Hey everyone!! The next expansion for MICROCHALLENGES is coming very soon. This new expansion is bringing MICROMODS, which will be included with every MICROCHALLENGE, and will alter the challenge. Some of these MICROMODS you may have already seen before, which I tested out as Limited-Time Events. In addition to this expansion, another two expansions are planned to be implemented into MICROCHALLENGES. I'd like to thank everyone for their support, and I hope everyone is enjoying this discussion.
Well, it's officially Christmas. To celebrate, MICROMODS are now available. Additionally, rewards for this challenge are doubled. Merry Christmas everyone!!
[New]!! MICROMOD 10 : Double-Edged - An additional challenge will be posted. You may complete one or both challenges any number of times.
For favorite: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/mardek-founder-of-okann
Just a few edits i had to make
Its blue black is that okay?
Please favorite whichever card you'd like on the most recent page of my collection.
Edit: Added Topaz Charm.
For favorite: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/kambi-saint-of-the-holy-fire
Favorite: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/caustic-cadger
Special Announcement
This is my card, a simple gruul card to turn the battlefield into chaos.
I'll give you the fave link tomorrow
Please favorite whichever card you'd like on the most recent page of my collection.
A simple permanent idea I've had floating in my head for a bit now
Favorite: Pick any of my many cards, https://mtgcardsmith.com/user/zenlos_the_traveler/cards also leave some feedback if you feel it.
Please favorite whichever 4 cards you'd like from my collection.
here's that fave: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/eon-spires
Felt like making something funny.
Favorite any 2 things (yes, this depicts the holiday season)