Battle Mystery Card: Create Your Own Weapon



  • @FireOfGolden - Alright! I really thought you were joking, but you wanted to go down this road, either because you can't acknowledge Arachnuscourge's flaws or because you're favoring @jpastor's entry over mine. So, let me explain to you why Arachnuscourge is the worse card of the two:

    First off, a wording issue on the first ability. It shouldn't be "If you do, create a colorless Treasure artifact token." Instead it should be "If you do, create a Treasure token." See the wording of Hoard Robber or Bilbo, Retired Burglar for reference.

    Secondly, a wording issue on the second ability. It should go as "Arachnuscourge becomes an Aura enchantment with enchant creature. Attach it to target creature." See the oracle texts of Licids. And then the additional effects should be on a separate ability line. "Enchanted creature has menace and is a Pirate Spider in addition to its other types." See the bestow cards of Theros block.

    Thirdly, the balance. This is essentially a 4 mana 3/3 vanilla creature most of times, and the combat damage trigger is steeply costed. A whopping {2}{b} mana to create a single Treasure token? Hoard Robber, which I mentioned earlier, creates a Treasure token without any additional costs whenever it deals combat damage to a player, and it's a common!

    If you want to turn this into an Aura for 5 mana, it simply gives the same ridiculous combat damage trigger to the enchanted creature while also giving it menace and the Spider Pirate creature types. But before you can turn it into an Aura, you have to cast this first. So it's a total of 9 mana you need to invest to essentially give one creature menace, and with additional costs, you can make a single Treasure token for 3 mana IF it manages to hit your opponent during combat, unblocked! This is simply unplayable!

    Fourthly, the art and flavor. Another brilliant example from @jpastor why AI art is disgusting to look at. That creature is supposed to be a spider, known for their 8 legs, but this one has at least 10 legs in its artwork. I don't know what the white blobs in the treasure pile and on the pirate hat are supposed to be, but I guess they're skulls with melting eye sockets.

    And then there's the classic planeswalker watermark. Why does that thing have to be put everywhere? Usually it's used with cards that are directly connected to planeswalkers and their stories, but I don't think this card has anything to do with planeswalkers. "But it looks cool!" Welp, a well-designed card with exciting effects and brilliant flavor would look heaps better, but that's much harder to do, isn't it?

    @FireOfGolden - I think you chose Arachnuscourge as the winner simply because this discussion owes a lot to @jpastor's Mystery Box Challenges. You didn't want him to lose, so you decided to ignore all flaws on Arachnuscourge so you could say his card is better than mine.
  • @TenebrisNemo
    Ah, thanks for opening my eyes! I will check it out and compare it. Because of you, now there is something to grab.

    I never thought about this discussion oweing to him for Myserty Box. I am sorry if you had to feel like that.
  • @jpastor
    I will assign @cadstar369 to you, because they is first to accept your challenge.

    @jpastor @cadstar369
    You will have to break at least three parts from this given card to create a new card. (Color, Creature, Name, Picture, Subtype, Ability, Rarity, Flavor text are parts of card.)

    Your card is colorless and its mana value must be greater than 4.

  • @FireOfGolden what does “break” mean in the context of this prompt? Do we have to match at least three of the indicated parts of Stickman’s Inspirer, or do our cards have to not match at least three of the indicated parts? When you put “creature” as one of the parts, does that mean an enchantment creature would count as “breaking” that part from Stickman’s Inspirer, or would only creatures with no other card types count for that?
  • Glad you got picked first, good luck on that one.
  • @TenebrisNemo
    Okay, I took a look at both cards, and here's what I find;

    His card is a creature for 4 mana value. If damage is dealt, its controller must pay three mana to create a treasure. When you pointed it out, I don't see why he should add "colorless" when it's already colorless because if it's an artifact. That's Wording issue #1. Thank you for that. They could have use "Whenever Arahenuscourage or enchanted creature deals  combat damage to a or more players, create a Treasure token." That will limit how many ability can be triggered for each turn... Without paying mana. That would make it playable.

    As for Enchantment - Aura, I wasn't sure with that, but now I know that Aura enchatment is right wording when a card is becoming into Enchantment aura.

    That is spider with extra pair of legs. Just like human born with extra pair of finger. :smiley: i think Spider pirate horror would do it. Might be not my place for that.

    If they want to put planeswalker symbol on it. Who's stopping them from doing that so?

    Now for ya card, I compare it with em;

    It turns out that your card is "dirty" but jpaster's card is "dirtier" than yours.

    I am sorry for misjudge, @jpastor, but @TenebrisNemo opened my eyes. Hence, @TenebrisNemo won the battle.

    Jpaster: Two wording issues (Treasure token rather than "colorless treasure artifact token" and it becomes Aura enchatment then attach it to target creature instead of "It becomes Enchantment - Aura. Attrach it to target creature."  Note: Picture doesn't play factor unless it's for tiebreaker. So, it doesn't matter if spider was born with a extra pair of legs.

    TenebrisNemo: One wording issue; "It enters the battlefield as a legendary enchatment."

  • @cadstar369 when I say "break", I meant break card into the parts like if you scrap a knife into materials to make a new knife. It's like cycling the card to draw a new card. Hence, parts from card must be exactly same.

  • edited August 2023
    Welp, let’s see how this does.

  • Inspiration Engine
    Inspiration Engine by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    I think I win again - but feel free to give me the win and then revoke your decision after the fact again - that way everyone wins!
  • I think I’ll take another challenger, how about… @Robo_Kitty!
  • @cadstar369
    Your card met least three requirements: Colorless, Creature, Rarity.

    I don't have experience with manifest much, but it does look interesting to play. I would say it's balanced with risky run but worth it. I think last ability would be useful against spells that's targeting noncreature permanent and turning it down will mess that spell up.
    Your card met least three requirements: Colorless, "Increase Quality", Rarity.

    I am glad to see someone try to use Increase Quality! How does it feel to use?

    Your artifact alone costs 5 mana value to cast. Making last ability less playable on first turn and it may be not used often in later turns because of its mana cost to benefit. I would suggest to reduce mana cost to 1 OR make ability is triggered once during its controller's turn.

    When it is white, "Draw a card and you gain 3 life" is entirely replaced by "You gain 2 life for each creature you control." If that was your intention, then well done. However, I would recommend to reduce Increase Quality cost to single white mana. Then I would like to see last ability to match: "On your upkeep, [You may pay {1}, if you do,] you [may] draw a card and gain 2 life. If it's white, instead draw a card and gain 2 life for each creature you control."
    Both of ya did made a good card! However, only a card is more playable and easier to use than other and that is...

    Well done, you won this battle! Your card is interesting and easier/more playable to use than jpaster's card. Congrats!

  • @Robo_Kitty
    You been challenged! Please accept this before it expires.

    Expiration: Friday August 3rd, 11:59 PM CST
  • In absence of Robo_Kitty, I shall challenge… @12SidedGuy!
  • @12SidedGuy
    You been challenged! Please accept this challenge before August 9th Wednesday 11:59 PM CST.
  • Robo_Kitty becomes unchallengable now.
  • @Globert-the-Martian ;
    Sorry, looks like challenge been expired. Please challenge different person.

  • @TheKeefMan
    You been challenged for Battle Mystery Card, please accept this challenge within a week.

    This challenge will expire by 19th August, 11:59 PM CST.
  • @TheKeefMan @Globert-the-Martian
    Your card's rarity will be uncommon or common.

    The card is a creature and its type must be either inkling or figure.

    It should have an ability to create an artifact.

    Winner will get this power-up card:

  • edited August 2023
    How's this for taste?

  • edited August 2023

  • Ok, so now that the last challenge has been ended, I would like to challenge @Jadefire.(Sincerely I was waiting to enter since cadstar and jpastor, but I forgot to bookmark the conversation and forgot it for a time…)
  • @Jadefire
    You been challenged for Battle Mystery Card, please accept this challenge within a week.

    Expiration: 20 August, 11:59 PM
  • @Globert-the-Martian @TheKeefMan
    Ink Malform is a black creature which costs for 5. Requires two black mana to cast. This creature is Phyrexian inkling with 4/4. It is able to create another copy of itself which uses 2 to activate it into an artifact creature 3/3 upon death. I would say power and toughness are somewhat doesn't match to its mana cost. I would like to think that it can get away with 4 mana cost. Or with 5/5, either way works. Therefore, it is little under balance.

    Now for its appearance, I find the flavor text to be somewhat funny. I can imagine someone would experiment something powerful and they instead made a monster with absolute nothing purpose but a lab rat. I liked the line that seperated between ability and flavor text, making it easier to read AND making it seem more of realistic.

    In result, I would give it 89 out of 100. Its rating may increase when mana cost are balanced. Ability is simple, hence, making it common may will do enough to bring up rating. (Mana Cost or Power/Toughness, Rarity)

    Meddler of Ichor... The first figure MTG that's not owned by me! The art seems been drawed and colored by its creator, so I will take that to appearance. For now, I will focus on the function and balancing. It costs 4 and requires two red mana to cast. It's a red creature which is a figure wizard 3/3. When it enters the battlefield, a blood token is created. That way can be activated immediately, if the resource is enough. It has potential to increase damage, all thank to red power. They do love to be ruthless and attack whenever it is needed. The upside is that, downside is these ability replaces the existing ability on blood token. I would say that is balanced and prevent its controller from using either one of them. If you don't want that, type "Blood tokens you control have additional...", that will stop the ability from overwriting the existing ability. I might be bad at wording or I may be wrong, but I believe that may help that. Moreover, I think the wording could be simpler, instead of "each creature, player, planewalker, and battle." You can do this "Each permanent." That way will deal damage to each permanent that has toughness or any removal counters to damage. Now, because of that ability, the mana cost being higher than p/t (power/toughness) becomes balanced.

    Now to appearance, I must say the art is masterpiece to match creature figure, well done! I like how you tried to add dark-like to make potion of blood seems glowing and more of important. I don't know the story of flavor text, but I would love to find out to see if it's essence from the Creator.

    It is rated for 91 out of 100. It's because of wording, that is all.
    The winner is...
    You earned this card!

    Use it wisely. By default, all cards have once use.
  • Is this a private party or can anyone join?

    also, sorry @Globert-the-Martian for not seeing the challenge.
  • Gg, Keef! Also, I’m pretty sure the ability doesn’t overwrite the blood tokens card draw.
  • Fr gg Globert, I thought I had you with that one
  • @Robo_Kitty This game you call party is public to everyone. Everyone can play game. You must choose someone to challenge to become challengable again in future. ? Good to have you back!
  • @Globert-the-Martian if that's the case, 4 mana and 2/2 are more balanced than 4 mana and 3/3. I am not expert in that, so I would like someone to confirm whether that ability will overwrite existing ability or not.
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