The Corwinnn Files 3

My love of music has recently be reignited for the first time since this whole Pandemic started. I'm very excited to exposing you to musicians and songs that I love and that I think might spark some card ideas!

That's where the Challenge begins. Below you'll find a link to the THIRD of The Corwinnn Files. It's a playlist with 10 songs.

Your challenge is to select a song from the 10 songs in the playlist, and make a card that YOU think represents that song. You can use any artwork that you think fits your card. You are welcome to name the card after the song, but you do not have to name the card after the name of the song from the playlist, you can name it anything you feel suits the song, the card and/or the connection you feel they have to each other.

When you post your card, be sure to include a link and let me know what song from the playlist it represents, unless you feel confident it's obvious.

Limit 10 entries. One entry per song. 
MTGCardsmith cards are required, but you can submit from other sources as long as the image links to the MTGCS version.
Un-cards are acceptable as long as they fit the song.
New cards only!
Songs from the playlist only!

End Date: 9/30/21

First place gets 5 favorites and an official MTGCS Playmat.
Second place gets 3 favorites.
Third Place gets 2 favorites.
Honorable mentions get 1 favorite.


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