  • @jpastor
    How about "Your choice of 3 favorites or a follow"?
    Can I have another box?
    Here's my card
  • Oh, and I forgot to ask if I could have another box @jpastor ;
  • @jpastor Howdy mate! I'm a little new around here. May i join in the fun? not entirely sure how this works
  • May I please have another box pal.
  • Whoops, kind of forgot I had a box that I needed to finish. 
    Gideon the 9th
    Here is my Gideon-themed card. May I have another box please?
  • @jpastor Could I get another box please?
  • In this batch, the following matchups are:
    1) Fantastickill7 (33) vs jpastor (26)
    2) SNAPcreator7 (28) vs Volos (20)
    3) Dizzydude (2) vs Potato13 (34)

    @Potato13 ;
    Your mystery box contains:
    - 45: 1 favorite of your choice + 1 of my choice
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a Tribal Enchantment with only one ability.

    @Fantastickill7 ;Your mystery box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Some creatures have an ability that makes them stronger in some way if an opponent's life total is less than #. Create one of these creatures.

    @SNAPcreator7 ;Your mystery box contains:
    - 62: Pick a set of 10 prize #'s (up to 1 premium prize can be in your set). You get 1 prize at random from that set.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a mono colored card with a Khan of Tarkir in its flavor text or name.

    @Volos the Blade. These are easy. You get your prize automatically, but you must post a card here for the challenge you receive before requesting your next box. Your mystery box contains:
    - 86: Reveal an unrevealed prize from the Community Mystery Box list; you name the prize. (Okay so since you are new to this, I'll explain.. There are two prize lists... one is a hidden prize list and the other is visible on So for this prize, you're going to choose a number between 1-155. This number will correspond to a prize on the hidden list. I'm going to reveal that prize to everyone, then you'll get to give it a creative name of your choice!)
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a mono colored card with a Khan of Tarkir in its flavor text or name.

    @Dizzydude ;Your mystery box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a Tribal Enchantment with only one ability.

    @jpastor ;Your mystery box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Some creatures have an ability that makes them stronger in some way if an opponent's life total is less than #. Create one of these creatures.
  • My entry 
  • I'm brand new to the mystery box challenge, but I just read through the first 4-pages from 2018, so I think I kinda get it? 


    @jpastor may I have my first box, please? :smile:
  • edited July 2020
    @jpastor Nobody said no unset...
    ... And I'm very good at making unsets

    Also, I'll take the 2 of your choice, just tell me what they are.
  • @jpastor You skipped my request!
  • @jpastor

    While for some reason I can't insert the Tribal tag, this is still very much tribal.

    I'll assume this is what is meant by ability, that being only one thing that it does. Put the favorite of my choice onto this card.

    Another box, please!

  • edited July 2020
    @jpastor, another please!
    Please reveal prize number 11!
  • edited July 2020
    @Potato13 Where you select what type of card it is, too make it a "Tribal Enchantment", which i think is what you're going for, you need to select 'Custom' and type it out yourself
  • @jpastor Okay, so i think i choose 72 as my number
    And here's my card for the challance, hope you like it!
    Arrow Surraks Pride

  • edited July 2020
    @Ranshi chose to reveal Prize 11: A giftable Mystery Box with a guaranteed prize in it. Ranshi gets to name this prize.

    @Volos  CMB 72 has already been revealed. You can see which CMB #'s have been revealed at  ... They are in light green.

    In this batch, we have these matchups:
    1) jpastor (27) vs Potato13 (35)
    2) TerryTags (21) vs shadow123 (28)
    3) Dizzydude (4) vs Ranshi (1)

    Your mystery box contains:
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a Cup.

    Your mystery box contains:
    - 7 [NEW REVEAL!]: Guaranteed prize in your next box. (Also check out Potato's prize!)
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that's a blessing.

    Sorry, so sorry. Your mystery box contains:
    - 45: 1 favorite of your choice + 1 of my choice (Also check out Potato's prize!)
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that's a blessing.

    Your mystery box contains:
    - 88 [NEW REVEAL!]: Everyone in this batch with a prize gets to name their prize
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with a creature that's chrome-colored or silver.

    Your mystery box contains:
    - 85: Reveal an unrevealed prize from the Community list. (It gets added to the Mystery prize list. You can see which CMB #'s have been revealed at  ... They are in light green.) (Also check out Potato's prize!)
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a Cup.

    Your mystery box contains:
    - 91: CMB #34: Flip a coin: Mono-colored cards posted since the last batch get faved (heads) or destroyed (tails). The coin flip landed on Heads.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with a creature that's chrome-colored or silver.
  • Alright, I seem to be late to the case, but can I get a box?
  • @jpastor Could I have a box, my friend? Don't know how it works honestly, but I'll pick the number 46
  • @jpastor  I haven't been on here for a long time, but... could I get a box? Or is it to late for that?
  • edited July 2020
    @jpastor Here is my blessing! Credit for the blessing mechanic goes to @Faiths_Guide .

    For my prize, could you fave this card?

    Could I get another box please?

    EDIT: I'll name my prize "The Prized Prize"
  • @jpastor I'll name my prize.. "The Prize-Named Prize Namer Prize".

    Another box, please.

This discussion has been closed.