Ahoy there, me lad! It warms me heart to see ye return for another adventure. Fear not, for I have a new quest to challenge ye. Prepare yerself to create a wondrous snow sorcery, harnessing the icy powers of the winter realm. @Potato13
This update reverts the mystery box challenges to the original prize list and format from page 1, reintroduces all-time stats in a noncompetitive structure, and adds milestone premium prizes to your participation.
Firstly, Reverting to Day 1 (explained simply...)
Here are the rules copied exactly from page 1. These will be followed to a dime with no hidden additions! If you're familiar with them, skip
What this is - These are endless and always ongoing, so feel free to ask for a box at any time, especially if you've never tried. - Post that you want to open a mystery box, and I will open your mystery box. Each mystery box contains a mystery challenge and possibly a goody. These are both randomly selected. - You must submit your card before opening another mystery box. - You can open as many mystery boxes as you want. - New cards only unless I specify otherwise. - You can always edit. - The deadline is also a mystery, no one knows when I will select a winner. - Multiple winners per deadline. . . usually. - Spotlight friendly.
Rewards, Prizes, and Other Goodies - Each mystery box has a 50/50 chance of containing a prize or other fun goody. - Favorites: Whether you win or just open lots of boxes, I award favorites, lots of favorites. If you play the Mystery Box Challenge, you will get plenty of favorites on your cards.
This simple and fun format worked extremely well for over 100 pages of this discussion, until I had a couple of stretches of inactivity that sent people away!
Secondly, All-time Stats! (explained simply...)
Your total prizes earned, total entries submitted, and total bonus points from winning deadlines (1st place = 5 points - 5th place = 1 point)
The total of all three of the above equals your "TOTAL!"
I did the dirty work and went through all 320 pages to gather these stats. This is not a leaderboard and is not competitive. It is chronologically ordered from the first mystery boxer to the most recent! I'll post the sheet separately!
Thirdly, Milestones! (explained simply...)
Your TOTAL is how I've devised the milestones!
(10) 10 Favorites
(25) Follow + 2 Prizes of Choice + 87.5% chance of (10Faves/Premium/Feature)
(50) Mystery Box Featured Card
(100) Mystery Box Avatar
(150) MTGCS Sticker -or- a Personalized Mystery Premium Prize!
(200) Gifted Premium + Mystery Box Featured Card
(250) YouTube Showcase Video
(300) Playmat
(350) Prestige Package
(500) 5 Features
(750) ?
(1000) ?
I certainly may add to these over time. These are just the main premium goodies! I've been handing these out randomly in boxes or at my leisure. No more! Now you earn them for your hard work! (NOTE: Yes, you have earned these based on your TOTAL points so far. They will be handed out as returning user bonuses in your next mystery boxes!)
Lastly, the Big Surprise! (explained simply...)
YouTube! - The Mystery Box Challenges are now worldwide!
Check out the first video and subscribe to the channel for mystery boxes and deadline winner reveals. Video
FYI my channel name will change in 13 days to OuijaNinja - I didn't realize I couldn't change it right away! Oops!
The journey to continues as it was intended to be from the beginning!
Challenge: Create an instant spell with a horse in the artwork. I also got the bronze prize so I could use an old card I previously made, as long as it fit the challenge. So I found this one.
As for the favorites, I don’t have any specific cards. Just favorite whichever you fancy.
Mystery Challenge: Create a card that has an effect that triggers whenever you gain life, but also has a drawback that triggers whenever you lose life. Good luck!
I got stumped on this one. Better late than never I suppose. Can I get another mystery box?
@Robo_Kitty Your mystery box contains:
- A Mystery Challenge: Create a common instant to return Enatih to its owner's hand.
@Jadefire...and the deadline has arrived...
Entries (16)Judging in progress...
1) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/sn/2ozkpz9tc0gq.png
2) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/9j/ozytivop2s5d.png
2) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/u2/mgrn0rh4mbnq.png
3) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/l1/x4akjg83yp5u.png
3) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/in/ib1ymhnwmvi2.png
4) https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/complete/full/2023/5/19/1684461892871529.png
4) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/et/slrfm9ijruxc.png
5) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/bt/b4ygbezkjqvw.png
5) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/id/t1f0gbegdxt6.png
6) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/uf/fu20rfqjadoh.png
6) https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/complete/full/2023/5/6/1683403027271195.png
7) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/cu/6psvr3ow197z.png
7) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/7a/zsgtw0d11utc.png
8) https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/complete/full/2023/5/15/1684278223823070.png
8) https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/uploads/editor/ws/e6216yy8ooxf.png
@jpastor, do I send you it in DMs or here?
Mystery Box Challenges - July 2023 Update
This update reverts the mystery box challenges to the original prize list and format from page 1, reintroduces all-time stats in a noncompetitive structure, and adds milestone premium prizes to your participation.Firstly, Reverting to Day 1 (explained simply...)
Here are the rules copied exactly from page 1. These will be followed to a dime with no hidden additions! If you're familiar with them, skip- These are endless and always ongoing, so feel free to ask for a box at any time, especially if you've never tried.
- Post that you want to open a mystery box, and I will open your mystery box. Each mystery box contains a mystery challenge and possibly a goody. These are both randomly selected.
- You must submit your card before opening another mystery box.
- You can open as many mystery boxes as you want.
- New cards only unless I specify otherwise.
- You can always edit.
- The deadline is also a mystery, no one knows when I will select a winner.
- Multiple winners per deadline. . . usually.
- Spotlight friendly.
Rewards, Prizes, and Other Goodies
- Each mystery box has a 50/50 chance of containing a prize or other fun goody.
- Favorites: Whether you win or just open lots of boxes, I award favorites, lots of favorites. If you play the Mystery Box Challenge, you will get plenty of favorites on your cards.
Secondly, All-time Stats! (explained simply...)
The total of all three of the above equals your "TOTAL!"
Thirdly, Milestones! (explained simply...)
(NOTE: Yes, you have earned these based on your TOTAL points so far. They will be handed out as returning user bonuses in your next mystery boxes!)
Lastly, the Big Surprise! (explained simply...)
Check out the first video and subscribe to the channel for mystery boxes and deadline winner reveals. Video
FYI my channel name will change in 13 days to OuijaNinja - I didn't realize I couldn't change it right away! Oops!
The journey to continues as it was intended to be from the beginning!
Post them here - just need links!
It'd be the first 3 cards that were in my lineup for the finals bracket:
Links are the images!
Mystery Box Prize List
All-Time Stats
Would you like a mystery box? I believe you once told me to keep em coming no matter what.
Your mystery box contains:
For the 10 favorites, could they be the 3 most recent on OmnipresentAnonymous and the 7 most recent on my main that you haven't already favored?
I revealed your boxes! Rock on!
Eye of the Wicked Trickster by 12SidedGuy | MTG Cardsmith
Could I have another box kind sir?
Your mystery box contains:
I also got the bronze prize so I could use an old card I previously made, as long as it fit the challenge. So I found this one.
I’ll take another box as well please!
One Mystery Box please!
Mystery Boxes
Prize List Updated & Shuffled
Explanation in this video! Newly discovered prizes in bold.Your mystery box contains:
- Elaborate Key: Another mystery box inside this one!?
- A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that's a cub.
Your mystery box contains:- Old Spellbook: Choose 5 cards for me to rate and provide feedback on.
- A Mystery Challenge: Create a charm for a legendary creature (ex: Crosis Charm)
Complete both boxes to ask for another.